精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在改學生作文時發現了一個問題想要請教各位老師們 學生的句子: The boy noticed the picture on the wall which was a robber. 他想要表達的意思是說 "小男孩發現牆上有一幅畫,是個robber的照片"(就是所謂的Wanted的通緝海報) 但我印象中學的形容詞子句必須直接接在要修飾的人事物後面 像她這樣寫就變成修飾wall而不是picture 想請問一下各位有什麼方式可以改麼? ^^|| 例如改成 The boy noticed that on the wall there was a picture which was a robber. 好像長了一點="= 但我把on the wall調到前面了 請問這樣可以嗎? 或是各位老師們有沒有什麼其他的方式? 先謝謝各位!<(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Topanga:一定要用形容詞子句嗎? The boy noticed the picture of a 12/20 18:25
Topanga:robber on the wall. 12/20 18:26
sweeties:推樓上 這樣簡單易懂多了 12/20 18:28
jainly:XXX niticed that on the wall was a picture of a robber. 12/20 18:40
jainly: on the wall跟 there 不是要加個逗號嘛,那乾脆刪掉嘍 12/20 18:44
jainly:這個句子用一樓老師的形容詞片語會比較適合 :) 12/20 18:56
super15:如果是我我可能會寫The boy noticed that there was a 12/20 22:19
super15:picture of a robber on the wall 12/20 22:20
djnospam:"a picture"本身不會是"a robber"所以原po那樣子寫意思不 12/21 02:47