看板 Anti-Cancer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因公司健檢X光照出疑似左上肺1.5CM結節,稍後掛胸內後安排照CT. CT結果如下,因無專業常識光看英文還是不太懂,醫師忙也無暇多說僅囑咐半年回來 追蹤一下.節錄報告如下,懇請版友釋疑 謝謝~ Small solid nodule in LLL, RLL,right major fissure, the max one is about 7mm in size suggest followup in 3~6 months.這個實性結節就乖乖聽醫囑無需再尋求第二意見吧 > Pulmonary bleb in LUL.> 這句是啥意思? > No significantly enlarged mediastinal or axillary lymph node.>一樣這代表什麼意義? Several hypodense nodules over bilateral lobes of liver, hepaticcysts are favored.> No significant finding could be identified in GB, pancreas, spleen,bilateral adrenal glands in this study.整段意思? 只知肝囊腫, 其餘完全不懂. 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Anti-Cancer/M.1512795287.A.B22.html
dadaiken: Pulmonary bleb in LUL是說有個Pulmonary bleb在左邊上 12/10 18:59
dadaiken: 葉 12/10 18:59
dadaiken: 至於最後兩段的意思就是有看起來像囊腫的東西數個,其餘 12/10 19:00
dadaiken: 沒有特別的發現 12/10 19:00
dadaiken: 阿...沒發現b大已經另外回了哈哈哈 12/10 19:07
crux101: 仍然感謝!! 12/10 20:13