精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是高職東大圖書第四冊第八課文法。 句型: If+S+V(pt.)…,S+would/could/should/might+V… 課本例句 If two lovers used different dictionaries, there could be some real misunderstandings! 如果是假設語氣,與現在相反用過去式,這句我還可以懂。 1. If you had this much money ten years ago,   you could buy a very good car. 2. If the visitors were in the zoo last Friday,  they would see the cute cub. 但1跟2我就不了解了,這不是跟過去相反嗎? 為什麼不是用過去完成式呢? 3. If students wanted to get into that school,  they should first pass an oral exam. 那這樣第三句該怎麼翻比較好? 請問這些例句是假設語氣嗎?還是是條件句之類的? 麻煩大家指點迷津了。 我真的不懂。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
groupie:1, 2的if 子句要用過去式 而主要子句則是 would should 12/16 18:55
groupie:would should could might + have + pp吧 12/16 18:58
groupie:我覺得1,2是與現在是實相反而非過去事實相反.... 12/16 18:59
groupie:我覺得啦 有錯指正 謝謝 12/16 19:00
groupie:(奇怪推文怎麼少一行) 第二行那個才是與過去事實相反的主 12/16 19:00
groupie:要子句用法 12/16 19:01
super15:這應該就單純條件句吧..沒有與過去事實相反.. 12/16 19:42
meere:我也覺得是條件子句。 12/16 20:33
cutejill:同意super的看法 12/17 15:45
cutejill:目前最討厭教的就是if句... 12/17 15:45
octoocto:謝謝各位。我比較懂了。 12/17 18:05