精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
南一第三冊最近上課遇到個問題: 句型: Ving + is + adj + for 人 To V is + adj + for 人 It is + adj + for 人 + to V 例: Playing baseball is easy for me. To play baseball is easy for me. It is easy for me to play baseball. 本來事情再單純不過了,偏偏課本對話裡又有一句: Checking e-mail is important to me. 備課用書裡寫著: 通常important之後用to,但是如果用It開頭的句子,要用for,所以這句話可以改寫為: It is important for me to check e-mail. 我翻閱南一的自修,裡面沒有提到這個,只有一個改寫的例句: It is important to me to check e-mail. 這下好了,學生問了這個問題,南一的書卻自相矛盾。 查閱朗文字典裡important的用法,以下是解釋: im‧por‧tant adjective 1. an important event, decision, problem etc has a big effect or influence on people's lives or on events in the future: a very important meeting The accident taught him an important lesson. Happiness is more important than money. 'What did you say?' 'Oh, nothing important.' it is important (to do something) It's important to explain the procedure to the patient. It's vitally important that you understand the danger. important for It was important for the president to continue his schedule, regardless of the bomb threat. important to Nothing could be more important to me than my family. ! When you mean that you care or think about something a lot, say that it is important to you, not that it is 'important for' you. 意思是說:如果這個事件或問題對於當事者而言,會影響到他生活或未來的, 應該要用important for嗎? 所以例句裡的總統如果沒有繼續他的行程,是有重大影響的,是嗎? 而如果是當事者關心的事情,比方說 家庭是我關心的,對我而言是重要的,所以要用important to嗎? "checking e-mail"應該不是影響生活的重大事件,而是我所在意、關心的事情, 所以是否該用"Checking e-mail is important to me."呢? 而用It開頭的句子,可以改成"It is important to me to check e-mail."嗎? 還是一定要寫"It is important for me to check e-mail."? 我又查了to和for的用法: to: used to say who has a particular attitude or opinion about something: The whole thing sounds very suspicious to me. Tickets cost £10 each and to some people that's a lot of money. 意思是說某人對某事有特定的態度或意見嗎? for: used to say which thing or person your statement or question is related to: I'm sure she's the ideal person for the job. The questions on this paper are too difficult for 10-year-olds. 意思是說我們所陳述的事情和某人或某事有關連? 那麼,以to和for的例句來看: The whole thing sounds very suspicious to me. 我覺得整件事情都很可疑。 這句裡面,「我」覺得事情可疑,所以用to The questions on this paper are too difficult for 10-year-olds. 這些問題對十歲的小鬼而言,太難了。 這句裡面,能不能說因為「十歲的孩子」覺得題目太難,所以用to呢? ========================================================================== 拍謝~我知道很亂,因為我自己眼睛也花了 @_@ 請問各位先進,都是怎麼跟學生解釋這個問題的? "It is + adj + for 人 + to V"可以寫成"It is + adj + to 人 + to V"嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
reggaebabe:你還是不要解釋這麼多比較好 要懂 念了相關科系該懂 10/31 22:56
reggaebabe:的就自然會去學了 10/31 22:57
reggaebabe:我覺得後面那10歲小孩那句有模糊地帶 所以for to均可 10/31 23:00
sweeties:如果是important後面加to/for 意思沒有差別 11/01 18:25
sweeties:但其他情況 如good, be good to/for是有差的 11/01 18:26
sweeties:例:My boyfriend is good to me. 對我很好 11/01 18:27
sweeties:My boyfriend is good for me.跟他交往這件事會對我很好 11/01 18:28
sweeties:所以還是case by case的教吧 :) 11/01 18:28
color23:不用解釋這麼多,先告訴他們一般都適用for+人 11/02 13:01
color23:在跟他們說important to/for都可以。最後一個不能混用喔 11/02 13:02
color23:抱歉,看錯了 若是important應該就沒差吧 11/02 13:03