看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/SjnPZO Astrology.com What on earth has happened to your pioneering spirit? Today, you gotta try to get it back! Not only is it an important part of who you are, it's an invaluable way to keep some excitement going in your life. You don't have to go off and discover a new continent or anything, but you do need to follow the loose threads you come across from time to time. If you encounter a word you don't know, look it up! If you hear about a restaurant you've never tried before, book a table. Little explorations matter, too. 你的冒險精神去哪裡了?今天(10/02)你要試著把這種心找回來。 不只是因為這是羊兒很大的個人特色,而且這是讓生命有熱情的方式,價值無可比擬啊! 你不需要離開去找到新大陸或什麼,你只需要把平常沒有注意的小細節抓緊就好。 例如遇上不懂的字,你一直都得過且過,這時就去把它查清楚! 如果你聽到人家介紹好餐廳,就去訂位試試看吧!小冒險對生活很重要的! http://goo.gl/XRu1NY Astrocenter.com Are you currently involved in a creative enterprise with a partner? If so, expect a burst of energy to be directed to completing that project. You might make more progress today than you have in several weeks, though you may be surprised at the direction the enterprise takes. In the evening, schedule a date with a love partner. You'll have a lot to report! 最近與夥伴正開始新的創意嗎?是的話,準備好期待充沛的能量湧入來幫助你完成案子! 你今天(10/02)可能會完成比過去幾週還要大量的工作進度, 雖然你可能同時也對於整個方案的走向有點驚訝。 另外,晚上與伴侶約個會吧,回來之後你一定會有許多驚采想分享! http://goo.gl/XFlvA7 Claire's I know you have been through much upheaval and stress, but remember this Aries, know yourself and you will win all battles. You've been trying to support everyone else. Now make you a priority. 我知道你最近經歷了許多的劇變與壓力,但是羊兒們要記住, 好好認識了解自己,你才能夠贏得所有的戰爭。 你一直努力去支援他人,現在把自己當作第一順位吧。 -- 放完假,人跟狗都累爆了… = = -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1443694246.A.998.html
MISSRAM: 謝謝! 10/01 18:36
sunlovestory: 明天要約會~ 10/01 18:58
sanchien: 累爆,三個星期沒休息,工作量爆增 10/01 19:16
gc9v: 感謝‧ 10/01 19:23
asqwzxd123: 真的準.. 10/01 19:54
cathome464: 謝謝~最後一段感覺很有感觸…要把自己放在第一順位! 10/01 21:45
aumia: 絕對要把自己放在第一位! 10/01 23:23
gritstone: 謝謝翻譯分享~ 10/01 23:39
petestar: 感謝~~ 10/02 00:17
Huijac: 感謝翻譯 覺得得到能量了ψ(‵▽′)ψ 10/02 01:22
wayne8848: 真的累爆了,有準 10/02 01:32