精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好^^ 今天家教過程中發現了好幾題自己不太會解釋以及有疑問的題目, 想請大家指點迷津,告訴小妹怎樣解釋或觀念為何 ^^ 1. If you get good grades this time, your dad will buy you a computer.(釋義) A. You will have a new computer as long as you get good grades on the test. B. As soon as you get good grades, you'll have a computer. --> 小妹私以為A好像更貼近原意,但又覺得B也說得過去... 不過B(as soon as)好像是有兩個動作同時發生的感覺,所以是不是較不恰當? 2. Since you have a loved one, _________________________. A. I'd better not go out with you all the time. B. We've stopped seeing each other so often. C. You've had better not talk to me so long. D. I had given up my love for you. --> 答案是A嗎? 3. If I ____ more money, I will help more poor people. A. have B. will have C. am having D. had -->是選A嗎? 翻過文法書,選A代表說這事有發生的可能性(因為現在式),是直述句 如果是用假設語氣(與現在相反),除了選had之外, 後半句也會變成 I "would" help more poor people. 其實我是看到後面用 will help 所以才選 have... 不知上述想法正不正確... 想請各位先指點這三題,謝謝大家 ^___^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: