看板 Aquarius 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may feel as though you are operating in a vacuum. It may seem as if the considerable efforts you are putting into something are not being noticed, let alone appreciated. Maybe you are even starting to think that you aren't that likable, dear Aquarius. None of that is true! You don't normally need a lot of feedback, but right now, you may feel isolated. Reassurance of your popularity and validation for your efforts will come to you soon. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing because you enjoy it - not because you want approval. 你可能覺得你處在真空下做事。 在某件事情上,你付出了很多的努力卻沒有被注意到,更不用說欣賞了。 也許你開始覺得你是不是不討人喜歡。 這都不是真的! 你通常需要很多的回應與回饋,但現在你覺得很孤獨。 放心吧,你的人氣與你努力的事情很快就會得到認可。 現在你要繼續做下去,因為你熱愛它,而不是因為你想要得到認可。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1649170099.A.93C.html
Carol0217: 我覺得每次這個翻譯,都給我滿滿的正能量~很鼓勵到我 04/06 00:22
Carol0217: ,很貼心,謝謝 04/06 00:22
Carol0217: 感謝翻譯 04/06 00:22
kira2899: 推 04/06 08:43
taelia: 推 04/06 15:33
boy12345761: 推 04/06 15:46
milkecsx: 推 04/07 12:46