精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《germangirl》之銘言: : : 2. Pine trees _______ are evergreen, grow well in a cold climate. : : 第一題的答案是who 第二題的答案是, which : : ◆ From: : 推 daihera:是形容詞子句的限定和非限定的差別嗎? 08/20 15:32 : → daihera:1.只指這位consultant,所以不用加, 08/20 15:33 : → daihera:阿...我誤解圖目了... 囧rz 08/20 15:34 : → germangirl:他的問題是在evergreen後面的逗點為什麼要加 08/20 16:30 : 推 seabok:可加可不加...但因為它加了,所以答案中which前就要加逗點.. 08/20 17:08 : → seabok:也就是說...如果which前加逗點,grow前就要加逗點,變成是主딠 08/20 17:09 : → seabok:詞pine trees的同位語...但若which前面沒有加逗點,那grow後 08/20 17:11 : → seabok:就不用加逗點,只是平鋪直述說完..恩.這是我的觀點,請指教.. 08/20 17:12 原則上同意 seabok 的解釋, 本句中 which are evergreen 是非限定用法,當 pine trees 的同位語, 但我認為如果不加逗點的話,語意變完全不同, 不加逗點(前後均不加)的話,則是限定用法, 意思似乎就有 「只有長青的松樹 (言下之意還有不是長青的松樹)在寒冷的氣候 生長得好」的意思。 參考一下囉。 -- Sex COULD kill you.Do you know what the human body goes through when u have sex? It's violent. It's ugly. And it's messy. If God hadn't made it UNBELIEVABLY fun, the human race would have died out eons ago. Men are lucky they can only have one orgasm. Know that women can have an hour long orgasm? -House 1x03 Occam's Razor -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
djnospam:-> 推 08/21 06:32