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前兩天收到 ACS發出來的信,不知道ACS跟ResearchGate,後面接下來發展會如何? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear ACS Author: I am writing to inform you about important aspects of copyright enforcement actions that ACS is undertaking with regard to the venture-capital backed content sharing network, ResearchGate. ResearchGate currently amasses, modifies and illegitimately distributes millions of copyrighted journal articles without permission or licence for its commercial gain. We do not take this action lightly and recognize the potential useful role ResearchGate has to play within the scientific communication ecosystem. At present, however, its business practices include the widespread distribution of intellectual property of others that it has illicitly amassed, largely in the form of copyrighted journal articles, in order to promote user traffic to its site in a fashion that undermines the integrity of scholarly publishing. Attempts by ACS and other societies and publishers to agree with ResearchGate on an approach that would facilitate the sharing of published articles in a copyright-compliant manner have failed. While we recognize that ResearchGate has recently moved from public view a significant number of ACS copyrighted articles it has collected on its site, not all its infringing violations have been addressed. ResearchGate needs to take additional steps to cease its unauthorized use of copyrighted content for its commercial activities. ResearchGate has not made any formal comment on this, leaving us with no other option but to adhere to its assertion that the only recourse for rights holders is to submit formal Take Down Notices (TDNs) for copyrighted content that appears on its site. Accordingly, ACS has joined with a coalition of scientific and scholarly publishers to take necessary steps, including but not limited to TDNs, to force ResearchGate to cease its damaging practices. Statements explaining the coalition’s actions in more detail, along with FAQs, may be found at the informational website www.responsiblesharing.org. As a result, ACS is now sending formal notices to ResearchGate to request removal of any ACS-copyrighted content from its site. Of utmost importance is that you know that we are issuing these TDNs to ResearchGate, a for-profit company funded by commercial investors and venture capitalists, and not to authors or other individuals who may have uploaded copyrighted articles to the ResearchGate website. We think it important, however, to inform our authors at this time that when ResearchGate is found to hold a published work for which ACS holds copyright, we will insist that the infringing content is removed. If you soon find that an article you have authored no longer appears on ResearchGate, it may be because ResearchGate has acted upon our takedown request or has itself undertaken its removal from public availability. If you think your article was removed in error, or if you wish to repost it to ResearchGate for open dissemination, you may do so by contacting us with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your article and confirming arrangements for an ACS AuthorChoice via Creative Commons CC-BY open access license. As you know, under those specific license terms, authors are permitted to post the published article on content sharing sites that are commercial in nature, such as ResearchGate, and others are allowed to use and modify the published article for commercial as well as non-commercial purposes. We encourage you to reach out to a member of our Customer Service staff at [email protected] or +1.800.227.9919 to obtain the needed license. Please note that any journal articles published by authors via an ACS AuthorChoice via Creative Commons CC-BY licence are not subject to takedown requests by ACS. ACS offers you a number of ways to share your research with colleagues in the global scientific community in a copyright-compliant fashion. We invite you to review some helpful guidelines for ACS authors. In addition, background information on how ACS and other publishers encourage authors to share their published work can be found at How Can I Share It, an informative website that offers an overview of copyright-compliant sharing platforms, and outlines how authors can share their publications readily and responsibly. We thank you, our valued ACS authors, for your understanding and support as we undertake these efforts. We assure you that our Society is committed to protecting the integrity of the peer-reviewed scientific research that you entrust us to publish and sustain for the benefit of the global scientific community. Sincerely, James Milne, PhD Senior Vice President, Journals Publishing Group Publications Division, American Chemical Society ORCID: 0000-0002-2119-2377 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1509025790.A.DF0.html
duriamon: 糟了!討債公司來要錢了,看起來身為科學家還真是沒尊嚴 10/27 03:18
duriamon: ,連取暖的自由都不給QQ 10/27 03:18
jyung: RG 的模式就是 P2P 下載,法律上因為不是上傳者是平台所以 10/27 11:34
jyung: 可以避開一些麻煩,只需要回复 TDN,反而是上載的作者們有 10/27 11:34
jyung: 法律責任,我是反對上傳到 RG 的 10/27 11:34
carpfish: 為甚麼反對上傳RG? 10/27 12:14
carpfish: 大家應該要先討論一下,著作為甚麼屬於期刊的? 10/27 12:15
FSGuitar: 其實只要改上傳自己未經過他們排版的ms就沒問題 10/27 12:38
jyung: 回C大,RG 和其他 for profit 的出版社一樣都是為了錢,你 10/27 13:15
jyung: 上傳是幫RG賺錢,但直接infringe copyright的人是你 10/27 13:15
jyung: 真正無私的是 sci-hub 10/27 13:18
lisasweet: 其實這塊有點複雜XDDD 11/04 04:24
lisasweet: 有看過一些open source跟投稿者收高額投稿費, 11/04 04:24
lisasweet: 但使用者免錢看XDD 11/04 04:25
lisasweet: 所以或許投稿期刊作者不用付錢,就是買你的版權?? 11/04 04:25
saltlake: 樓上不必做如此複雜的猜想 投稿期刊獲准刊登後 論文的 11/04 04:40
saltlake: 每一個作者都要在授權書上面簽名同意 授權範圍視各家 11/04 04:40
saltlake: 期刊所列方式而定 但有些會明確列出 請作者(們)不要對 11/04 04:41
saltlake: 已於該刊刊登的文章做怎樣的複製與散佈 因此至少就期刊 11/04 04:41
saltlake: 和作者群之間 是有雙方同意而簽署的契約條款拘束的 11/04 04:42
saltlake: 至於契約以外的第三方侵權否 看各國著作權法的規定 11/04 04:42