精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.The boy is riding a bike. He's my cousin. A: The boy who is riding a bike is my cousin, B:The boy who is my cousin is riding a bike. 哪一個正確? 2.The car is parked outside. The car belongs to me. A:The car which belongs to me is parked outside. B:The car which is parked outside belongs to me.哪一個正確? 兩種位置互換的意思ㄧ樣嗎??? 學生考試的話 可以算兩種答案都正確嗎? thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
absolution:都正確,語意不同.考試我會跟學生說把第二句代到第一句 10/02 14:56
reggaebabe: 對國中沒教到這麼深 ˇ對高中必須讓了解哪一個為修飾 10/02 16:51
super15:雖然是都可以..但是我覺得還是有比較恰當的答案.. 10/02 17:19
super15:第一題的話..答案A比較恰當...第二題的話答案B比較恰當 10/02 17:21
super15:至於何者比較恰當..可能學生第一時間沒那麼容易感受... 10/02 17:22
super15:可能要多看才能慢慢體會... 10/02 17:23
absolution:我覺得未必有恰當與否之分耶,還是有些情形會用得到吧 10/03 16:21