看板 AfterPhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
去年年底幸運申請到兩年博後, 但一直卡在簽證辦不下來. 到上週五對方還寫信來, 如下, 我問過科技部, 他們說不可能將fellowship轉移到巴斯德. 當然這我也覺得合理. 但這個博士後的錢算是薪資嗎? 會算是科技部聘的人嗎? (有約聘合約?) 看到過去也有人申請法國. 好奇是否有前輩可以詢問申請細節呢? 我比較方便直接跟對方講. 當然明天會再問一次科技部. 雖然主辦小姐一直暗示我說換個國家比較快 = = 謝謝大家的幫忙 如果是個蠢問題真的很抱歉. 因為一直希望趕快處理好出國的部分. Here are the legal information regarding your situation: Since 2006, any PhD students and Postodoctorants who were granted a fellowship must be covered by an employment contract to work in any French Institution: this contract covers you in case of any occupational injury. This insurance is mandatory to work in France and can only be obtained with an employment contract. Hence, pursuant to french law, no PhD student or Postdoc can be welcome at Institut Pasteur without an employment contract, either from Institut Pasteur or from another employer. Two options can be discussed to solve the situation : - either you have an employment contract with another institution, in France or abroad, proving you receive a minimum of incomes and that covers you in case of any injury that could happen while at work (any occupational injury): you could then be welcome at Institut Pasteur as a visiting researcher, via the establishment of a Visiting Researcher Agreement between Institut Pasteur and your Employer. - either the Institution that awarded the fellowship (in your case, the Ministry of Technology and Science) accepts to transfer it directly to Institut Pasteur: you could then be welcome to Institut Pasteur as an employee of the Institut (with an employment contract). In this last case (the fellowship is transferred directly to Institut Pasteur), an Agreement between the two Institutions will need to be established, to agree on the terms of this transfer and to allow you to come work at Institut Pasteur. But, if the amount of the fellowship is not sufficient to cover your salary at Institut Pasteur (including all the taxes and social contributions the Institut Pasteur has to pay), it is absolutely necessary to find a way to cover the rest of the salary : - either the Lab you will work in can complete it; - either you find another way to complement the salary with another subvention. In that case, you need to make sure that the institution that awarded you the fellowship allows you to receive another subvention. After talking with Marie-Claire Rozier concerning your current situation, it appears that : - your current employment contract with the National Yang-Ming University will end the 30th of July 2017; - you were awarded a fellowship from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan: a Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program (PRAP) - NT$2,600,000, for 2 years - to perform your postdoctoral research at the Department of Cell Biology and Infection, at Institut Pasteur. Is this fellowship will be given to you as a salary, and therefore mean that you will have an employment contract with the Ministry of technology? Or does it mean that you will receive the fellowship directly but you won't have any employment contract? - is there any possibility that the fellowship could be transferred to Institut Pasteur directly, through an Agreement with Institut Pasteur and the Ministry of Technology? In that case, I could contact the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan to discuss the possibility of transferring the fellowship directly to Institut Pasteur and discuss the terms of the Agreement. But note that if they agree on transferring the fellowship to Institut Pasteur, you will need a complement of salary : if both condition are complete, then we could discuss the possibility for you to have an employment contract with Institut Pasteur. Could you give us the contact of the adequate person for this matter at the Ministry of Science and Technology to start the process of discussion? In the meantime, given the elements you gave us (no employment contract after the 31st of July 2017 that covers you from any occupational injury), it is not possible for Institut Pasteur to welcome you as an employee of Institut Pasteur or as a visiting researcher in its premises. I thank you in advance for your understanding and remain at your disposal should you require any further information. Best regards, -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1492351008.A.5C4.html ※ 編輯: hithoplife (, 04/16/2017 21:58:18
jabari: 因為巴斯德規定上是要簽工作合約 領千里馬甚至公費留學都 04/16 23:20
jabari: 會被擋 而且現行好像不給guest scientist的約了 建議轉所 04/16 23:20
jabari: orz 04/16 23:20
insitu: 總之你需要在法國有一個正式的工作合約 04/16 23:45
insitu: 他們法律對於工作的人都需要給一份合約保障 04/16 23:46
insitu: 用意是好的,但這時候反而變成一個結了... 04/16 23:47
insitu: 你這是走Scientifique的簽證,需要研究單位給你一份合約 04/16 23:48
insitu: 如果科技部不能把錢轉給他們讓他們用這筆錢聘你就真的麻煩 04/16 23:49
insitu: 可以再跟法國方的承辦人討論看看有沒有其他方法 04/17 00:00
fieed: 最近歐洲越來越多國家強制將stipend轉為contract,而且轉 04/17 15:44
fieed: 完之後還要抽稅。抽完三四十啪的稅之後根本活不下去。這個 04/17 15:44
fieed: 無解,建議你趕快換國家比較實際。德國是個不錯的選擇,目 04/17 15:44
fieed: 前stipend/fellowship還是免稅,而且短時間內不會改變。 04/17 15:45
qtzbbztq: 已經免費幫他們做事情了還要抽稅 真的是吃定大家了 04/17 16:49
jabari: f大...這跟你那個是兩回事啊... 04/17 17:10
jabari: btw 免錢的最貴 繳稅有身份才彼此有保障不是嗎? 04/17 17:14
fieed: 基本上都是要把stipend轉成contract才過得去,只差在歐洲 04/17 18:37
fieed: 的fellowship有法源依據可以轉,但是原po的情況沒有。就算 04/17 18:37
fieed: 轉成功了,稅一樣要自己繳。原po的情況並不僅限於台灣的fel 04/17 18:37
fieed: lowship,歐洲自己目前也有許多相同的問題。 04/17 18:37
fieed: 美國還有雙重課稅的問題,我有同事就要繳兩分稅,更慘..... 04/17 19:14
tainanuser: 推! 04/17 19:22
gps0110: 原po就算科技部答應了可能薪資還是不夠該機構要求的最低 04/17 19:25
gps0110: 薪資? 04/17 19:25
saltlake: 抽稅會使人更嚴肅考慮本益比的問題 04/17 21:03
hithoplife: 謝謝大家的回答. 目前也真的無解. 今天寫信去巴斯德 04/17 22:18
hithoplife: 人力資源部跟對方PI. 原本是表明他們建議的解決方法 04/17 22:18
hithoplife: 都不可行. 所以之後也寫信去一個德國實驗室詢問是否 04/17 22:19
hithoplife: 有機會轉去他們實驗室. 但整個流程就是麻煩. 04/17 22:20
hithoplife: 還要重新寫計畫. 科技部審核. 才能開始辦簽證 04/17 22:20
hithoplife: 科技部規定十月底前要出去. 感覺時間又特別緊. 04/17 22:20
hithoplife: 法國的PI表示他會在問看看人力資源部. 但我想機會不大 04/17 22:21
hithoplife: 好不容易拿到經費. 結果出去一直卡卡. 心情真的阿紮 04/17 22:22
hithoplife: gps0110. 科技部回覆. 他們拒絕簽任何約跟轉讓 XD 04/17 22:27
boblu: 美國的稅制不是有一稅不兩課的精神? 04/17 22:46
gps0110: 要不要問對方pi願不願意直接出錢聘你當postdoc? 04/17 22:51
saltlake: 不同國家之間不雙重課稅涉及國家間租稅協議 04/18 01:40
recorriendo: guest scientist不是整個歐盟同意的制度嗎 什時沒了? 04/18 03:23