看板 Aquarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/Xolmp0 Astrology.com Is someone casting a spell over you? Be careful not to let the mystical charms of someone cute fog your mind and keep you from having a realistic view of who they are as a person. Listen to your common sense, not to your heart. Find out what other mutual friends think about this person -- they will splash some cold water in your infatuated face, but your affection probably won't diminish one bit. This means that your connection could be built on real things after all. 擔心那位吸引你的人對你下了魔咒嗎?別讓他們的魅力迷惑了你該有的真實判斷。 請依常理來思考,而不是只聽自己的心;還要聽聽其他共同朋友對這個人的評價 - 他們將會對著迷上勾的你潑冷水 - 但可能你對這個人的迷戀還是沒有減少。 如果是這樣的話,你才會知道自己與對方的連結是建立在真實的情感上面。 http://goo.gl/NYXiX9 Astrocenter.com Visitors in the home could share stories of strange experiences of some sort, perhaps intense and vivid dreams, visions, or maybe premonitions that have come true. This could spark some deep thought, Aquarius, causing you to reflect on similar experiences of your own. It might be a good idea for you and your friends to attend some classes or workshops on psychic development. The experiences will probably continue, and they're more understandable when you know what to look for. 來訪的朋友分享了一些奇妙的經歷,例如緊張真實的夢境、幻象、或者成真的預知經驗。 這些讓瓶子們想了很多,也想起自己類似的一些回憶。 可以考慮一起去上一些相關的課程或研討會;當未來這種情況發生時, 你們就能知道要從哪些方向去了解這種情境。 http://goo.gl/0bAQzT Claire's You want more from life and you will be doing all you can to ensure you get it from today. A cancelled arrangement makes way for far better and more exciting plans. 因為想要從生命中得到更多,所以瓶子們會努力從今天(01/19)開始為自己努力。 一個被取消的安排讓你有機會替自己安插一些更好更有趣的活動。 -- 我。想。要。減。肥。 - 頓時驚覺過年要到了的心聲… = = -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1453131472.A.789.html
blueMie: 推 好幾天沒看到運勢了QQ 01/18 23:56
kcjgg: 已經被潑了好幾次冷水 依舊迷戀 唉... 01/19 00:04
nilyrrehs: 天啊第一段完全...也許暫時什麼都不想比較好 01/19 01:14
opoepev: 第一段也太準…剛被澆一陣而已XDDDD 01/19 02:15
mamy: oh~~no~~~第一段很準 01/19 08:36
julian0203: 看來大家都中第一段XD 01/19 09:13
ilhk: 中第一段+1 01/19 09:17
joycehao7912: 感謝翻譯 01/19 12:27
j50508: 可以讓我定到機票嗎TAT... 01/19 12:27
turtlecookie: 第一段準,淚推 01/20 01:42