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※ 引述《ggg12345 (ggg)》之銘言: : → decorum: 納粹德國是社會主義?別鬧笑話了,去看看 R J Evans的書吧 03/03 11:50 : → decorum: 如果招牌就能代表實質 世界可就太簡單了 03/03 11:51 : → ggg12345: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/Nationaler Sozialismus 03/03 15:00 : → decorum: "後續之納粹主義的發展則失卻國家社會主義的多義性質" 03/03 15:39 : → decorum: 自己引的中文也看不懂嗎?真好笑。NAZI的口號是2戰間主要 03/03 15:40 : → decorum: 意識形態的大鍋炒,實質的核心價值是法西斯 種族至上論 03/03 15:42 : : 在20世紀初期,很多社會主義國家都把資本主義作為洪水猛獸,拒絕引入市場經濟制度 : 。 : 1900-1930可以概分為是20世紀初期, 在這期間可稱為社會主義的"國家"確實不多. : 馬克斯主義也自稱是社會主義之一, 孫文在民生主義第一講就說民生主義就是社會 : 主義, 也就是共產主義. 德國的國家民族社會主義也是社會主義的一種, 俄國, 德 : 國是以社會主義立國的"國家". 這兩國都排斥資本主義. 20世紀初期確實沒有「很 : 多」社會主義國家. 若五個中有三個, 那還是很多的社會主義國家. : : 中華民國初始一直自稱是以三民主義為立國基礎, 但其民生主義卻宣稱是社會主義. : 累進稅, 漲價歸公, 節制私人資本是其主張, 但也沒有反對資本主義. : : 大陸鄧小平的社會主義市場經濟是不是也反對資本主義? 看來不是那麼清楚. 但兩 : 岸的差別跟資本主義最有關的就是土地所有制與存在全民所有企業. : : 二十一世紀資本論多少是跟隨了馬克斯的資本論訴求, 聲稱資本主義將會崩榻. 資 : 本主義最明顯的特徵就是財產私有制, 也就是謀私利的動機保障. 我原以為在 afterphd板 遇到的層次會不大一樣呢 看來是個國發所的,甚至是以前三研所的, 用孫文來當benchmark 說社會主義.真是讓人無言,唉! Richard J. Evans 是目前英國研究NAZI的扛霸子 Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge The ‘National Socialists’ wanted to unite the two political camps of left and right into which, they argued, the Jews had manipulated the German nation. The basis for this was to be the idea of race. This was light years removed from the class-based ideology of socialism. Nazism was in some ways an extreme counter-ideology to socialism, borrowing much of its rhetoric in the process, from its self-image as a movement rather than a party, to its much-vaunted contempt for bourgeois convention and conservative timidity. The idea of a ‘party’ suggested allegiance to parliamentary democracy, working steadily within a settled democratic polity. In speeches and propaganda, however, Hitler and his followers preferred on the whole to talk of the ‘ National Socialist movement’, just as the Social Democrats had talked of the ‘workers’ movement’ or, come to that, the feminists of the ‘women’s movement’ and the apostles of prewar teenage rebellion of the ‘youth movement’. The term not only suggested dynamism and unceasing forward motion, it also more than hinted at an ultimate goal, an absolute object to work towards that was grander and more final than the endless compromises of conventional politics. By presenting itself as a ‘movement’, National Socialism, like the labour movement, advertised its opposition to conventional politics and its intention to subvert and ultimately overthrow the system within which it was initially forced to work. By replacing class with race, and the dictatorship of the proletariat with the dictatorship of the leader, Nazism reversed the usual terms of socialist ideology. The synthesis of right and left was neatly symbolized in the Party’s official flag, personally chosen by Hitler in mid-1920: the field was bright red, the colour of socialism, with the swastika, the emblem of racist nationalism, outlined in black in the middle of a white circle at the centre of the flag, so that the whole ensemble made a combination of black, white and red, the colours of the official flag of the Bismarckian Empire. In the wake of the 1918 Revolution these came to symbolize rejection of the Weimar Republic and all it stood for; but by changing the design and adding the swastika, a symbol already used by a variety of far-right racist movements and Free Corps units in the postwar period, the Nazis also announced that what they wanted to replace it with was a new, Pan-German, racial state, not the old Wilhelmine status quo. -- There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1425426257.A.501.html
saltlake: 您爬個文就知道 不是國發所而是資工所且在任教的 03/04 11:05
purplepenis: 爬文就知道在哪任教?我怎看不太出來...而且他邏輯常 03/04 11:26
purplepenis: 頗為神妙... 03/04 11:29
decorum: 只希望這種老師別在課堂上扯自己不懂的事情 不懂的學生被 03/04 12:01
decorum: 耽誤 懂得的學生壓根兒瞧不起 03/04 12:02
decorum: 口號招牌能信 北韓就是民主主義共和國了 層次真是.... 03/04 12:04
blence: 你沒發現以前的文都有近觀推文,後來都只剩下遠望 03/04 12:04
jabari: ....不是電資老芋頭嗎? 版有G老 如有一寶 感恩感恩 03/04 15:54
expiate: 我以為G大是博後耶!失敬失敬 03/04 19:35