看板 AOE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
HD版又有新的OPEN DATA 版本囉 來翻譯一下~ 有些我看得也不是很懂= = 在5.2 OPEN DATA 就有提過的就不貼上來惹 Improved Network Speeds: In game ping/lag icons have been updated to appear in the correct situations Yellow ping circles appear for players above 200ms ping. 200 ping 顯示黃色 Red ping circles appear for players above 400mp ping (previously 700ms) 400 ping 顯示紅色 (原本是700) Turtle icons appear for each player that cannot maintain 90% of the simulation frame rate (previously only showed for the slowest player) 烏龜圖案會在任何無法維持模擬畫面更新率(?)的玩家顯示 (以前是最慢的玩家) Community Focused Bug Fixes: Monk tool tip should no longer crash in Russian localization 俄羅斯版不會因為僧侶的提示欄而閃退 Repeatedly loading into treaty mode games no longer crashes 重複載入條約戰不再閃退 Unit selection circles now behave correctly when unloading transport ships 在下船時選擇單位時的圓圈正確運作(?) Line of sight circles should now correctly follow units (in rare cases they would be misaligned) 視野範圍正確跟隨單位 (少數情況下會不一致) Villagers should no longer stop and attack wolves (ordering a move command will now take priority so users can move villagers if desired) 村民不會停下來攻擊狼 (給予移動指令為優先) Custom campaigns should now unlock in order rather that always being unlocked by default. 自訂戰役正常照順序解鎖,而不是預設為解鎖(關卡全開) Custom campaign instruction images should now display correctly 自訂戰役指示圖會正常顯示 Custom campaign instruction scrollbar should now display correctly and not hide text. 自訂戰役滾動條正常顯示,而且不會檔到字 Loading a saved campaign file and completing the scenario should now correctly unlock the next one. 載入戰役過關後,下一關會正常解鎖 Community AI Improvements: AI improvements when pathing around walls and gates to avoid teleporting through them 修正AI,避免在牆跟門周圍繞的時候穿透過去 Campaign Fixes: Saladin 2 trade carts now travel to the correct market. 薩拉丁第2關貿易車隊會去正確的市場貿易 Dracula 4 should now advance correctly after completing the first objective. 德古拉第4關完成第一個任務後劇情會正常進行 Dracula 4 no longer gets stuck due to an issue with the AI monk during the cinematic. 德古拉第四關不會因為僧侶卡住而卡關 Sforza 1 should now reward soldiers after completing the correct objective. 斯福爾札第一關在完成正確的目標後會得到士兵 Sforza 3 now has a clearing visual path to the monastery. 斯福爾札第三關去修道院的路上會有正確的明亮視野 Sforza 3 has improved resign logic so you should no longer have to destroy every pavilion. 斯福爾札第三關不用拆光所有帳篷敵人才棄權 結果第三關還是能蓋碼頭,第三個間諜最後還是會不見 提示竟然叫我們用熱那亞弩兵去擋攻擊力8+44的威尼斯超級戰艦 更新一些無關重點的地方耶~ Dos Pilas triggers should now behave correctly. 雙柱城記的觸發事件會正常運作 Prithviraj 2 should now finish correctly even if purple is the last to go. 布里陀毗羅閤第二關 即使紫色是最後被擊敗的(?) 也會正常結束關卡 Sundjata 4 should now complete the rescue princess objective correctly 松迪亞塔第四關救公主的任務將會正常完成 試玩結果 飛刀獵手還是無限出阿....真的有改? Sundjata 5 should now be easier. 松迪亞塔第五關會改簡單點 剛剛打開確認過了 開場時代從城堡改為帝王,難度大降~ Yodit 2 AI should now function and attack correctly. 優娣特第二關的AI修復 Yodit 3 triggers should now function correctly when Dagnajan reaches the pass. 優娣特第三關 在達納罕王到達出口時觸發事件正常運行 Yodit 3 ending dialogue should now appear correctly. 優娣特第三關 結局對話正確顯示 Yodit 3 cyan AI should not be easier to defeat. 優娣特第三關的藍綠色AI不再容易被擊敗 Yodit 4 should now complete the appropriate quest when conquering all nearby tribes. 這條我真的不懂 囧 Yodit 4 Stelae should all provide resources now. 優娣特第四關的石碑都會提供資源 Yodit 4 Stelae should now correctly change ownership to the AI when they’re next to it. 優娣特第四關的石碑在AI靠近時會正確地改變所有權 Yodit 5 no longer triggers two petard triggers 優娣特不會觸發兩個炸藥筒的觸發事件(?) 最後附上原文網址 https://tinyurl.com/jwxk65t 若有錯請指正 有什麼要補充的也歡迎 洩洩大家~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AOE/M.1489855715.A.F3B.html
ru41i6yji3: 村民不會停下攻擊狼,這個值得玩味啊 03/19 00:59
ainamk: 所以上面很多人在講的德古拉第二關沒有改嗎XD 03/19 01:29
好像不打算改了... 我看那關的提示說"要保護好他們,不然很容易倒下" 重點是連看都還沒看到就炸光了是要怎麼保護阿 (翻桌 ※ 編輯: knight791211 (, 03/19/2017 01:49:15
qaws68: 村民攻擊狼要看他怎麼改 03/19 02:24
qaws68: 移動指令1->遇到狼->移動指令2 03/19 02:25
qaws68: 1不會停下 就差很多 2的話就是修bug 03/19 02:30
spicyway: 就說超級戰艦要用僧侶招降啊11 03/19 03:34
※ 編輯: knight791211 (, 03/19/2017 09:51:17
gericc: 就說會debug呀XD 03/19 12:38
※ 編輯: knight791211 (, 03/19/2017 13:09:27
arogone: 德古拉2真的有點問題 03/19 13:15
knight791211: 而且松迪亞塔第5都改簡單了 勃印曩第5不改改嗎XD 03/19 14:49
ainamk: 自訂戰役的unlock by default是不是指關卡一開始就全開放? 03/19 15:36
阿 應該是我弄錯意思了 感謝 ※ 編輯: knight791211 (, 03/19/2017 15:43:14
jimy00ex: 我覺得松迪亞塔5比勃印曩5簡單耶 是因為玩標準嗎(掩面) 03/19 15:48
jimy00ex: 是比較難...講錯哈 03/19 15:50
jimy00ex: 松迪亞塔5我玩3~4次才過 勃印曩5就一次過 03/19 15:50
Pegasus99: 標準除了某些特定條件失敗 很難不過吧 03/19 16:22
Pegasus99: ←黃金國森林迷路關 第一個酋長要拉豬結果把豬打死... 03/19 16:23
jimy00ex: ㄜ 不是內 比如說松5就是早起海被80陸上沒圍好被攻破 03/19 17:21
jimy00ex: 早起熬過就好很多 03/19 17:21
松5只要試誤幾次就能海電對手(加上現在開場直接帝王),困難的勃5根本鬼神= =" ※ 編輯: knight791211 (, 03/19/2017 17:24:22
jimy00ex: 果然標準跟難是天差地遠RRR 03/19 21:41
scpx955116: 飛刀無限出真的超好笑 那時候還在想怎麼了 03/21 15:35