看板 AntiVirus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
乳題 在小軟體版看到的 Sophos停止了這個Sandboxie這個產品(應該是賺不太到錢吧 但因為他們又覺得很可惜 所以決定把sandboxie變成免費軟體 並預計未來轉成開源軟體 原文: Sophos is excited to announce that we are making Sandboxie a free tool, with plans to transition it to an open source tool. This new evolution of Sandboxie is one we are enthusiastic about, but that does not mean this was an easy decision to make. Sandboxie has never been a significant component of Sophos’ business, and we have been exploring options for its future for a while. Frankly, the easiest and least costly decision for Sophos would have been to simply end of life Sandboxie. However, we love the technology too much to see it fade away. More importantly, we love the Sandboxie community too much to do that. The Sandboxie user base represents some of the most passionate, forward thinking, and knowledgeable members of the security community and we didn’t want to let you down. After thoughtful consideration we decided that the best way to keep Sandboxie going was to give it back to its users – transitioning it to an open source tool. We will release more information about the open source project as we continue to work on the details. Until the open source transition is completed we have decided to make all restricted features of Sandboxie completely free. 消息來源:https://www.sandboxie.com/ 心得: 雖然我已經在這陣子轉到linux陣營 不過當初買了三人版的永久授權其實覺得滿好用的 未來變成開源後希望會有厲害的大大繼續維護 -- 旅遊帶定焦鏡會錯過很多鏡頭 但拿變焦鏡也會錯過很多鏡頭 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AntiVirus/M.1568170412.A.8F5.html ※ 編輯: liumang ( 臺灣), 09/11/2019 10:55:55
meicon5566: win10 1903都有內建沙盒 就索性免費了吧? 09/11 11:19
DPP48: 慘,當初還買3人授權 09/11 11:54
kaorucyc: 之前不就可以免費使用了 不過只能開一個 09/11 12:43
gwofeng: 沒人維護的話就GG了,感覺還是比內建的好用阿 09/11 18:45
whatisapity: 就越來越沒存在意義啊 09/11 20:13
whatisapity: 主流的瀏覽器和文書處理軟體幾乎都在沙盒裡跑了 09/11 20:13
lecod: 這個很好用啊,測試軟體或者有些不想裝在裡的程式 09/12 08:58
estupid: 我都直接用VM囉 09/12 09:37
gwofeng: 阿里旺旺跟百度網盤的程式我都裝在沙盤 09/12 10:52
gwofeng: 不爽被常駐一堆莫名的程式 09/12 10:53
fatstan: sandboxie沒有防偷資料 請小心 09/12 11:10
cys070: 開源後可能就趴,畢竟需要勤快維護 09/12 11:54
cys070: win10或是chrome和一些軟體更新,可能相容性又需要修正 09/12 11:55
cys070: 除非有很多熱心人士主動維護 09/12 11:55
vincent8914: 沒人維護就gg了 之前chrome都開不了 等幾天才修好 09/12 17:55
norlan17m: 當初也買了一套說,鰻好用的 09/12 21:59
說到這突然想到 不曉得原作者聽到這消息有什麼想法 ※ 編輯: liumang ( 臺灣), 09/12/2019 23:18:46
y3k: 這個開源有搞頭阿 應該不少高手都想幫他們修補增強的 09/13 13:10
dennisxkimo: 1903運作沙盒的代價偏高,還是這套好用 09/13 21:00
APM99: 那等win10更新後不就掰了... 09/16 11:56
cg6445: 之前有買給推,希望之後開源可以發揚光大 09/17 02:42
mysterydream: 因為認證伺服器用不好吧 之前停賣寫信去問 他們說的 09/28 08:27
mysterydream: 後來看討論區也是一堆人問 搞了好幾個月.. 09/28 08:28
is1128: 慘~買了三人授權 10/23 10:34
hollen9: Sandboxie之前拿來掛多帳號CSGO箱子超好用 02/23 14:56
hollen9: VM會有顯示卡跑3D圖形的問題 02/23 14:56