看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/VIoeMA Astrology.com Feeling a little bit bored with your social life lately? To get a sense of renewal in your life right now, you should let other people take charge of things. Let them organize the get-togethers and the parties for the next few weeks. Sure, you love to get people together, but why not give someone else a chance to take the lead? By always being the ringleader, you're never getting a taste of anything new! Keep things fresh in your life by handing over the reins. Open your mind and get ready to try some new things. 最近對自己的社交圈感到無趣了嗎?那就讓他人去籌劃聚會與派對吧。 我知道你喜歡幫忙,但有時候該給其他人一些機會去領導。 不然一直當領頭羊你當然體會不到新鮮事。 把韁繩交給他人去試試看才有機會創新。 就打開心胸去感受新東西吧! http://goo.gl/YALXV8 Astrocenter.com There is some likelihood that you'll have an electrifying emotional encounter today. Some of life's more mundane details may trigger arguments that, although violent, are cathartic and short. You've been thinking that it's time for more intensity in your life. Whether you know it or not, you're rethinking all manner of human relationships. 今天可能會有一些振奮人心的消息。 雖然也會有些平凡小事引起爭吵或有些微暴力,但都只是短暫的發洩而已。 最近你甚至開始想要加強生命的強度;不論你是否有發現,你其實也在思考人與人之間的所有關係。 http://goo.gl/e7JirM Claire's It has proven hard to tell close ones what's really going on in your life, but try to speak to them today and open up. You'll be surprised how accommodating they will be if you do. 羊兒或許真的很難對親近的人訴說自己生命中的一些事;但是今天可以試著打開心房。 他們釋出的善意會讓你驚訝呢! -- 今天用手機翻的,排版請見諒。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC_M8x. -- 。員工是資產,值得被好好照顧。 http://goo.gl/IPK0lr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1449937801.A.274.html
Alixwaltz: 謝翻譯 12/13 03:37
neo5277: PUSH 12/13 06:18
hifak007ex: 推推 12/13 07:38
yulin00: 推推 12/13 08:19
shizusumi: 推 最近的運勢都滿精準的! 12/13 11:03
threetimes: 昨天真的跟朋友打開心房!!! 12/14 00:19