精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
兩者是one...another 三者忘記了 好像是one...the other....XXX 請問有大大知道嗎 可以教教我嗎 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sweeties:2: one, the other 12/21 10:01
sweeties:3: one, another, the other 12/21 10:02
sweeties:4: one, another, another, the other 以此類推 12/21 10:02
gowin:謝謝老師~~~~太感激了...感謝 12/21 10:27
jainly:剩下的跟the other這個字有關 若是複數別忘了加s 12/21 11:39
jainly: 3: one, the others 12/21 11:39
jainly: 4: one, another, the others 12/21 11:40
gowin:謝謝老師...原來還有這個小地方..感謝 12/21 21:58