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Postdoc position to study gene-environment interaction on gut and liver pathophysiology 代PO,有興趣者請直接與劉博士聯絡。 Dr. Ta-Chiang Liu at [email protected] [說明]: An immediate opening for a postdoctoral scholar position is available in Dr. Ta-Chiang Liu’s laboratory at Washington University School of Medicine https://sites.wustl.edu/liulab/). The interests of the Liu lab are in understanding how genetic and environmental factors interactions shape immunity and metabolism. We have shown that in patients and mouse models of Crohn’s disease, the function of small intestinal Paneth cells (critical for innate immunity and stem cell homeostasis) can be modulated by gene-environment interactions (Gastroenterology 2014, JCI Insight 2016, JCI Insight 2017, JCI 2018). In addition, we are also expanding our research directions to metabolic dysregulation such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The primary focus of this position will be to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms using a combination of molecular and cell biology approaches in mouse models, organoid culture, primary samples, and bioinformatics analysis. The lab is well funded, having just received over $3M funding from various funding agencies. [Required qualifications]: Candidates with prior experience in immunology, metabolism, microbiology or related fields with a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree. Clinicians interested in 2-3 years sabbatical are also encouraged to apply. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. [Preferred qualifications]: Experience with primary cell culture (including organoids), flow cytometry, and microbiota analysis. [Applicant special instructions]: Candidates must provide personal statement, current CV and 2 to 3 references that can be contacted directly by phone and/or email to Dr. Ta-Chiang Liu at [email protected]. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AfterPhD/M.1611837692.A.014.html