看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/BlG5I0 Astrology.com Watch for frustration with your bank account right now. You can get a handle on the stress your money issues are causing, but only if you keep cool. Now is not the time to react with dramatic and panicky changes. Cut back on your budget too much, and you'll only beat yourself up when you aren't able to live with such stringent guidelines. You can find a middle ground, making small changes that will make a big difference over time. Do not be impatient about this. 這時候去檢查帳戶的話,可能會覺得很失望; 其實你是能夠應付這種財務壓力的,但是前提是你得要保持冷靜才行。 這不是個突然大力縮減開銷的好時機, 如果一口氣減少許多支出,你反而會因為無法過好基本的生活而太過痛苦。 你能在過與不及中間找到平衡點,從小地方改善起,然後把這些習慣維持長久, 總之這個時候的你不適合太過急躁喲。 https://goo.gl/pxF7OA Astrocenter.com Do your best to keep up today, Aries. Things might move quickly. You may be raising your hand and waiting politely for someone to call on you. This is one of those days in which other people will be so concerned about themselves that they probably won't notice you at all. If you want to take your turn, you should probably just stand up and be proactive. 今天要努力跟上進度,因為事情都進展得很快。 同時,你可能也舉著手在等待某個人打電話給你,可是, 最近別人大概都只忙著關心自己的事而忘記要注意你。 如果你想要主動出擊的話,可能不要只是舉手而已,而是要站起來才能引人注意。 https://goo.gl/oTR0oF Claire's Don’t make promises for the coming weeks which you know you have no intention of keeping. You’ll only end up undoing the good work you have so far done in getting back on track with a close one. Ring now to hear who can’t get you off their mind. 接下來這一週,不要輕易做出你無法兌現的承諾喲! 不然的話,你到目前為止所努力的好成果將會開始被忽略, 然後你又會再次離原本的目標越來越遠。 -- 最近去看了列車上的女孩,還不錯看喲! 而且我是先看了書再去看電影,也沒有因此覺得失望。 -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1476671452.A.8CE.html
nccuer: 第一則好準嗚嗚 財務上的確卡到了 10/17 10:53
aefoowkin: +1 10/17 10:56
topaz4587: 3 10/17 11:24
wilson21: 推列車上的女孩! 10/17 11:28
petestar: 第一則真的 窮死QQ 也謝謝第三則的提醒QQ 10/17 11:44
yeatshood: 卡到財務+1.... 10/17 12:21
chelsea8230: 感謝翻譯 10/17 12:33
hwinnie89: 好機機? 10/17 17:42
hwinnie89: --->好時機 10/17 17:44
crims: 第一則好準 10/17 18:58
Thejust: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,打錯啦,哈哈哈哈哈 10/17 22:49
※ 編輯: Thejust (, 10/17/2016 22:49:22