精華區beta toberich 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下文張轉自 www.idea2earn They did so can you 他們做的到 你也可以做到 KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) 肯德基的故事 Harland Sanders opened a restaurant in his hometown of Corbin (Kentucky) in the 1930’s. He later opened a gas station, where he experimented with different snacks that he sold to travelers. In 1939 Sanders visited a pressure cooker exhibition and was hooked. He developed a special recipe using 11 spices and his pressure cooker. The resulting batter was popular and the Secret recipe was born. In the 1950’s the new interstate did not pass through Corbin so Sanders sold his properties and decided to sell his chicken recipe. At this stage he was already 66 years old. Sanders literally started to drive around the US in his 1946 Ford and went from restaurant to restaurant pitching his chicken. The deal was simple; he would earn 5C for every piece of chicken sold. In 1952 the first dedicated KFC was opened and in 1964 (just 12 years later) the business was sold for US$2m…..back when US$2m was a lot of money! 其實有很多類似的創業成功典範.. 創業最重要的就是 去做.. 才會成功.. 不去做 永遠不知道 自己的概念或點子 或是經營模式 是否會成功.. 希望能透過相關的故事 讓想創業的人 更有信心 也更堅定 -- Do you earn idea today? http://www.idea2earn.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: RichieChen 來自: (01/03 19:23)