精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《wang7878 (wang fan)》之銘言: : 明天要考一間代理老師 : 我準備了很久 : 如果沒考上 : 這會很失望(十幾間了都沒考上) : 我要全英(但我的oral很爛)(但高中試教又不得不全英教學) : 因為課文有each time +S+V, S+V : 我考試時會寫成如下 : Each time : Every time + S+V, S+V… : Whenever : No matter when : 我的oral會說成 : each time can take over evry time、whenever、No matter when : Its sentence pattern is each time、 evry time、whenever、No matter when : plus subject plus verb comma subject plus verb 個人愚見上課會說的話: Dear students, there is one sentence pattern we can use to stand for the "always" (手加動作) result. You can use "Each time" "Every time" "Whenever" " No matter when" (可以邊寫邊念or先寫好邊唸邊指) to show the always result. For example, Each time I see a movie, I have the popcorn with me. (依序帶入其他時間副詞一句一句做練習......) (接著準備寫句型) O.K. Let's check the sentence pattern now. Each time...(以及剩下的字..) plus subject and verb; then comma, start another sentence: Subject plus Verb. (可以在第一句下面劃一條線,第二句下面也劃一條線) So when you see these words, you know what happens... Every time A(第一線), it also goes to B(後面那條). Every time I stand on the stage, I feel happy. Do you understand how to use it? If you you like somebody, you can tell him or tell her: whenever I see you, the world begins alive again. So everybody, it's very important to know how to use this sentence pattern. I hope you've learned it. Thank you. : 我的問題: : +號我真接用plus唸,這樣好 我也常常唸plus:P (我黑板也是降抄的...@@a) : 我這樣解釋高中英文的sentence pattern好嗎? : 有更好的解釋和更好的講解方法嗎? : 謝謝! : 我對教育真的很肯付出、對學生有愛心 : 只是一直考不上 : 很多英文教學上我真的很多不懂 : Thank you for your answer! 看到妳的努力,我要為妳加加油! 我也是還有很多進步空間囉! 英文版的各位,一起努力唷! -- 太晚看到了...不知道來不來得及幫上任何忙....@@" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jainly:推你的熱心。我不解原po老師為何全英試教呢?她不是要教高中 08/23 01:51
jainly:應該是指一般的高中吧~我個人認為全英試教不見得會得到青睞 08/23 01:53
girlgoo:又不是英語演講 這種東西可以用背稿的嗎? 08/23 07:39
Topanga:我只是覺得如果試教可以問人背稿,總不可能每次上台都來問 08/23 07:48
Topanga:一次吧? 08/23 07:49
wang7878:謝謝! 04/04 19:41