看板 ACMilan 關於我們 聯絡資訊
別在上面Silva那篇崩潰~ 以下開放魯馬黑粉大怒灌!!! -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ACMilan/M.1497579000.A.6B2.html ※ 編輯: kei2363013 (, 06/16/2017 10:14:47
hidog: 為什麼這邊不能噓 06/16 10:36
grapy777: 沒歐冠真的沒人權 真想噓拉胖 06/16 10:40
kei2363013: 就笑你弱隊扶不上牆啊~ 06/16 10:43
s9321312: 拉胖真的太78 1000歐是殺小離隊條款 擺明在坑米蘭 06/16 13:47
s9321312: 萬 06/16 13:49
針對此事件,國外有網友為了激勵大家 "即便沒有好門將米蘭也是能拿下歐冠" 的這種說法便油然而生 XD https://www.facebook.com/ACMilan/videos/10154529772121937/ 請參考官方 fb 底下網友們的留言 縮址: https://goo.gl/uThUa5 Haydar Nusser: Milan won all The 5 CL cups without good keepers, whilst Juventus has the best keeper in the world but they didn't won any CL! (因為尤文拿的兩個歐冠都不是 Buffon... 所以...Buffon 躺槍 XD) 之後 Daniel Nc 網友立馬回了 Dida Roney Kaka Milano 網友也回了 S.rossi and Dida Dariusz Wanat 網友表示 Forgot Dida already? 最後 Haydar Nusser 老兄又補充道 You can't force someone to stay if he doesn't! Yes he could become the best keeper in the world, but his agent could also destroy him as he did with other. By the way, trophies win by team and super players like Messi and Ronaldo not by great keepers! Look at Milan for example, They win all their trophies without keepers!! Rossi and Dida?? XD 整個事件後看底下 comments 回應一整個抒壓讓我忘了唐納魯馬不再續約的事 = 迪達昨天一定覺得耳朵癢癢且眼皮彈跳又打了好幾個噴嚏 -- ╭──╮╭──╮┌╮ ┌──╮ ┌╮ ┌─╮╮ ┌╮ │ ││ ═ │││ │ ║ │ ││ │ ║│ ││ │││││┌┐││└─┐│ ║ │ ││ │║ │ ││ └┴┴┘└┘└┘╰──╯└──╯ └╯ └╰─╯ └╯ ともかく最強のディフェンダー パォロ マルディーニ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ACMilan/M.1497594566.A.5A8.html
MONGA7: 和尤文聯賽結束親球衣是親假的喔 06/16 18:22
qjq840502: Dollarumma 06/16 18:35
Nestaiou: 雖然早就看淡了忠誠度這種東西,但魯馬看在米蘭也培養他 06/17 02:07
Nestaiou: 那麼多年,離開前幫米蘭賺個轉會費報恩也好咩,這樣免費 06/17 02:08
Nestaiou: 走,留下那麼尷尬的局面,真他媽的ooxx,越想越怒 06/17 02:09
Nestaiou: 不過球迷流言實在有夠機車好笑的 06/17 02:11
Nestaiou: 留言 06/17 02:11
cy98: dollarrumma! 06/17 09:55
rex9999: 快滾去JUVE 帶上De Sciglio 你們不配米蘭的紅黑魂 06/17 15:10
s9321312: 樓上市不小心按到推嗎XDDD 06/17 15:53