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大更新喔 changelog放下面 下載點: https://goo.gl/f9cve1 ========================= Changelog Magisk v18.0 - [General] Migrate all code base to C++ - [General] Modify database natively instead of going through Magisk Manager - [General] Deprecate path /sbin/.core, please start using /sbin/.magisk - [General] Boot scripts are moved from <magisk_img>/.core/<stage>.d to /data/adb/<stage>.d - [General] Remove native systemless hosts (Magisk Manager is updated with a built-in systemless hosts module) - [General] Allow module post-fs-data.sh scripts to disable/remove modules - [MagiskHide] Use component names instead of process names as targets - [MagiskHide] Add procfs protection on SDK 24+ (Nougat) - [MagiskHide] Remove the folder /.backup to prevent detection - [MagiskHide] Hide list is now stored in database instead of raw textfile in images - [MagiskHide] Add "--status" option to CLI - [MagiskHide] Stop unmounting non-custom related mount points - [MagiskSU] Add FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES in broadcasts to force wake Magisk Manager - [MagiskSU] Fix a bug causing SIGWINCH not properly detected - [MagiskPolicy] Support new av rules: type_change, type_member - [MagiskPolicy] Remove all AUDITDENY rules after patching sepolicy to log all denies for debugging - [MagiskBoot] Properly support extra_cmdline in boot headers - [MagiskBoot] Try to repair broken v1 boot image headers - [MagiskBoot] Add new CPIO command: "exists" Magisk Manager v6.1.0 - Introduce new downloading methods: no longer uses buggy system Download Manager - Introduce many new notifications for better user experience - Add support for Magisk v18.0 - Change application name to "Manager" after hiding(repackaging) to prevent app name detection - Add built-in systemless hosts module (access in settings) - Auto launch the newly installed app after hiding(repackaging) and restoring Magisk Manager - Fix bug causing incomplete module.prop in modules to have improper UI -- 作者 Magisk (安卓界yo叔) 看板 MobileComm 標題 Fw: [情報] Magisk 15.0更新
f396761440 : 這篇沒引出Magisk本人,我自X12/26 12:21
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Android/M.1544264544.A.91E.html Magisk:轉錄至看板 MobileComm 12/08 18:22
DanteTwins: 推12/08 18:31
A4P8T6X9: 推12/08 18:48
IvanLord: 刷完fastboot loop LOL12/08 18:59
stonys: 推本人12/08 19:01
henryleo: fastboot loop +112/08 19:14
IvanLord: 早知道不第一波更新了XD12/08 19:18
henryleo: 所以I大怎麼救? 12/08 19:20
IvanLord: 不知道QQ 我進入recovery刷18.0跟17.3都跳ERROR 112/08 19:22
henryleo: 放棄中QQ12/08 19:23
sod3082: 上次17.0就boot loop了,這次18不敢當勇者12/08 19:28
jasn4560: 還好沒衝12/08 19:35
※ 編輯: Magisk (, 12/08/2018 19:38:51
IvanLord: 試了一下,沒辦法刷入,一樣卡ERROR 0112/08 20:01
#1Q3bay_q (MobileComm) 試試看
abc21086999: 要先uninstall嗎還是直接蓋過去?12/08 20:24
先直接安裝 有問題再用uninstaller ※ 編輯: Magisk (, 12/08/2018 20:28:56
joe4798: 17直升18.0正常 mi pad4 (′・ω・`) 12/08 20:52
liyuweiying: POCO F1 (9.0) 刷入正常 12/08 21:01
tennyleaz: 17.3直升18.0正常 12/08 21:01
tennyleaz: 不過PMGO目前好像繞不過? 12/08 21:03
jakc4103: PMGO要把所有跟magisk相關的安裝檔和資料夾刪掉才可開 12/08 21:15
sod3082: PetNoire's SafetyNet Spoofer在v18有用嗎? 12/08 21:25
IvanLord: 最後爬XDA文章寫只需要重刷boot.img就行了 12/08 21:33
IvanLord: 以後再也不衝第一個了Q_Q 12/08 21:33
pttpu: 希望哪天能看懂 12/08 21:39
koihia: Oxygen OS 9.0.2 從 17.1 直升沒問題 12/09 01:00
seewant: 推 12/09 01:15
abc0922001: 刷內核或刷Magisk之前,真的要先備份boot分區XD 12/09 01:41
kevin52541: 借串問 我從16.4升級到17.1或18.0都有一個問題 我的Yo 12/09 06:04
kevin52541: uTube vanced模組都顯示已安裝 但應用程式裡就是找不 12/09 06:04
kevin52541: 到youtube 降回16.x就又出現了 有人有解決方法嗎? 12/09 06:04
kevin52541: 謝謝解答 12/09 06:04
zenka9001: vendor還是不能r/w 12/09 08:10
tennyleaz: 把Magisk相關zip檔刪除就可以開PMGO了 12/09 08:51
sod3082: 17.2直升成功,host擋廣告要去設置裡新增模組才有用 12/09 09:15
sod3082: youtube vanced 在v17後有大改版,沒更新沒用 12/09 09:16
IvanLord: 推樓上,一開始我也在納悶怎麼有些廣告跑出來了xD 12/09 09:41
A520520: 小米A1兩隻 升級正常 12/09 12:26
kevin52541: http://i.imgur.com/PdlMew4.jpg 12/09 13:47
kevin52541: 模組顯示我有安裝youtube vanced 但進play商店看youtu 12/09 13:48
kevin52541: be顯示未安裝,我也有去載root版的vanced apk檔,一樣 12/09 13:48
kevin52541: 不能安裝… 12/09 13:48
kevin52541: 已經解決了,謝謝各位 ;之前偷懶,用twrp刷uninstall 12/09 17:44
kevin52541: 包後沒重開機就直接再刷magisk安裝包,導致沒移除乾淨 12/09 17:44
kevin52541: ,剛剛完整移除重開後再進twrp刷magisk就已經ok了,只 12/09 17:44
kevin52541: 是現在safetynet兩項都是紅燈XD 12/09 17:44
rsps1008: systemless 裝下去safetynet直接紅燈… 12/10 12:37
rsps1008: 關掉重開又好了XD 12/10 12:42
rsps1008: vanced版的YT本來就不能更新YT app啊 更新就變一般的了 12/10 12:44
blawhipa: 17.1 更新後重啟就卡在fastboot了 請問資料還有救嗎 12/11 00:12
blawhipa: htc a9 卡住 12/11 00:12
blawhipa: htc 820沒事 12/11 00:12
DFIGHT: 樓上沒備份啊...... 12/12 09:56
piqidibi: HTC u11+ Android 8.0 安裝正常 12/15 12:29
kaoru7568: 刷之前要備份boot.img啊... 12/16 00:15
FANGIN: http://i.imgur.com/J6yJMPc.jpg 12/28 22:21
FANGIN: http://i.imgur.com/tBsp1Fh.jpg 12/28 22:21
FANGIN: magisk hide 之後變成沒安裝 之後再要權限就找不到回復的 12/28 22:22
FANGIN: 地方了qq 12/28 22:22
FANGIN: http://i.imgur.com/aEmht7a.jpg 12/28 22:25
FANGIN: hide前拿到權限的權限還在 12/28 22:26