看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/HDDTvN Astrology.com One of your friends keeps going on and on about how they are changing and growing, but you've yet to see any real evidence of this transformation. Before you call them on their baloney or tell them that they are fooling themselves, think about what they really need right now -- your support, not your criticism. So be patient and understand that sometimes real change takes real time -- it doesn't always happen dramatically. Encourage them to keep going, and they'll be able to. 某個朋友不斷的說著自己改變了多少又多少的,但是你好像還看不出來有什麼不同; 如果你想要敷衍對方、或者是說出殘酷的話時,先想想看他們現在到底需要什麼 - 他們需要的正是你的支持、而不是批判呀! 要知道許多真正的改變是需要時間的,而你的鼓勵才能刺激他們繼續向前做出真正改變。 http://goo.gl/OC1kLr Astrocenter.com Today you wake up feeling reinvigorated and renewed, Aries. You feel as though you can accomplish anything. And very likely, today you can. Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that you don't gloat too much, though. Just because you feel invincible doesn't necessarily mean that you are. 今天(08/28)羊兒們會覺得自己活力滿滿、神清氣爽的,好像什麼都能完成那樣; 而且,很可能的是,你還真的什麼都能做得好耶。 只要是你下定決心、專注去努力的事,就能有美好的成果。 但是要小心自己因此太過沾沾自喜,不能因為你覺得自己無敵,你就真的所向無敵了。 http://goo.gl/Q7XnaM Claire's There's an array of new faces just waiting to have fun with you. Don't let the past stand in the way of you living life again. The sweetest revenge is in you finding new pleasures. 一堆新面孔正在前方等著你去認識並發展新的生活樂趣, 別讓自己的過去把你拓展新生活的路擋住 - 你知道最甜美的報復就是讓自己找到新的快樂過得更好呀! -- 今晚有讓人期待的新活動。 -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1472287225.A.AC1.html
cvcc: 推 08/27 17:15
susan105: 推第3則 要過的比他更好 08/27 18:12
ggisgod: 昨日我配不上妳,明日我要妳高攀不起 08/27 22:42
wowilan: 第一則準,我失望透了 08/27 22:52
micat: 推找到新的快樂,過得更好! 08/28 00:54
waterhua: 推第三段~ 08/28 01:59
fang29: 過得更好就是好的報復! 08/28 03:48
azleche: 推第三則 08/28 11:59
josLynYa: 好想有新的快樂、過得更好!但現階段似乎無法突破QQ 08/29 01:09