看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/bzbQyW Astrology.com The future is always in motion, so don't stress if you can't quite make out your goal right now. Simply deal with events as they come along, and try not to control or predict the future too stringently. After all, life has many wonderful surprises to offer, but the trick is to be in a receptive state so you can appreciate those surprises. For now, put the past behind you and focus on the present. The future will be here before you know it. 未來總是充滿著變數,所以如果這時候覺得自己有點跟不上腳步的話,也別太緊繃; 就好好面對著每個到來的事務,別太嚴格的預測未來或想要控制它。 畢竟有時候生活就是如此充滿驚喜,而你應該讓自己彈性一些才能接收驚喜的到來。 現在就把過去拋下,活在當下,很快的你就會發現未來早就來臨。 https://goo.gl/IeQz8K Astrocenter.com Doubts about a friend's motives could plague you today, Aries. This person seems to be acting strangely and isn't communicating. This probably has little if anything to do with you. This person has issues that he or she is having trouble with. There are others who are in a better space whose company you will enjoy at this time. Get together and enjoy the amiable atmosphere. 某人的行為讓你有些困擾,舉止怪異又不願意與人溝通, 這些其實與你不太相干,是他們自己有些為難之處需要煩惱。 你還有許多其他可以一起相處的朋友讓你轉移一下注意力,去找其他人玩樂吧! https://goo.gl/NP4Bqu Claire's Fact and fiction become blurred. You worry less about how you feel, more about how things seem to others. Stop and take stock. Life is what you make it, so make yours count today and everyday. Ring now to hear how peacemaking means making a compromise. 事實與想像之間有些模糊,但是你擔心的不是自己的感受,反而是擔心其他人的想法; 停止如此吧,好好想想。你的生活是你自己掌控的,當然是以你活得踏實最重要! -- 以不變應萬變啊。 -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1484042473.A.79C.html
ImRo: 謝謝翻譯 ~ 01/10 18:43
b1860826: 剛看完唐老師的書,牡羊座今年要面對好多人際考驗哦!要 01/10 18:52
b1860826: 張開眼睛阿! 01/10 18:52
py840326: 最近好累好累喔 快跟不上自己的腳步了 01/11 00:27
yah0330: 感謝翻譯 Claire這篇正是我現階段的目標 01/11 01:32