看板 AfterPhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Postdoctoral position at the Ludwig Center for Cancer Research Lausanne Branch /Department of Fundamental Oncology at University of Lausanne Job description We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate to join our lab in Immunometabolism Lab. The task of the recruited postdoc will be to elucidate mitochondrial dynamics in immune cells during infection and in the tumor microenvironment and help understanding how these processes influence signaling cascades and epigenetic reprogramming in immune cells. We have access to core facilities and resources at University of Lausanne and Swiss Cancer Center in Lausanne. Combining cutting-edge cancer immunology program with strong collaborations with bioengineering will position us in a unique niche to make substantial contributions in immunometabolism. Profile requirements PhD in Biology, Immunology, Molecular Biology with demonstrated experience in T cell biology and epigenetics and at least one first-author paper in a peer-reviewed journal. Experience with cellular immunology, cancer immunolgy and ATAC-seq is a plus.The candidate should have a strong interest in cancer immunology‐related research and excellent collaborative skills with experimental biologists. Good knowledge in molecular biology, immunology and the ability to work in English (oral + written) are required. Application Please send your full application including motivation letter, CV, list of publications and the name of two references to: [email protected] Salary: Starting salary for full-time postdoc is CHF80,000 plus 16% social charge (After tax, the gross salary will be CHF 5,600 per month) (CHF is almost equal to USD) Selected Publication: Nat. Immunol. (2017) 18; 985-994 Cell (2015) 162; 1217-1228. Immunity (2015) 43; 690-702. Cell (2015) 161; 750-761. Cancer Research (2014) 74; 3205-3217. Nat. Rev. Immunol. (2016) 16; 599-611 Nat. Immunol. (2012) 13; 379-386. Website: https://www.unil.ch/dof/en/home/menuinst/research-groups/ho.html X -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1504562523.A.BDB.html
SakuraWars: 超強者推! XD 09/05 09:13
ggaarryy: 推 強者也! 09/05 09:54
changyaowen: 這真猛 @@" 年紀又輕 09/05 11:45
JamesChen: 以瑞士來說 薪水好像有點低? 09/05 14:12
ooooh: 博士後薪水高於瑞士平均所得頗多喔,這個可以上網查,而且5 09/05 16:06
mmonkeyboyy: 這薪水算可以 不過這也很難加吧 這是看計劃和學校吧 09/05 20:06
gps0110: 博後稅後每個月5600比起英國博後多蠻多的 09/05 20:49
ooooh: 是啊,政府規定薪資 09/05 22:23
AlbertPujo1s: 好想去喔 希望還有機會 09/25 15:46