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※ [本文轉錄自 BizTalk 看板] 華爾街日報中文網路版 EBay計劃關閉在華主網站 http://chinese.wsj.com/big5/20061219/bch114927.asp?source=email 2006年12月19日13:28 知情人士透露﹐EBay Inc.計劃關閉在華主網站﹐與總部位於北京的互聯網門戶網站和無 線業務運營商TOM在線有限公司(TOM Online Inc.)合作運營一家新的網站﹐從而從中國市 場抽身而出。 這位知情人士表示﹐總部位於加利福尼亞州聖荷塞的EBay計劃最早於週二宣佈﹐將在與 TOM在線合作經營的新網站中持股49%﹐TOM在線將持股51%。EBay目前在中國運營著自身的 拍賣網站。 對eBay這一硅谷早期的寵兒來講﹐上述交易就意味著該公司在近期大張旗鼓拓展國際市場 之旅中遭遇一場挫敗。中國一直是eBay的重要市場之一﹐以互聯網用戶衡量﹐中國是僅次 於美國的全球第二大互聯網市場。 eBay方面的數據顯示﹐在該公司旗下網站去年銷售的商品總量中﹐國際業務所佔比例為 50%﹐但在華網站銷售商品總量增長落後於大部分其他國際網站。EBay採用毛商品量作為 衡量業務穩健性的指標。 EBay 在中國改弦更張彰顯了該公司遇到的最新問題。如雅虎公司(Yahoo! Inc.)等其他曾 經紅極一時的互聯網之星﹐EBay過去幾年陷入困境﹐由於新競爭對手相繼出現﹐加之網上 購物領域也不同於以往﹐eBay的增長漸漸放緩。近幾年網上購物的消費者多被吸引到沃爾 瑪連鎖公司(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)和Target Corp.等實體公司的網上店面﹐而eBay的拍 賣網站卻門庭冷落。今年迄今﹐eBay的市場佔有率已下滑24%。通過拓展尚不成熟的國際 市場向拍賣網站運營商提供了新的成長機會﹐但eBay的經歷表明﹐美國公司很難適應不同 的消費者文化﹐很難與當地競爭對手相抗衡。 研究公司 iResearch Consulting Group首席執行長Henry Yang稱﹐與TOM在線合作對eBay 而言是件好事﹐這意味著eBay將在中國擁有一家熟悉當地市場的公司。他表示﹐eBay一直 以來都很難從阿里巴巴 (Alibaba.com Corp.)旗下的淘寶網(taobao)手中爭搶市場佔有率 ﹐後者是中國經營最好的網上拍賣商。 一位知情人士稱﹐TOM在線與eBay新組建的這家在華網站將於2007年某個時間推出。EBay 將保有旗下的跨境交易網站﹐但將關閉在華主要拍賣網站。兩家公司還未就新網站的名稱 作出決定。TOM在線首席執行官王雷雷將擔任這家合資公司的首席執行長﹐eBay在華子公 司首席執行長廖光宇(Leff Liao)將在合資公司中擔任一定管理角色﹐並將繼續運營跨境 交易網站。EBay並不打算因此次經營策略調整而實施任何裁員行動。上述知情人士稱 ﹐ EBay最初將向這家合資公司投資4,000萬美元﹐TOM在線將出資2,000萬美元。 The New York Times EBay Is Expected to Close Its Auction Site in China http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/19/technology/19ebay.html?th&emc=th By KATIE HAFNER and BRAD STONE Published: December 19, 2006 Acknowledging that the online auction market in China is enticingly fast-growing but frustratingly tough to crack, eBay will shut its main Web site in China and enter into a joint venture with a Chinese company instead, a person briefed on the plans of the companies said yesterday. EBay will take a 49 percent stake in the venture, he said, with Tom Online Inc., an Internet company based in Beijing, taking the majority share and administering the venture, which has yet to be named. The plans call for eBay to put $40 million into the venture and Tom Online to contribute $20 million. Meg Whitman, eBay’s chief executive, is to make the announcement tomorrow at eBay’s office in Shanghai. EBay, which has already spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to establish its presence in China, declined to comment yesterday. Analysts said the move was not a surprise. “It’s an admission that they failed in China, on their own at least,” said Tim Boyd, an analyst with Caris & Company. “But I think that’s something the market already knew.” The decision was also seen as a sign of the pressure Chinese government regulations put on foreign companies to set up joint ventures, even when they may be reluctant to do so for fear of helping to turn their Chinese partners into global rivals. Ina Steiner, the editor of AuctionBytes.com, an online newsletter, said that “a bailout in China would be a huge concession by eBay.” She noted that last year, Ms. Whitman touted China as eBay’s biggest long-term opportunity in local markets. “The company sold analysts on China as a way to counter slowing growth rates in its more mature markets like the U.S. and Germany,” Ms. Steiner said. China has not been easy territory for eBay. The company established itself in China as early as 2002, when it pulled out of Japan in a concession to Yahoo’ s sizable lead there, and bought a third of Eachnet.com, China’s principal online auction site. The next year, eBay acquired the rest of Eachnet, bringing the total price to $180 million. In 2005, eBay spent another $100 million on marketing in China. Ms. Whitman predicted in 2002 that within four years, e-commerce revenue from all sources in China would grow nearly twelvefold, to more than $16 billion. The projections were on the mark, Mr. Boyd said. “But the problem has not been the growth in e-commerce in China. The problem has been that eBay is losing market share.” EBay has steadily been lagging behind Taobao, the consumer auction arm of Alibaba.com, China’s largest e-commerce company. The research firm Analysys International said that in 2005, Taobao’s share of the Chinese online auction market was 57.7 percent, compared with 31.5 percent for eBay Eachnet. EBay’s move is similar to a partnership Yahoo struck last year with Alibaba. With its own Chinese operations failing to gain traction, Yahoo paid $1 billion to hand over operations to Alibaba in exchange for a 40 percent stake in the company. Both deals represent new thinking among Internet companies that what works in other countries does not necessarily work in China, where strong local managers are needed. Last September, Martin Wu, the chief executive of eBay Eachnet, resigned after just a year, and since then rumors have swirled that the company would quit the market. Ms. Steiner also said eBay failed to understand the Chinese marketplace and culture. For example, she said, in contrast to Taobao, eBay Eachnet provided no phone support and discouraged buyer-seller contact that could lead to haggling. Also, she said, eBay failed to react quickly enough when Taobao entered the market with no user fees. In January, eBay Eachnet stopped charging transaction fees. “It has lost market share in China to Taobao and continues to face regulatory and other challenges,” said Ms. Steiner said. “A partnership with Tom Online would be an effort to salvage its Chinese investment.” A senior executive at Alibaba, Porter Erisman, said, that “ any new deal where eBay changes its model in China would be great for both companies because now we can work out ways to cooperate.” EBay has played down its troubles in China. As recently as October, in a conference call with analysts and the media, Ms. Whitman sought to dispel speculation that the company might reverse course in China. “We are committed to China for the long term,” she said on the call. EBay’s stock has been climbing back after hitting a 52-week low of $22.83 in August. Shares closed yesterday at $32.42, down 1.5 percent. Tom Online, with 75 million subscribers, allows users access to television, music stations and online stores through its Web portal and over wireless networks. In September 2005, it formed a joint venture with eBay in China to distribute the popular Internet telephone service Skype, which eBay owns. Over all, Mr. Boyd said he was encouraged by the news of eBay’s new alliance. “Now they’re partnering with a strong Chinese presence on the Internet,” he said, referring to Tom Online. “In hindsight, I think they’d say this is the way we should have gone about it at the beginning.” The person briefed on the plan said that eBay was also considering partnerships and other options for its electronic payments site, PayPal China. Although eBay’s current site will be shut, he said, a separate site will be maintained to give Chinese users access to international auctions. And eBay’ s Kijiji China, a Chinese classified ad site similar to Craigslist in the United States, will continue operations unchanged. Duncan Clark, the chairman of BDA China Ltd., a technology and media consulting firm in Beijing, said Chinese regulations requiring domestic control over companies engaged in many kinds of financial transactions had limited the ability of eBay’s payment mechanism. “The end game is who can control online payment,” he said. “They’ve had their hands tied on that.” The Chinese authorities are preparing to issue 10 licenses for online payment systems, and eBay will have a much better chance of winning one, Mr. Clark said, if its operations are in a joint venture controlled by a Chinese partner. Keith Bradsher and Howard French contributed reporting. 英國《金融時報》 eBay決定關閉在華拍賣業務 http://tinyurl.com/suxax 克裏斯‧納托爾(Chris Nuttall)三藩市、王明(Mure Dickie)北京報導 2006年12月20日 星期三 eBay已決定關閉其在中國的主要拍賣網站,轉而成立一家合資公司,持有其中少數股權。 這一決定突出表明,外國互聯網公司在華面臨著諸多困難。 eBay決定將其在華主要業務的控制權讓與北京門戶和電信服務運營商Tom線上(Tom Online)。這表明,Ebay的戰略發生了轉變。在中國,該公司一直難以抵擋來自以阿裏巴 巴網站(Alibaba.com)為首的拍賣對手的競爭。 知情人士表示,預計eBay將投資4000萬美元,與Tom線上成立合資公司,並持有其中49%的 股權。該合資公司計畫在明年推出一個線上拍賣網站。 近幾個月來,一直有傳言稱eBay將退出中國市場。最近,上海拍賣公司eBay易趣(eBay Eachnet)一些心懷不滿的員工曾將相關資訊洩露給技術網站,加深了這一傳言的可信度。 在2003年達成的一項交易中,eBay以1.8億美元收購了eBay易趣。 諮詢公司易觀國際(Analysys International)首席執行官於揚(Edward Yu)表示,eBay改 變路線的做法表明,在迅速適應消費者需求和本土線上競爭對手的挑戰以及與中國政府監 管機構保持良好關係方面,外國公司遭遇了更大範圍的失利。 於揚表示:"在應對(阿裏巴巴旗下)淘寶(Taobao)拍賣網站和其他同類競爭對手方面, eBay的反應速度非常慢。" eBay通過在華控制的合資公司開展業務的決定,與美國門戶網 站雅虎(Yahoo)的做法類似。去年,雅虎將其舉步維艱的中國業務出售給了阿裏巴巴。 阿裏巴巴的創始人馬雲(Jack Ma)利用機智的促銷手段和免費的業務模式,增加了市場份 額,並削弱了eBay在線上消費品拍賣市場的霸主地位。馬雲認為,只有本土控股的互聯網 公司才能在中國取得成功。 知情人士表示,eBay無意裁減在華職位,與TOM線上的合作並不意味著eBay將退出中國市 場。 閱讀本文章英文,請點擊 EBAY SUFFERS CHINESE REVERSAL http://www.ftchinese.com/sc/story_english.jsp?id=001008571&loc=story 華爾街日報中文網路版 TOM在線與eBay將在華成立合資公司 http://chinese.wsj.com/big5/20061220/bch114530.asp?source=email 2006年12月21日08:00 互聯網和媒體公司TOM集團有限公司(TOM Group Ltd., 簡稱﹕TOM集團)週三稱﹐旗下子公 司TOM在線有限公司(TOM Online Inc.)將與eBay Inc.成立一家合資公司﹐開發一個新的 網絡平台。 TOM集團在聲明中表示﹐eBay將向合資公司注入現金4,000萬美元﹐取得49%的股權。合資 公司將開發並運營一個新的網站﹕TOM EACHNET。 據該聲明﹐TOM在線將向合資公司提供一筆2,000萬美元的股東貸款。TOM在線持有合資公 司51%的股權。 TOM集團表示﹐新網絡平台將與TOM在線現有門戶網站部分頻道進行整合。但沒有提供出具 體細節。 TOM在線通過其門戶網站向用戶提供手機下載服務﹐包括占星、遊戲以及信息服務等內容 。 ebay週三表示﹐計劃關閉在中國的主網站﹐主要由TOM在線運營的新網站將取而代之。 eBay表示﹐TOM在線首席執行長王雷雷將擔任合資公司的首席執行長﹐eEBay旗下易趣網 (EachNet)首席執行長廖光宇(Jeff Liao)將提供管理支持。 廖光宇還將繼續領導eBay在中國的獨立運行。 之前ebay已經在中國投資至少2.5億美元﹐並且就在不到兩年前﹐公司首席執行長Meg Whitman加大對華投資力度﹐並稱中國是ebay巨大的增長機遇之所在。 據上述聲明﹐TOM集團和TOM在線已於週二停牌﹐將於週三恢復交易。 華爾街日報中文網路版 eBay CEO否認撤出中國市場 http://chinese.wsj.com/big5/20061220/eoe185343.asp 2006年12月20日18:51 EBay Inc.首席執行長梅格‧惠特曼(Meg Whitman)在週二接受採訪時稱﹐EBay將以主要由 TOM在線有限公司(Tom Online Inc.)運營的一個新網站作為在中國的主要網站﹐這並不代 表eBay將撤出中國市場。 “我們對中國市場的信心絲毫未變﹐”惠特曼說﹐“我們在這裡幫助開創了電子商務時代 ﹐對此我們倍感驕傲。不過著眼大局﹐我們認為某些事情正在發生變化﹐本地化將變得越 來越重要。” EBay週二晚間宣佈﹐將與TOM在線合作開辦中文網站﹐並持有其49%股權﹐TOM在線持有另 外51%股權。該網站將於2007年推出。屆時EBay將關閉現有的中文主站﹐但保留在自身網 站向中國用戶提供的跨境買賣服務。 惠特曼說﹐中國的監管差異﹐再加上互聯網相對而言在中國還屬新生事物等諸多因素﹐公 司認為與本地公司合作可能更好。她說﹐TOM在線在移動領域很有經驗﹐這一點對eBay而 言尤其具有吸引力﹐因為eBay正在嘗試著向新的領域拓展。 惠特曼補充說﹐“我們仍會全力以赴開拓中國市場﹐我認為中國對我們來說是個巨大的市 場﹐一個獨一無二的市場。中國是一個增長迅速的發展中國家﹐它的變化可能比任何國家 都快。” EBay 2002年進入中國市場時﹐決定將新網站移到eBay的標準技術平台中﹐而沒有選擇採 用本土公司易趣(EachNet)的平台(2003年eBay收購了易趣)。據知情人士稱﹐eBay當時 還將網站的技術決策權集中在美國總部﹐而非設在中國﹐結果很多必要的技術改革很難迅 速推進。與此同時﹐本土競爭對手阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com Corp.)旗下的淘寶網(TaoBao) 卻能更加迅速地適應市場﹐他們在改革決策方面的結構也更簡單。 惠特曼說﹐“我們發現﹐在我們的競爭力逐步增強的時候﹐加入eBay全球交易平台這一舉 動拖了我們的後腿。我們已經在很多市場採取這種做法﹐並已順利過度。不過這一次﹐我 們遇到了一個強勁而敏捷的競爭對手。” Vauhini Vara 華爾街日報中文網路版 阿里巴巴擬與eBay討論合作事宜 http://chinese.wsj.com/big5/20061221/bch074928.asp?source=email 2006年12月21日07:44 雅虎(Yahoo Inc.)持股40%的互聯網公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com Corp)週三表示﹐計劃在 2007年上半年與eBay Inc.討論合作事宜﹐因為該公司目前正在試圖擴展全球業務。 阿里巴巴發言人Porter Erisman表示﹐阿里巴巴和eBay昨天還在角逐中國市場﹐明天就能 夠展開全球性合作。他補充說﹐阿里巴巴願意與eBay聯手﹐促進阿里巴巴國際 (Alibaba International)的供貨商與在eBay上轉售商品的商家之間的合作。 商家在阿里巴巴國際買進商品﹐再在eBay上出售﹐這種交易能夠增加阿里巴巴國際的交易 量﹐並提高阿里巴巴的收入。 TOM集團有限公司(TOM Group Ltd., 簡稱﹕TOM集團)週三稱﹐旗下子公司TOM在線有限公 司(TOM Online Inc.)將與eBay成立一家合資公司﹐開發一個新的網絡平台。eBay和TOM在 線將在這家合資公司分別持股49%和51%。 eBay將關閉在華主網站﹐取而代之的新網站將主要由TOM在線運營。此前在與阿里巴巴的 另一項業務-淘寶(TaoBao)的角逐中﹐eBay始終難以佔據上風。阿里巴巴國際致力於企業 間的商業貿易﹐淘寶則致力於消費者之間的網上交易。 Erisman表示﹐eBay和阿里巴巴去年就已經討論過合作事宜﹐但由於eBay當時正在與淘寶 角逐中國市場﹐因此未能達成協議。 -- 更多商業新聞,請見 BizTalk 自然就是美∕太陽∕BizTalk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc) ◆ From: opengodflowe:轉錄至某隱形看板 12/29 00:49 fisherman:轉錄至看板 Fisherman 12/29 00:53 ithan:轉錄至某隱形看板 12/29 10:06 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: KOC 來自: (12/31 02:34)
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