看板 Aquarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/ALFIS7 The desire for personal and career advancement could cause you to consider furthering your education in some way, Aquarius. Someone close to you, probably a woman, could wake you up to the advantages of returning to school and getting an advanced degree. You may want to wait a little bit before deciding, but something has shifted within you. It's time for some kind of change. Be prepared. 對於個人的渴望及職涯的發展,可能會導致你考慮你教育的某方面想的更加長遠。 有些親近你的人,可能是個女人,可能會喚醒你回歸學校的好處, 以及獲取更好學位的優點。 你可能會想要在決定前等一會,但是有些是可能會有些東西移動到你心中。 是時候做出某種轉變。做好準備吧! http://goo.gl/n1cV2J A friend of yours who has been acting like they can do no wrong lately is ready to get a wake up call -- and you should give it to them. Talk to them today about how they've been alienating people. Help them understand that they will get much further with other people if they put all their energy into connecting with them -- as opposed to being aloof. Teach them a few tricks you have learned in your years of experience working with others. 你的一個朋友最近表現的像是他們都不會做錯,已經到了該被警醒的時候了。 而你應該要去提醒他們。 今天去跟他們談談關於他們已經被人疏離了。 幫助他們了解如果他們總是把能量放在跟人連係,他們將會跟人更進一步認識。 相反的就會被孤立。 教他們一些你這幾年跟別人交流學會的技巧。 http://goo.gl/YHkZKi A feeling of unease and distrust could make it hard for you to know what close ones are going to do or say next. Luckily for you, the stars show they are planning something supportive, not destructive. 有一種不安及不信任的感覺,可能會讓你很難知道, 你親近的人下一步來要做什麼或是要說什麼。 很幸運的是,星星們顯示他們正在計畫的事情會是有幫助的,而不是破壞性的。 Friday Jun 17 2016 A goal you have been working toward doesn't seem to be happening in your planned timetable. You had a faster success in mind, Aquarius, but disappointments and changes along the way have held you back. Just because you haven't realized your dream by a certain date, however, does not mean it won't be just as fantastic when it does happen. Just relax and let the universe guide you. If you immerse yourself in the experience and you enjoy it, you will succeed in an even bigger way. 你已經在努力的目標,前進的速度好像不如你預期的時程。 你想著你會有更快速的成功,但是失望和改變總是在路途上攔阻你。 只因為你還沒在確定的日子中實現你的夢想,然而這並不代表著這是虛幻的。 只要放輕鬆讓宇宙帶領你。 如果你沉浸在你自己的體驗中並且享受它,你將可已成功在更偉大的道路上。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1466077085.A.50C.html
tomclusu: 感覺很準 今天過的好糟啊QQ 06/16 20:18
imcreep: 晚上好~謝謝翻譯! 06/16 22:50
Jim0818Apple: 今天過得好糟+1,感謝翻譯 06/16 22:50
kcjgg: 每一段都很有感.... 06/17 00:20
xu3baby: 真的是連滾帶爬的度過週四QQ 06/17 00:59
tina2500816: 超準的 謝謝翻譯阿 06/17 09:01
balasa: 很有感... 尤其是3.4段 06/17 13:26
kurono54: 有點準阿 最後一段 日本打工渡假沒有中QQ 06/17 13:46