看板 SENIORHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
文意選填 顧名思義:這個大題中的你要選的選項和"內文" 當然是要符合的! 可是如果每個字都要帶進去文章裏面,可能會花太多時間(正常一篇只能花五分鐘) 所以要怎樣縮減時間就是一個很大的重點! 以下我會先說出方法 下面會有附103學測 示範 第一:用詞性判斷 第二:慣用的片語, 多多閱讀 第三:觀察前後文!!! 有時候看選項那句 看不出來,請往 前後一句尋找答案 第四:不確定不要亂選 一步錯很容易步步錯 第五:如果只剩兩個不確定,兩個都選同一個 最多失一分 In English-speaking cultures, the choice of first names for children can be prompted by many factors: tradition, religion, nature, culture, and fashion, to name just a few.Certain people like to give a name that has been handed down in the family to show 31 for or to remember a relative whom they love or admire. Some families have a tradition of 32 the father’s first name to the first born son. In other families, a surname is included in the selection of a child’s given name to 33 a family surname going. It may be the mother’s maiden name, for instance. For a long time, 34 has also played an important role in naming children. Boys’ names such as John, Peter, and Thomas are chosen from the Bible. Girls’ names such as Faith, Patience, and Sophie (wisdom) are chosen because they symbolize Christian qualities. However, for people who are not necessarily religious but are fond of nature, names 35 things of beauty are often favored. Flower and plant names like Heather, Rosemary, and Iris 36 this category.Another factor that has had a great 37 on the choice of names is the spread of culture through the media. People may choose a name because they are strongly 38 a character in a book or a television series; they may also adopt names of famous people or their favorite actors and actresses. Sometimes, people pick foreign names for their children because those names are unusual and will thus make their children more 39 and distinctive.Finally, some people just pick a name the sound of which they like, 40 of its meaning, its origins, or its popularity. However, even these people may look at the calendar to pick a lucky day when they make their choice. (A) drawn to (B) fall into (C) impact (D) involving (E) keep (F) passing down (G) regardless (H) religion (I) respect (J) unique 31.在看句子時,一定要找句子中有沒有出現動詞了show是動詞後面加名詞 名詞有三個 配合語意之後 只能選respect 32.介系詞後面一定接名詞/ving 後面講傳承,選passing down 33.to後面接動詞 而且後面有going~ 當然選keep,接上後面 going 34.缺主詞,只能選名詞 當主詞,後面講到聖經 bible 選religion 35.整句不缺 動詞,不能再選名詞擺在那 整句就文法不對,involving是現在分詞 當形容詞,names that involve things of beauty 整個是主詞 後面才是動詞 36. 整句缺動詞 只剩下a.b 配合語意 剩下fall into 37.”a “great ...這邊 當然選名詞 38. 後面一整句 在說採用名字 他們被吸引~ 缺動詞選a 39.more ___ and distinctive 對稱所以選形容詞 40.配合後面語意,不管名字的意義 由來等等 只喜歡名字聽起來的聲音 總之要多閱讀,文章中會有的搭配詞,就是固定那些 看久了,你文意加上搭配詞概念就很容易選出來 還有一點 主詞與動詞一致性 也可以用來判斷選項 eg.They ____ half an hour 假設有一個選項是 studies 當然就不能選 反之,假設主詞是第三人稱單數 通常是it,你就不要選一個沒加s的動詞 前提當然他是現在簡單式 大家加油~ 別再背7000了,快去多讀4500~多閱讀練作文 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1418448992.A.0FC.html ※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 12/13/2014 13:37:17
hyeh: 也許你用studys是為了誇飾?? 還有下一行應該是第三人稱單數 12/13 13:51
恩,這studies簡單舉例,下行已修正 ※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 12/13/2014 13:55:42
davidluo8: 推 12/13 14:02
peterjoy: 推!!謝謝 12/13 16:52
a8853215: 感謝~ 12/13 19:25
kinyubi: 熱心推 12/13 22:28
ricky855073: 超級推啊!!!!! 12/13 22:44
HARRY30907: 推! 12/17 22:43