精華區beta travel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖文網誌http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yieagle/9198412 <<Humble and not too over is what I think of Melbourne city. ”安分且不誇張”是我給墨爾本的評語>> <<電車的電線分割墨爾本的天空>> Although Melbourne is a big city, I consider it isn’t as noisy and busy as a big city. It is quite and beautiful. There are many old buildings in the city so they keep balance in a middle feeling. 雖然墨爾本是個大城市,但我覺得他沒有大城市的喧囂,反而還多了一種安靜、低調的美 感。可能是在這個城市不時可以看到一些古老建築,所以多多少少中和了大都會帶給人的 疏離及冷漠。 You can see special things at every corner. For example ,the unique scrawl on the wall and the carriage passing through. The clock man Gog and Magog in Royal Arcade tell you the time every hour also surprise the tourists. 隨便走走都可以看到驚奇之處,例如在巷子裡居然充滿許多個性獨特的塗鴉、走在馬路上 突然有馬車從面前經過、整點看到皇家拱廊(Royal Arcade)上的不列顛巨人族人像Gog and Magog為大家敲鐘報時。 If you feel tired, you can sit in a café or just sit on the building stair watching different people. But in this picture I was not watching people but sit there to show the big stairs! 走累了可以隨時找間café坐坐,或是隨興在階梯上坐著發呆看人群也不賴。哈!我承認這 張不是隨意坐下拍拍的啦,只是單純想突顯樓梯很大而已。 Melbourne worth you discovering its beauty! 白天的墨爾本值得你慢慢去發現它的美 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: