看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part 2 : Roberto Martínez (原文出處:http://tinyurl.com/nxy565u) “I’m sure Arsène will have some input in choosing his successor. Roberto Martínez? He seems like a good man.” Those were the words of ex-Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood speaking back in March of this year. The quote provides a good starting point with which to look at the dilemma of who will one day replace Arsène Wenger. 『我相信溫格絕對會在他的繼任者的挑選上展現一點影響力的,Roberto Martinez? 他看起來是個不錯的人選』 上述的話,是出自於前主席Peter Hill-Wook 2014年3月的談話。而這段話說明了未 來要找到溫格的繼任者,將不會是件容易的事情。 Recently, it has been a debate that my fellow ABW bloggers and I have been discussing. What surprised me is how different our ideas and candidates were, it demonstrates just how uncertain the future is after Arsène. Look at Manchester United, succeeding a long-term manager is no easy task. 近來,我跟ABW的博主不停的爭論一件事情,然而讓我吃驚的是我們的想法與人選的 差異性之大,更加凸顯了後溫格時期的未來將會是如此的飄忽渺茫! UCC曼聯嘛! 要接替一位執教如此之久的經理,哪有那麼簡單。 As I sit here writing this, Sky Sports News is nattering away in the background . On the screen is Pep Guardiola, dressed as ever in his immaculate suit and orchestrating Bayern Munich to yet another victory. He is, in many people’s eyes and mine, the ideal candidate to replace Arsène Wenger at Arsenal. Guardiola’s style of football, his manner off the field and his CV make him the dream replacement. But this isn’t a dream, this is reality. 正當我坐在此埋頭寫作時,背景傳來的是天空體育新聞的談論聲,而電視畫面上是身 著完美的西裝Guardiola,再一次的猶如指揮家般優雅的帶領他的拜仁大軍贏得勝利。 Guardiola是許多人,包含我的眼中,是一位從溫格守中接下阿森納指揮大權最理想 的人選。他的足球風格、球場外的舉止、他的履歷都在在說明了他是個夢幻繼任人選。但 這只是夢。夢醒了,還是得面對現實。 And in reality I simply cannot see Pep Guardiola succeeding Wenger at Arsenal. First and foremost, Manchester City have already labelled him as their number one target. Make no mistake about it if Pep left Bayern, City would have no qualms in instantly sacking Manuel Pellegrini and bringing the Spaniard in. The appointments of Txiki Begiristain and Ferran Soriano provide a key indication of City’s owners desire to replicate Barcelona. The Abu Dhabi owners would love nothing more than to see their club tiki-taka their way to European glory and who better to do it than Pep Guardiola? 而從現時的角度來看,打死我我都不認為Guardiola會接替接掌溫格的兵符。首先, 曼城早就放出風聲Pep是他們的頭號目標,所以要搞清楚狀況,一旦Pep跟拜仁byebye,那 油王絕對會毫不遲疑火掉工程師好讓西班牙人可以入主曼城。 延攬了Txiki Begiristain(前巴薩足球總監)與Ferran Soriano(前巴薩CEO),透露出 了油王想要把曼城打造成複刻版巴薩的跡象。油王最想要的就是他的球隊踢著tiki-taka 一路登上歐洲榮耀的寶座上,而這份工作又有誰比Pep更合適呢? So, for that reason alone, I cannot see Guardiola succeeding Wenger. Perhaps one day he will take the reins at the Emirates, but not yet. City will make sure of that. But then who else does Silent Stan and his fellow board members look to bring in? I will let my other bloggers argue the cases for Frank de Boer and the like, while Jürgen Klopp’s troublesome time at Borussia Dortmund will have supporters suggesting he is the man if he becomes available. 所以光是這個理由,我就不認為Guardiola會接溫格的班。或許有一天他會來執教, 但不是現在,至少,阿布達比的尚未枯竭石油會保證它不會發生。 那到底誰才是『沉默的屎蛋』跟它的董事會好朋友們會想要接班人選呢?除了Frank de Boer 或是其他人,當然也包含了現在球隊在桌子水深火熱區的多特教練Klopp,他也有不 少的支持者。這些就讓寫相同主題的其他三個人去爭論吧! However if I may attempt, with some difficulty I might add, to try to get in the mind of an Arsenal board member there is only one man who I can see getting the job – Roberto Martínez. Let’s begin with the man himself. He is quite simply a gentleman. Very rarely will you see Martínez blow his top at journalists or receive an FA charge for slating the performances of referees. 但是要是我試著,當然有點難度,用一個阿森納董事會成員的腦袋與角度去思考,那 就只有一個人可以勝任這分工作 – Roberto Martinez. 讓我們從他這個『人』開始吧! 簡單說他很紳士,你很少看到他在記者前面爆走, 或是因為批評裁判腦殘而備足協處罰吧? He is, to a certain extent, very safe when it comes to the media. Exceedingly likeable and always happy to talk, he creates good press wherever he is in charge. While I put down my metaphorical mahogany pipe – remember I am trying to be an Arsenal board member here and having been to the AGM I can tell you for free that it’s an old bunch – I realise that this Martínez chap would be good at the Emirates. He is liked by the media, rarely gets in trouble and presents a good image for the club. Big tick in the PR box then. 說到面對媒體,某種程度上,他是很安全的。極度討喜且總是樂於談論,他總是能製 造好的新聞話題。當我放下我想像的紅木菸斗 (咳咳....記得我現在是角色扮演一位阿森 納的董事會成員,參加過AGM的經驗,我可以免費告訴你,那是一群老人!!) 我發現 Martinez這傢伙很是合待在酋長球場。 媒體喜歡他,很少擾上麻煩,為俱樂部呈現出良好的形像。PR公共關係這一項的框框 要打一個大勾勾! But what about playing style then? The fans under Wenger craved the sumptuous flowing football that saw the Frenchman’s side open up and obliterate teams when everyone was on song. Well, in that same ilk, Martínez encourages his side to get the ball down and play. You cannot argue that the Spaniard’s sides don’t play attractive football. Look at Wigan, they out played Manchester City on their way to FA Cup glory. The same can be said for Everton. Granted they have a bit more pace and power about them, primarily down to Romelu Lukaku’s presence, but isn’t that what Wenger was all about in the first place? Combining pace and power with expert passing and technique? Sounds like Martínez would be the perfect fit in my opinion. 法國人崇尚用華麗、流暢且精妙的傳導戰術一步步撕開、摧毀敵人的防線,一直都是 球迷們所渴望且津津樂道的槍手風格。 那Martinez的球風呢? 好吧,雖能說是同流, 但Martinez的風格就相對務實多了。你不能怪西班牙人不踢漂亮足球。看看Martinez的維 根吧!!! 他們的務實套路,讓他們在邁向足總杯冠軍的道路上擊敗了強如曼城這樣的對手 !!! 相同之於艾佛頓,當然,因為小魔獸的關係,他們擁有了更多的力量與速度上的優勢 ,但是說穿了,運用精準的傳球與技巧,再結合上速度與力量,這不就是溫格的漂亮足球 的最基本面嗎??? 那麼這樣聽起來,我還真心覺得Martinez太適合我們了! As a board member I also recall Stan saying that we shouldn’t spend much on transfers, certainly Arsène didn’t. So the successor should be in the same vain and, bar his splurge on Lukaku, Martínez once again ticks that box. The Everton boss is very astute in the market and particularly for the Toffees I cannot think of many signings he has made which have been poor. He has a strong understanding of the foreign markets too, an area Arsène has expertise. 而身為董事會的一份子,我也依稀記得屎蛋說過轉會市場上不能太過鋪張,溫格在這 一點上絕對堪稱資優生,所以他的繼任者也應該以此為諄。至於Martinez嘛....撇開小魔 獸的交易不談,他在守財上還算合格!! Martinez在轉會市場上非常精明,特別是執教太妃糖之後的買人,似乎都不太差。而 且跟挖寶專家溫格一樣,對於英國以外的球員市場,Martinez也有相當大程度的了解與佈 局。 Perhaps most importantly, Martínez is proven in England. He very nearly usurped us for fourth place last season and he guided an average Wigan side to the FA Cup. So, from a board member’s viewpoint, can you now see why Martínez makes a lot of sense? He is undeniably the safest option. 但也許最重要的一點是,從帶領平庸的維根贏到足總杯榮耀,到去年差點把我廠從我 們的萬年老四位置拉下,一再證明了Martinez絕對有足夠優秀的執教能力在英超立足。 所以從一個董事會成員的觀點來看,你能明白為啥Martinez才是合理的選擇嗎? 毫無 疑問,他絕對是最『安全』的一個人選! But, to finish, I want to remove myself from the body of an aged board member and instead conclude with my own thoughts. 但是要總結這篇文章,我要先結束這個『董事會成員角色扮演』的遊戲。我想用我自己的 角度來總結。 As I said initially, I would go for Guardiola as the new Arsenal manager. People argue that his time at Barcelona was easy due to the squad he had at his disposal, but what he did with the youngsters there is utterly brilliant. He transformed players like Sergio Busquets and Pedro into fully fledged internationals and World Cup winners. He showed no fear in axing the likes of Deco, Ronaldinho and latterly Samuel Eto’o. He did what was best for the team, regardless of egos and reputation. Someone like that at Arsenal would be incredibly refreshing. A man who would come into the club and, without fear, on his first day say ‘no, this isn’t how we do things’. 誠如我開頭所說的,我還是希望Guardiola可以是那個接替者。雖然有人說他過去在巴 薩的美好,全是拜他麾下那群宇宙來的天兵天將所賜,但其實他為那些年輕潛力球員所做 的,才是真正的精采絕至。 他將Busquets跟Pedro從年輕小夥子轉型躍進為成熟的2010世足賽冠軍的西班牙國家隊 成員。而當他該為球隊的好處著眼而大刀闊斧時,即便是名聲響徹雲霄、自尊與天齊高的 小羅、德科、艾托奧之流,他也不顯畏懼的執行整頓。 想像一個新任阿森納教頭,在他的頭一天進到俱樂部時,面無懼色的對每個人說“不 對,這不是我們做事的方式”。 煥然一新的感覺,不是嗎? But personally, I don’t think that is what the board want. I know Wenger essentially runs the club now, but financially, PR-wise and performance-wise he is very stable. He doesn’t over spend, gets fourth and creates huge press interest in the club by his charm and manner with the media. Martínez would, in the board’s eyes, follow that lead – basically replicating Wenger. That’s why I am confident the Spaniard will succeed Arsène. But, for me, he is not the Spaniard I would choose. 但是就我個人的看法,我不認為Pep是董事會想要的人選。 目前來說,這家俱樂部實 質上的運作都是溫格在掌控,財政上、公關上、球場的表現上都還算穩定。 溫格花錢 一直都很節制,總是能排行老四(贏得歐冠資格),而受益於他的法式優雅與迷人的舉止, 我們俱樂部總是可以在新聞媒體上獲得巨大的曝光而達到宣傳效益。 所以有了溫格這樣的先例在,我很自然的認為董事會的眼中,能夠找到一個近乎是溫 格複製人的接班人選,才是他們最想要的。 但對我來說,這個西班牙人(Martinez)不是我想要的西班牙人(Guardiola)。 By ‘#ABW Regular Columnist’ Simon Collings (@sr_collings) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1416879184.A.77D.html ※ 編輯: ScotDaBig (, 11/25/2014 09:55:16 ※ 編輯: ScotDaBig (, 11/25/2014 09:55:58
sularay: 再推! 11/25 10:45
sfh20230: 槍手真的都喜歡軟軟的感覺阿 11/25 13:24
tliu223: Martinez算是相對穩妥的選擇吧 11/25 14:40
chair209: 選個AVB啊,話題性十足,第一個執教過車刺槍的教練XD 11/25 15:26
briankch: 無限期支持渣叔 11/25 19:49
DrFrogo: Martinez好 但是要給他時間 球迷要夠有耐心 11/26 00:26
leviliebe: 瓜不是說過他討厭tiki-taka? 11/26 01:32