看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
老師音樂請下~~(咦?) 這又是一篇來自Arseblog的文章 拜讀完之後,心情是感傷的 腦子裡浮現的,是『月琴』這首歌哀戚的旋律(有點老我知道XDDD) 耳朵裡響起的,是張清芳高亢的歌聲唱著 『再唱一段,思想起~~~』 教授執教的第十九個賽季到了尾聲 我們又迎來了吳冠的轉世投胎 少了前兩年的足總杯冠軍來點綴 溫格身上那塊寫著"傳奇"的招牌,似乎更加斑駁了 讀文章的時候 把影片一支支看過一遍 翻文章的時候,又再把影片全部看過一遍 內心充滿了送君千里,終須一別的無奈感 同時 也深深為他覺得惋惜 因為他很可能沒有辦法如同佛格森那樣 用一座獎盃來為他的生涯畫下完美的句點 (他真的應該去年足總杯冠軍拿到就退的!!!) 相反的 有著一副法國人傲骨的溫格 更有可能是與球迷劍拔奴張、怒目相向的離別 雖然 我們曾經引以為傲 甚至是讓我們因此愛上槍手的漂亮足球 近年來 已經慢慢變成只會傳來傳去的便秘足球 雖然 溫格有許多令球迷百思不解的 像是買人、用人、戰術、調度等問題 但不論是WengerIn 又或者是WengerOut 應該沒有人會質疑他過去這二十年來 對這間俱樂部的付出與貢獻 心得就打到此,接下來送上文章 翻譯多了一些原文沒有的(日期、敘述) 個人以為比較好閱讀 原文上其實讀起來完全沒問題 但硬是直接照著字面翻 反而覺得怪 若是有稍為背離原文/翻譯不好/錯字/排版 敬請見諒 ----------------------------------------------- 『 When 』 by Arseblog 原文出處:http://arseblog.com/2016/04/when/ When Martin Keown played a long ball from inside his own half. Dennis Bergkamp headed it up in the air, Nicola Anelka flicked it on and Marc Overmars nodded it forward, drove into the United area andfizzed a shot between Peter Schmeichel’s legs. 當基翁從我方後場的那腳長傳球,前場的柏格坎普搶到第一點再把球頂到空 中之後,阿鳥卡又緊接著又躍起把球頂給後面插上來Overmas。 皮球落地彈起後 ,Overmas輕巧的用頭把球往前帶,接著一記射門穿過了舒梅切爾的兩腿之間, 應聲入網。http://tinyurl.com/hrelf8n When Christopher Wrehmashed one in against Bolton. When Steve Bould fed Tony Adams on that sunny day in May against Everton and the captainuried it with his left foot. When Overmars and Anelka scored the goals at Wembley to win the FA Cup and the double, and Alan Shearer was sad. 當Chris Wreh在對上博爾頓的大力射門。 http://tinyurl.com/h3h2bml 還有對上艾佛頓那一個五月的晴朗的星期天,Bould助攻給隊長Adams,然後 『阿森納先生』用他的左腳射入了一個後來被立為雕像,並放在球場外面供人景 仰的進球。 http://tinyurl.com/q7cleh8 當然還有在溫布利舉行,而且讓Alan Shearer很傷心的足總杯決賽。Overmas與 阿鳥卡的進球,不只贏下足總杯,也讓我們在1998年成為雙冠王。 http://tinyurl.com/z3rhmqc When we used to play Manchester United and all day you could feel the nerves build and when the games were on you didn’t have just butterflies in your stomach you had bats, and moths, and possibly some small singing birds. It was a rivalry that meant so much and provided so much and it was absolutely brilliant. 當以前對上曼聯的比賽當天,隨著離比賽時間越來卻近,你只能感覺到全身神經 越來越緊繃。而當比賽開始的哨音吹起,你的緊張程度會讓你覺得胃裡不只是蝴 蝶在飛舞,更像是有一群飛蛾、蝙蝠,甚至是幾隻在唱歌的小鳥。曾經,這樣的 死敵對戰是多麼美好且具有意義。 When David Seaman saved an Aston Villa penalty and thenobert Pires lobbed himnd then Robert Pires injured his cruciate against Newcastle and you thought ‘Oh shit’, but this was a team that could live with one its best players missing games so they went to Old Trafford and ‘WILTOOOOOOOOOOOORD‘ and won the title. 當2002年3月對上阿斯頓維拉的那場比賽,皮雷在希曼救出一顆點球之後,上演 了一記輕巧的吊射。 http://tinyurl.com/zff5w8w 雖然下一場對上新堡的比賽中老皮傷了韌帶的時候,你心裡面暗罵著"挫屎惹" 但那時的槍手,即便是有好幾場比賽失去了陣中一等一的好手,還是能繼續奮戰。 最後,2002年5月8號,他們去了老特拉福球場,並靠著偉托德的進球在那裏拿下 聯賽冠軍。 http://tinyurl.com/n6bnhhl When the players did ‘we’re not worthy‘ to Pires. When Ray Parlour reminded everyone ‘Its only Ray Parlour‘ and Freddie Ljungberg left a young John Terry flat on his face beforeurling home a brilliant shoto make it 2-0 in an FA Cup final that took place before winning the league at Old Trafford when ‘WILTOOOOOOOOOOOORD’. Lee Dixon warming up behind the goal celebrating as the ball hit the net and another double was sealed. 當封王儀式上,球員們跪在地上對老皮做出臣服跪拜的動作。 http://tinyurl.com/hx74s5w 還有2002年5月4號,在老特拉福贏下聯賽前的足總杯決賽,當時對上切爾西 ,先是Ray Parlour獻上一腳驚天一射,告訴大家這只是"Ray Parlour的日常"。 http://tinyurl.com/zcue8gr 接著紅髮勇伯帶球長驅直入,在讓年輕的蔣特里跌了一個狗吃屎之後,一記 遠角搓射入網。這不但讓本來在球門後方熱身的Lee Dixon興奮忘我的慶祝, 也讓槍手再次成為雙冠王。 http://tinyurl.com/zlqe5pg When Pires scrapped home a goal in an FA Cup final in 2003 when our central defensive pairing of Martin Keown – who required injections in every bit of him to play – and Oleg Luzhny played a blinder.Oleg and Seaman high-fiving after the game. 當2003年的足總杯決賽,除了撿漏王老皮在禁區內撿到一顆致勝進球 http://tinyurl.com/hledyrx是當晚的功臣之外,身上傷病多到必須要打很多 針才能上場的基翁,以及烏克蘭人Oleg Luzhny這兩人組成的中衛組合,更是 一大亮點。而賽後Oleg Luzhny也與希曼興奮的擊掌慶賀。 http://tinyurl.com/j5ruvqj When we beat Everton 2-1 on the opening day of the next season and you weren’ t even that worried after Sol Campbell got a 25th minute red card because you knew we could cope. 當03-04開季第一場我們2-1擊敗艾佛頓的比賽,雖然蘇金寶早早就在第二十五 分鐘時領到紅牌下去洗澡,但我們甚至不太擔心,因為你知道那一支槍手就算 是少打一人,也能鎖定勝局。 When Vieira kicked out at van Nistelrooy at Old Trafford and got sent off and afterwards everyone called him a cheat. When it was made all the more sweet by the fact he missed that penalty and then Keown did Angry Starjump man andLauren throttled a terrified Phil Nevillend James Lawton said Arsenal were ‘sickening, brutish and disgusting’,ut we loved it. 當老特拉福大亂鬥,隊長維耶拉因為作勢要賞范尼一腳因而領了張第二張 黃牌,之後大家憤怒的指控他是個騙子。但也因為如此,范尼踢失的那一顆點 球更加讓人覺得喜上雲霄、渾身舒暢。接著基翁加入戰局,對范尼使出大鵬展 翅,勞倫也不惶多讓的用鎖喉功對付Phil Neille。http://tinyurl.com/hvmj38p 事後,記者James Lawton說阿森納的行為是野蠻、令人討厭作噁的,但我們喜 歡這樣的槍手。 http://tinyurl.com/z2xhjs9 When we went to the San Siro andhierry Henry roasted the brilliant Javier Zanettio score Arsenal’s third in a 5-1 win. 當2003年11月作客聖西羅5-1大勝的比賽,亨利長途奔襲殺到對方禁區,擺脫 了Zanetti的防守之後勁射入網攻入第三球。 http://tinyurl.com/zroex46 When Henry made what was potentially a very bad Good Friday in a great Good Friday with a hat-trick against Liverpool. Jamie Carragher still has a bruise on his arse from the way Henry left on him ito score the thirdo put us ahead and if Highbury had a roof it would have come off but it didn’t and noise spread across North London like a blanket of celebration and joy. 當2004年4月主場迎戰利物浦的比賽,亨利憑藉著一己之力,用帽子戲法硬是 把1-2的戰局扭轉成4-2的勝利,也把本來會是令人難過的那個美好的星期五, 變成令人開心的美好星期五。亨利憑藉著個人優異的技術,攻入了逆轉的進球, 而當時被亨利的盤球過人甩坐在地上的卡拉格,屁股上仍留有傷痕。 http://tinyurl.com/jzwv6b8 海布里若是有天花板,大概會被現場的歡呼聲給掀翻,但因為海布里並沒有天花 板,所以歡呼的聲浪就猶如用喜悅與慶祝編織而成的毯子一樣,覆蓋了整個北倫敦。 When he scored four against Leeds. When we went to White Hart Lane and they thought that the late penalty, annoying as it was, was enough for them to stop us winning the league but it wasn’t enough to stop us winning the league ande won the league. 當亨利一個人給了荔枝4。http://tinyurl.com/gld7j98 當我們在白鹿巷作客時的最後幾分鐘給了刺刺一個點球,他們以為踢進點球 逼平了我們,就可以阻止我們封王。但沒想到,我們只需要1分就可以贏得聯 賽冠軍,於是我們就在白鹿巷球場封王了。 http://tinyurl.com/zjmzv98 When even their players thought the draw was enough. When Thierry Henry remembered: "I remember Tarrico, jumping around and he got a cramp out of it. Celebrating a draw! And I looked at him and said ‘Are you kidding me?’ And he went, ‘Yeeaaaaaaah!’ jumping in front of me. “I said to him: ‘You do realise we just needed a point at your place to be champions at your place.’ And he was talking, talking, so I said ‘Watch me after the game.’ “I remember, people were saying do not celebrate. I said ‘WHAT?’ I will celebrate. And you will see how much it’s going to hurt them. “I had to celebrate. They were coming up to me, jumping around like they had won something, so I said, ‘Ok. We were not supposed to celebrate, but now I’m going to celebrate with my fans!” 當刺刺的球員以為平局就足夠阻擋我們的腳步。 亨利回憶道 "我記得熱刺的球員Tarico因為一場平局在興奮的跳躍慶祝著,甚至還因此抽筋。" "我看著他並對他說 : 你是在開玩笑吧?" "然後他就跑到我面前大跳大叫Yeeaaaah!!" "我對他說:你知道我們只需要從你這拿到一分,就可以在你家封王吧? " "他一直不停的講話,於是我就對他說 : 賽後等著瞧吧!" "我記得人們跟我說不要慶祝,我說:甚麼!? " "我當然要慶祝,而且你會看到這讓他們多難受。" "我必須慶祝,他們在我面前雀躍的像是贏了甚麼一樣" "所以我說 : 好,我們本來不該慶祝,但現在我要跟我們的支持者一同慶祝" When, on the final day of the season, having fallen behind to Leicester, Dennis Bergkamp unlocked their defence and Patrick Vieira rounded the keeper in nonchalant style to make it 2-1 and ensure that we ended P26, D12, L0. A feat that remains unmatched to this day,hen Arsenal became Invincible. 當2003-04賽季的最後一場球賽,我們從本來落後給狐狸城,到後來柏格坎普 一記精妙的傳球劃開了狐狸城的防線找到了維耶拉,維耶拉稀鬆平常的繞過了 守門員推射入網,2比1逆轉。這球不但給了我們一個26勝12平0負的傲人成績, 也寫下了一個至今仍舊沒人能破的紀錄,『不敗賽季』。 http://tinyurl.com/hcdjatp When we won the FA Cup in the most un-Arsenal way possible. A dour, defensive, somewhat lucky day against United, when they did everything but score, and Reyes got sent off and Jens Lehmann saved from Paul Scholes and thenieira’s last kick off the ball as an Arsenal playeras to win to win the cup. 當2005年5月21號,我們以最不阿森納的方式擊敗曼連贏得足總杯。一場 帶了點幸運,但卻又不怎令人開心的防守戰。雷耶斯被罰下場,曼聯使盡全力 ,卻沒有辦法進球。最後點球大戰上萊曼撲出了Scholes的點罰成了英雄,而 做為隊長的維耶拉被排最後一個站上點球位置,踢進了作為一個阿森納球員的 最後一球,同時也贏得了獎杯。 http://tinyurl.com/he2dcel When Fabregas came of age as we won at Real Madrid. When Reyes got ‘injured ’, rolled off the pitch then rolled back on to ensure the game got stopped. When Henrycored that goal at the Bernebeu. 當2006年2月,我們在貝納烏1-0擊敗銀河艦隊,法布雷加斯初生之犢不畏虎。 雷耶斯佯傷倒地不停的翻滾,以確保比賽得以暫停。當然,還有亨利再一次 捨我其誰的進球。 http://tinyurl.com/zo42ddj When we got to the Champions League final with a back four of Eboue, Toure, Senderos and Flamini. When Jens was hero in Villarreal and even when he might have been villain in Paris, we stood and sang at the end of a game we lost and the hairs stood up on the back of your neck before the rain that night washed the tears away. 當2006年5月17號,我們我們最接近歐冠冠軍的時刻,後防線上站著的分別是埃 布埃、圖雷、桑德羅斯跟費總裁。(原文此處有點奇怪,上網再確認一下,確定 先發應該是eboue、金寶、圖雷跟錢科) 當對上黃色潛水艇時成為了英雄的萊曼,到了巴黎變成了狗熊。即便最後輸了 球,如同我們上了膠挺立的頭髮,我們也依舊站著高歌來支持我們的球隊,直 到最後,大雨洗去我們臉上的眼淚。 When time passed and things became more difficult but we all knew we were just two players away from being great again. 當一段時間過後,球隊一直只能為保四掙扎著,但我們都知道,我們真的就 差那一兩個球員,就能再回到那支成就輝煌的槍手。 When Per Mertesackertooped to head homegainst Wigan with just 8 minutes to go. When Lukasz Fabianski made up for many things with his penalty shoot-out saves. 當模特曲著身用著幾近倒地的姿勢,在足總杯半決賽對上維根的比賽只剩 下8分鐘時,扳平了比分。還有法比安斯基在他阿森納職業生涯的尾聲打出了 代表作,在點球大戰中展現了神勇的撲救能力。 http://tinyurl.com/z64dped When Santi Cazorla cracked home a0 yard free kick in the finalfter we’ d conceded twice in the opening 7 minutes. When Laurent Koscielny hooked home an equaliser. When Giroud back-heeled to Aaron Ramsey and herodded home the goalhat won the first trophy in an unspecified number of years. When we celebrated that Together, at Wembley, in London,ll over the world. 當足總杯決賽開賽七分鐘內,我們就被虎虎虎灌進兩球之後,三弟用一腳三十 碼左右的自由球扳回一城。 http://tinyurl.com/z8ynojw 當老闆Boscielny在禁區內打進第二球,為我們追平比分。 當擠乳用後腳跟把球傳給Rambo,然後Rambo打進了致勝的一球,也把不知道已 經幾歲的吳冠一腳踢去投胎。 http://tinyurl.com/j25vla5 當我們在溫布利一同慶祝著,在倫敦一起慶祝著,在全世界,也一起慶祝著。 http://tinyurl.com/q8pwdzo When we enjoyed another beautiful day at Wembley and made Tim Sherwood implausibly sad. Walcott,lexis from 25 yards, Mertesacker and Giroud, and when we remembered that we were so worried about Cristian Benteke and we laughed. 當2015年,我們再次來到溫布利,享受著Walcott的凌空抽射、374從25碼 外的暴力射門、模特根本沒甚麼跳的角球爭頂入網、還有不甘寂寞的擠乳一記 外腳背的錦上添花,我們渡過了一個Tim Sherwood無比難過,但對我們來說, 很美好的一天。 http://tinyurl.com/gmyo6qu When we remembered that for all the disappointments and frustrations, that even if change feels inevitable and necessary, there was one man whose teams gave us all those moments and memories and feelings that live on even today. 當那些令人挫折、令人失望的事情,甚至已經讓你覺得改變現況是必須,是不 可避免的時候。別忘了,曾有男人與他所帶領的球隊,給了我們這些美好的時 刻、珍貴的回憶與至今仍就存在我們心裡的感動。 When Arsenal announced their new manager in 1996 and everybody went ‘Who?’ and Tony Adams said ‘What does this Frenchman know about football?’. 當1996年,當槍手宣布了他們的新任教練時,所有人的反應都是”他誰阿?” 連隊長Adams也說”這個法國人懂足球嗎?” And here we are. 然後,我們一路走到了現在。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1461800737.A.277.html
ganlinlausu: RESPECT 04/28 08:12
COCOSEL: push 04/28 08:48
jehannn: Respect, 感謝翻譯! 04/28 17:13
briankch: 有洋蔥.. 04/28 19:18
ManCity5566: 今年其實有社區盾 不算吳冠...吧QQ 04/29 00:52
COCOSEL: 可惡一整個忘了xD 木鳥輸掉這場好像就開始勞賽 04/29 01:12
ScotDaBig: QQ...我也忘了,可見要說服自己它是個trophy有多難. 04/29 01:16
dreamender: 雖然從03~04左右開始注意阿森那,可是從05~06才真正 04/29 07:25
dreamender: 看比賽,對05足總杯還有06歐冠的過程很有感覺很有感觸 04/29 07:25
ScotDaBig: 歐冠那場很痛,我還記得那天早上我吃鮪魚蛋餅、巧克力 04/29 08:16
ScotDaBig: 吐司、大冰咖,然後老闆在每一樣食物裡都不知道怎麼著 04/29 08:17
ScotDaBig: 都放了洋蔥。到現在我連影片都沒辦法看完,只能看到 04/29 08:18
ScotDaBig: 金寶進球,接下來就看不下去了.... 04/29 08:19
jehannn: 樓主真是真性情! 04/29 14:47
yanagawa: 哎!!現在歐冠都只能靠回憶以前海布里國王帶給我們的大驚 04/29 16:35
yanagawa: 奇,最恨就是萊曼吃的那張卡~乾!!! 04/29 16:36
Habai: 說來這規則要改了 紅點套餐要放寬了~ 這也是教授一直爭取的 04/29 16:41
noodlecool: 尊敬 教授 4ever 但支持改變 04/29 19:01
shudo: 那時,金寶進球,真以為要捧冠了~~ 04/29 22:15
trilvie: 社區盾必須算冠 強烈禁止吳冠重新投胎 XD 04/30 04:15
trilvie: 從保四時期開始支持的我 現在已經從容淡定 XD 04/30 04:16
kdash03: thank you Arsene 05/01 09:10
C4esc: 屌打范驢就是大快人心 05/01 18:45