看板 Accounting 關於我們 聯絡資訊
極推S大的概念,基本上無論讀哪一科系的研究所,主要是訓練獨立思考及邏輯推理的過程。只是會研所比管院其它所還多了一個準備方向—考CPA。 其實若在課業及準備CPA行有餘力的話,建議多多參與社團活動,瞭解不同系所的思維方式,畢竟這個社會很講求分工合作的,就算你是超強的會計師,但是不懂其它專業背景人士的想法,可能導致溝通上產生誤解,那也是英雄無用武之地呀!基本上,我個人對於準備原文paper報告方面,速度大約是一週可以念完3篇,每篇約30頁的量。可能剛好我抽到的paper主題偏簡單(?) 這個學期也快結束了,歲末年終之際,我習慣性的會寫一篇回顧日誌,總結一下本年度的心得,在此野人獻曝。 手機排版,請見諒~ After reviewing my diary written in 2012, life is really like a stream. No one can revert what they did but all we can do is grasping the moment. Year 2013 was a tough period for me. Countless struggles and doubts from my mind almost defeated my belief. Indeed, the most horrible foe is myself. However, I feel that the lucky goddess always blesses me. When I felt helpless, she told me "Hey, I am with you." When I felt diffidence, she told me "You are the best." When I planned to give up, she reminded me "Don't forget your promise made in 2012." Looking back to what I did in this year, only two words can express my status--- "Change" and "Learning". Changing to a full-time student,changing to a habitant in Chungli and changing to involving in different fields. Learning to build up a solid logic is the main purpose for a graduate student, learning to be an independent woman means I have to be responsible for my daily life, learning to understand programming language in ERP-ABAP (Enterprise Resource Planning - Advanced Business Application Programming) team urges me to think outside the box, learning to understand how to make an equity research in CFA research challenge team and learning to play golf. My classmates (Accounting department), CFA-research challenge partners from Finance department and ERP-ABAP partners from Information-Technology department really teach me a lot. Their creativity, vitality, optimism and simplicity are the most treasurable assets here. These activities enrich my life with a riot of color in 2014. Well... How about my CPA-license schedule? Again, my lucky goddess blessed me to pass in Intermediate Accounting/ Cost & Managerial Accounting/ Auditing & Assurance in this August. My next step is to prepare Advanced Accounting and Tax Law (Taiwan). Wish me pass in those two subjects in 2015. :")))))) Finally, I wish my dearest family and friends health, happiness, and prosperity. Toast to 2014 and welcome 2015. Yeah!~~~ ※ 引述《stoneer (KNPS)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《a29327755 (a29327755)》之銘言: : : 我想請益會研所抉擇,我有點猶豫不定,有點煩惱,這次我想問問版上的各位大大或是有 : : 學長姐能分享經驗給我 : : 或是已經在事務所的工作的前輩們問問這兩間的建議 : : 我讀碩士希望“未來在事務所”能有較好出路,因為我本身學校不是很好(私立科大) : : 但我有幸錄取 : : 中原會研 : : 東華會計與財務碩士學位學程(也是會研) : : 哪間好? : : 我有規劃在碩士時考取cpa : : 所以在課程忙碌下不知道哪間比較有時間可以適合考? : : 我有考慮,如果是東華 ,cpa補習好像很不方便 : : 不知道這裡有沒有學長姐知道 : : 東華的課程是英語授課嗎? : : 中原或東華在課程上會很操嗎? : : 希望版上的大大或學長姐能分享寶貴建議或經驗 : : 感謝各位!! : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: : ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Accounting/M.1418822840.A.8E6.html : ※ 編輯: stoneer (, 12/17/2014 21:51:04 : 推 j22702001: 帥喔 豪豪 12/18 12:21 : 推 a29327755: 推 12/18 12:37 : ※ 編輯: stoneer (, 12/18/2014 14:56:06 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Accounting/M.1419038530.A.38F.html ※ 編輯: Markowitz (, 02/05/2015 18:10:26