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※ 引述《Angelbabyme (Angelbaby)》之銘言: : I am taller than he, aren't I? : 請問,為啥用 aren't I? : 怎麼跟學生解釋? 謝謝, : 另外請問:網路上有文法相關的網站嗎? dictionary.com 的 Usage Notes 寫得頗清楚的了,可供參考: Aren't —Usage note The social unacceptability of ain't, the historical contraction of _am not_, has created a gap in the pattern of verbal contractions. _I'm not_, the alternative to _I ain't_, has no corresponding interrogative form except _ain't I_. In questions, _ain't I_ is often avoided by the use of _aren't I_: "I'm right, aren't I?" "Aren't I on the list?" This _aren't_ is simply a different outcome of the same historical development that yielded _ain't_, but the fact that it is spelled and pronounced like the contraction of _are not_ (as in "You are staying, aren't you?") apparently gives it, for some, an acceptability that _ain't_ lacks. The use of _aren't I_ is objected to by others because a declarative counterpart, _I aren't_, does not exist. Many speakers, however, prefer _aren't I_ to the uncontracted, rather formal _am I not_. See also ain't, contraction. Ain't —Usage note As a substitute for _am not_, _is not_, and _are not_ in declarative sentences, _ain't_ is more common in uneducated speech than in educated, but it occurs with some frequency in the informal speech of the educated, especially in the southern and south-central states. This is especially true of the interrogative use of _ain't I?_ as a substitute for the formal and—to some—stilted _am I not?_ or for _aren't I?_, considered by some to be ungrammatical, or for the awkward—and rare in American speech—_amn't I_? Some speakers avoid any of the preceding forms by substituting _Isn't that so (true, the case)?_ Ain't occurs in humorous or set phrases: "Ain't it the truth!" "She ain't what she used to be." "It ain't funny." The word is also used for emphasis: "That just ain't so!" It does not appear in formal writing except for deliberate effect in such phrases or to represent speech. As a substitute for _have not_ or _has not_ and—occasionally in Southern speech—_do not_, _does not_, and _did not_, it is nonstandard except in similar humorous uses: "You ain't heard nothin' yet!" See also aren't. -- GRISSOM: Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it ... but you did. You risked it all ... and she showed you a wonderful life, didn't she? But then she took it away and gave it to somebody else, and you were lost. So you took her life. You killed them both, and now you have nothing. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Angelbabyme:謝謝您。很實用。 09/05 08:39
SSAN:感謝分享,很詳細! 09/05 10:37