看板 Aquarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1&ZSign=10&Af=0 You may get frustrated today, Aquarius, especially in the morning when other people's egos seem to be strong. It could be difficult to relate to people who simply refuse to accept any opinion but their own. Things should mellow out by afternoon. You'll find people start to see things from your perspective. Remain confident in your position despite the vacillation of others. 你今天可能會感到挫折,特別是在早上看到別人的自尊心似乎很堅強時。 輕易地拒絕任何意見卻有著自己的看法的人是很難懂的。 事情會在下午的時候成熟豐美。 你將可以發現人們開始看到你觀點。 即使其他人動搖你,你也要對自己的立場有信心。 Nothing is more important than getting a handle on your emotions. They've been going up and down and all over the place for a while now, which is fine -- but this unpredictability has got to end soon. This is a phase in your life where you should try to organize your feelings in order to better understand and work through them. Sort through negative feelings and toss out the jealousy or regret that just doesn't matter any more. You are moving on and you need to leave that junk behind. 沒有什麼事比處理你的情緒更重要。 你的情緒已經整個上上下下好一陣子了,而這還好, 這個不可預測將很快的要結束。 這是你生命中的階段,你應該要試著去組織你的感覺, 為了去更了解且通過它們。 排解你的負面情緒,丟掉那些忌妒或後悔,這都無關緊要了。 你要把那些垃圾拋到腦後。 A problem you thought you could not solve can in fact be sorted out to your advantage if you take control instead of allowing others to tell you what to say and do. 一個你認為你解決不了的問題,事實上如果你自己掌控 而不是讓別人來告訴你該怎麼做, 這樣會整理得更好。 Friday Sep 2 2016 A "perfect" relationship isn't necessarily free of argument and strife. To evolve personally and within a relationship you may need to deal with a few growing pains. If you've experienced a conflict or two with someone you love, it may just be part of what you need to grow closer. What's most important is the way you react to the friction, and what you do with it. You should look as a recent fracas as a blessing because it gives you the chance to learn to do better, and to make your bond stronger, Aquarius. 一個"完美"的關係並不一定要爭論和紛爭的自由。 自我進化和關係中你需要處理一些成長的煩惱。 如果你經歷了一兩個跟愛人的衝突,這會是變得越親近需要的一部份。 最重要的是你處理摩擦的方法,還有你要用它來做什麼。 你應該看待近期的摩擦視為一種福氣, 因為它給了你機會去學的做得更好,讓你變得更加健壯。 -- 前兩則句子有點看不懂 不過意思應該差不多 明天要出差台北 要早起阿~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1472735663.A.D38.html
kujirazzzzz: 最近情緒真的很不好…唉希望可以快點好起來 09/01 22:21
yiling85207: 最近心情一直很down 啊!QAQ 09/01 22:30
noreg0095680: 最近一直魂不附體的感覺QAQ 09/01 22:31
topaz4587: blues QAQ 09/01 23:21
Zuosiou: 真的快結束了。 09/02 00:26
wuwu34: 最近脾氣只有差而已.... 09/02 00:53
kcjgg: 作息算正常還白天累晚上有精神 好煩 09/02 01:22
ikukan: 最近真的很悶,又說不上來 09/02 01:25
greg9426: 很悶+1 09/02 01:44
xaviera211: 最近很悶+1 但9/1有好點了;u; 09/02 01:55
solazy: 第三則第一段應該是一段完美的關係並不是沒有爭論跟紛爭唷 09/02 08:40
imcreep: 把壞情緒拋掉! 09/02 09:07
stubbornness: 為何今天那麼準 情緒真的起伏一陣子... 09/02 12:42