看板 Aries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Today, don't feel an iota of guilt if you want to ignore the outside world. Le t your phone ring off the hook, and don't stress out about the contents of you r email inbox. You are important, but the folks in your daily life can get alo ng without you for just one day. It's time to step back from constant interact ion. Do you really need to have your cell phone turned on all day? Make yourse lf incommunicado for at least a couple of hours. You'll feel amazingly free. 今天如果你想忽視世俗的一切就這麼做吧,不要覺得有任何內疚感;手機不想接就放給他 響吧,也不用去在意電子信箱裡面的郵件,放任所有的事情隨他而去吧!你雖然很重要, 但你身邊的人在今天沒有你的今天也還大概過得去der,是時候從不斷的連繫中抽身了。 你真的需要讓手機開機一整天嗎?就關機吧讓自己與外界失聯,享受那一個人的自由! (也許就是我需要的吧) Did you wake up this morning with a vague recollection of a half-remembered dr eam bugging you? If so, it won't do any good to try to pull it up. Perhaps you aren't meant to remember the entire thing, in which case you should try analy zing the little bit you do remember. Perhaps it will come to you when somethin g reminds you later. Don't let it drive you crazy. It's only a dream, after al l. 當你今天早上醒來時只會隱約記得那纏繞著你的夢境,如果是這樣的話想起這個夢境對你 來說並不是個明智的舉動;也許是你不想要記得這個夢吧,也許你應該要分析一下這個夢 境?也許可以提醒你一些即將發生的事,別讓這些事令你抓狂,其實他就只是個夢而已! Why is it that you feel so put out by what other people are doing? I see, as y ou cannot, that those close to you really are trying to act with your best int erests at heart. Gifts you do or do not buy at this time tell those around you what your heart feels, but your voice could not say. 管別人在做什麼唷?乾你屁事!但是我知道你整個就臣妾做不到啊~~~那些親近你的人 正試著扮演著你心中最好的那一個。 這次買或不買禮物可以說明那些在你身邊的人在你心中的地位,但你就是說不出口。 ------------------- 有位羊羊對我說其實這時最害怕的就是別人對你說 你還好嗎? 真的會讓好不容易築起的高牆瞬間倒塌 家人怕我不吃東西煮了我最愛的東西(吃貨) 但還是沒效 也說了很多開導我的話但這時的我就是什麼都聽不進去 我有權利難過,就讓我好好的與自己相處吧。 哎居:https://www.instagram.com/jenniferchan0326/ ------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1540302521.A.150.html
kersznre: 怎麼覺得1.2段好像在說我(驚)謝謝你在這種情形下還堅 10/23 22:07
kersznre: 持翻譯每日運勢,抱一下! 10/23 22:07
wanwan5cents: 加油 10/23 22:42
a0141704: 抱) 謝謝每日運勢翻譯 一起加油! 10/23 22:52
mlpoi: 感謝翻譯!!! 10/23 22:54
Denimboy: 臣妾做不到啊XDD 好親切的翻譯 10/24 00:07
cvcc: 感謝翻譯。 關手機完全不想看工作的事 10/24 06:33
orange36700: 感謝翻譯 10/24 07:30
kkjjkkjj: 加油 10/24 07:53
imyiting0410: 謝謝翻譯~ 10/24 08:30
grace00780: 謝謝翻譯 10/24 09:43
hsuan85: 大家加油 10/24 12:37
chakaloo: 真的!工作完全被轟炸到好累喔 10/24 14:40
jm1842: ! 10/24 22:29