精華區beta wikibaseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
My friend this is not about my family or some kind of education environment. It is definitely a Bears deception. We will miss Taiwan very much. The Taiwanese are a special group of people. It is a shame that it had to end like this. P.S. There is nothing wrong with my kids studying in Taiwan. In fact I truly wanted my children to learn and speak Chinese. MAY GOD BLESS EVERYONE!!!!!! Chris 作者 bobbiechen (AoJ(Arm of Jesus)) 看板 Bears 標題 [討論] 萊特: 謝謝大家 時間 Thu Apr 6 17:34:49 2006 ─────────────────────────────────────── 下午接到電話, 是他打來的 開口就問我自由時報寫了些什麼 我大概翻譯了一下給他聽,他並沒有說什麼 問到事情怎麼會演變成這樣,也沒有正面回答 只是要我代為轉達,他要謝謝大家,尤其是BBS站的諸位,這些日子對他的支持 如果有什麼問題,他歡迎大家寫到他的信箱 [email protected] 這個信箱永遠為台灣的球迷開放 後續的消息,等到他回美國後,會繼續與球迷聯絡。 謝謝大家