精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《girlwendy (^^)》之銘言: : Hi folks, : Have you ever taught English songs to your students? : Now I have some questions about teaching English songs : line by line and repeat the songs again and again. That's all. : Now it leads to my question. : How will you teach songs to your students effectively? : I will appreciate it if you can share your experience with me. 教英文歌曲 如果不是純粹想打發時間 讓學生放輕鬆 唱唱歌就好的話 建議你要先想清楚 你的「教學目標」是什麼? 比如說 我想教假設句 就會放Pussycat Dolls 的 Don't Cha這首歌 放歌的時候 請學生一邊看著我發下的歌詞 Don't cha (在此只貼上副歌部分) [Chorus:] Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha *2 Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don't cha *2 ----------------------------------------------------------- 引導問題: 1. 這首歌是女生在對誰說話? (一個男生) 2. 這個男生本身有沒有女朋友? (有) 3. 所以女生對男生說:「你難道不想要女朋友跟我一樣辣嗎?」 是在假設 (a)與過去事實相反 (b)與現在事實相反?---> (b.) 4. 那有沒有發現這句歌詞有一個很奇妙的地方? Don't cha wish your girlfriend........? ---> (用was) 5. 結論:假設與現在事實相反,我們用過去式! 「你難道不想要你的女朋友像我一樣辣嗎?」, 在本歌中是女生拿來問已經有女友的男生, 所以是在假設與現在事實相反, Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? 另外要提醒同學的是 在這樣的假設語句中,很奇妙的一點, 不管是第幾人稱,過去式的be動詞都是用were, 比如說「假如我是你的話」, 所以要寫成 If I were you, 但口語化的英文中, 常常會忽略就算是第三人稱單數也要用were這點, 而直接用was, 所以才會出現Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?這樣的句子, 其實它應該寫成Don't you wish your girlfriend were hot like me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上 是我自己去年在教假設句的時候用的內容 上課時發的歌詞講義,我有把F word給馬賽克掉了 XD 基本上老師在教英文歌曲時 應先想好自己的教學目標 是想教文法?慣用語?文化? 再去尋找適合的歌曲 會比隨意找些流行歌曲給學生聽要有意義的多喔~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AgitoLeon:好文一篇 推推推 08/14 07:12
noheart0521:狠棒!!! 08/14 14:16
sid33beauty:厲害! 08/14 21:39
choshiwa:your example is pretty bad...haha...loser 08/17 19:08