看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近 Xhaka 要來的傳聞傳得沸沸揚揚 剛好看到槍迷網站goonersphere這篇關於 Xhaka 的介紹分析 就順手翻譯一下,分享給各位版友 原文:http://goo.gl/UxbQtu Xhaka長傳精華片段:https://goo.gl/93Rp9N 簡單翻譯如下 ------------ A collector’s item and perhaps the foreshadowing of the English teams collapse in Europe, 2011 Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United were knocked out of the Champions League in the group stages. I’m sure that’s jogged a few memories and the more observant of football followers will remember that it was Basel that had sealed their fate, playing out a 2-1 win in front of their home fans at St Jakobs Park. It was the game that largely put Shaqiri on the map and earned him his move to Bayern Munich, he collected the plaudits and the headlines after the game and deservedly so. 2011年,佛格森的曼聯被 FC Basel 在主場 2-1 擊敗,因此無法晉級到 16強。那場比賽之後, Shaqiri 受到了許多關注,最終幫助他轉會到拜仁 慕尼黑 Basel made it through to the round of 16 with that win and had drawn Bayern Munich in the latter stages of the competition and much of the talk was still about Shaqiri, which provoked this response from the former Basel manager Thorsten Fink “Shaqiri is the best talent in Switzerland… after Granit Xhaka". Basel ended up beating Bayern 1-0 at home but their impressive run in the Champions League came to an end with a 7-0 defeat in the away fixture, and by the end of the summer transfer window, both Shaqiri and Xhaka had ventured into German football. 那一年的 FC Basel 在16強遭遇拜仁慕尼黑,所有的焦點仍在 Shaqiri 身上 ,也使得當時的 Basel 主教練說出:『Shaqiri 是 Granit Xhaka 之後, 瑞士最棒的天才』這樣的話來。FC Basel 後來在主場 1-0 小勝拜仁,但客場 7-0 的敗仗,使他們的歐冠驚奇之旅終止,在那一年的夏天,Shaqiri 與 Xhaka 同時轉會到德甲。 Despite numerous offers from across the Bundesliga, Granit Xhaka ended up at Borussia Monchengladbach signed by fellow countryman Lucien Favre for €8.5M at the tender age of 19. Even before he’d kicked a ball for Gladbach, Xhaka had shown maturity. Xherdan Shaqiri signed for Bayern Munich but Xhaka chose first team football above all else. Gladbach had finished fourth in the season prior to his arrival but the season before had only just survived relegation. After reaching the dizzying heights of the Champions League, the core of the team was picked at, players like Marco Reus, Roman Neustadter and Dante had left for Dortmund, Schalke and Bayern Munich respectively. Xhaka was brought in by Favre as a direct replacement for Neustadter and was offered two things, the chance to develop under Favre as the likes of Reus had done, and the first team football that Granit sought. 儘管有多個來自德甲的邀約,Xhaka 選擇了 Borussia Monchengladbach (簡稱:門興)。在 19 歲的年紀,他被同樣來自瑞士的教練 Favre 以 €8.5M簽下。 Xhaka 當時展現出他的成熟,相較於 Shaqiri 選擇拜仁,他選擇了能保證他先發的 球隊。在他加入前,門興擺脫上一季差點降級的陰霾,以第4名結束賽季,得以參 加下季的歐冠比賽。但幫助門興回到歐冠的重要骨幹們,如:Reus, Neustadter 還有 Dante ,卻也因此全被德甲對手挖走。Favre 簽下 Xhaka 就是想補上 Neustadter 的空缺,並且希望 Xhaka 能像學長 Reus 一樣,在 Favre 手下飛速成 長。 While joining Gladbach may have been plucky, Xhaka and the rest of the team encountered problems. The season started with a win at home to Hoffenheim but subsequent to the transfer window plundering, 3 points where hard to come by and by the 12th game of the season the team had amassed exactly 4 wins 4 draws and 4 defeats lumbering to 11th in the League. Xhaka, who was playing every game, found it difficult to cope in particular but understandably wasn’t on the same wavelength as his teammates, as is often the case when a rebuild has taken place. 剛加入門興時,Xhaka 與球隊遭遇了一些麻煩,開季時他們在主場勝 Hoffenheim 之後,戰績非常糟糕,到了第 12 輪,只累積 4 勝 4 平 4 負的成績,排在第 11 名 的位置。打滿每場比賽的 Xhaka ,好像跟隊友不在同一個頻率上,這在一個重建 中的球隊中非常常見。 The squad was relatively threadbare but Favre was still chopping and changing in a bid to find the balance of players best for the system but also to cope with the demands of playing both domestic and European football. Neustadter who Xhaka came in to replace was usually partnered with former Arsenal youth captain Nordtveit but his poor disciplinary record and bad luck with injuries meant that Xhaka had a multitude of midfield partners and was never really able to settle. Eventually he was dropped, his performances suffered. He had arrived from Basel with an attitude problem and when he saw the words relegation in the media he panicked. Favre 不斷地做出變化與嘗試,試圖找出最適合球隊的系統與陣型,同時還得兼顧 國內與歐洲賽場的比賽。 Xhaka 在中場的搭擋本來應該是前槍手青訓隊長 Nordtveit,但是他紀律不佳與時常受傷的屬性,逼得 Xhaka 不斷與不同的中場隊 友搭擋,一直無法穩定下來,最後他暫時被放到替補席上,表現也受到影響。 After sitting out for a few games, Xhaka got the message. Loud and clear. The rest as they say is history and he hasn’t looked back since, I think it’s important to highlight that it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, he didn’t have a fairy tale start and had to work hard to get where he is now. It taught him that having talent without the hard work will always amount to nothing, he owes a lot to Lucien Favre and this decision is a major influence in what Xhaka is today. 坐了幾場冷板凳後, Xhaka 接到簡單明確的指示:過去的都不重要,放眼未來! Xhaka 在德甲的開始並不像童話故事般美好,但他學到了空有天份,不夠勤奮 是沒意義的。 Currently captaining Gladbach, Xhaka has played pretty much every game possible since then and has established himself within the top tier of the Bundesliga. He’s often compared to Schweinsteiger and granted there are a lot of similarities but he’s a lot more like Xabi Alonso. He’s built, assured in all areas of the defensive part of the game and can turn defence into attack in the blink of an eye. His passing range is amongst the best in the league and his 85% pass accuracy is the second best in the team which is quite something given the way he is required play. Gladbach utilise the variation in his game and it doesn’t quite matter how Gladbach play, Xhaka always seems central to it all. Operating as an anchor man who’s required to sit and sit only while dictating play, from playmaking in midfield to a box to box role, Xhaka seems to take it all in his stride. He even plays number 10 for the Swiss national team such is the completion he possesses as a midfielder. 身為目前門興的隊長,Xhaka 幾乎無役不與,他成功地讓自己晉身為德甲的頂級 球員。他常被與 Schweinsteiger 比較,但他其實比較像是 Xabi Alonso,他能在 防守區域做出貢獻,並且善於將防守瞬間轉為進攻機會。他是德甲最好的長傳手 之一,85 % 的傳球成功率也是隊內次佳,若考量到他踢的位置,這樣的傳球成功 率很了不起!門興常會因對手變陣,但這不影響 Xhaka 的表現,不管陣型如何, 他永遠是核心球員,他能踢防守中場、組織中場或者 Box to Box 中場,甚至在瑞 士國家隊,他踢的是 10 號的組織中場位置,他幾乎能勝任各個中場的角色。 His best position however is without a doubt in the defensive areas, he’s able to tackle and intercept with both aggression and assurance but also turn defence into attack incredibly quick with his passing range and accuracy. His defensive ability is also aided by his level of understanding, he’s a very good reader of the game and after beating Bayern Munich in December had this to say regarding the team’s performance: "We’re the first ones to play three at the back and one v one all over the pitch, forcing Bayern to play long balls". 但他最佳的位置毫無疑問地是在防守中場,他能抄截、攔搶,透過他傳球的範圍 與準確率,他能快速地將防守轉為進攻,他的防守能力有一部分奠基於他對於比 賽卓越的閱讀能力。在今年 12 月門興擊敗拜仁慕尼黑的比賽之後,他說:『我們 是第一個對拜仁踢 3 後衛的球隊,在每個位置上 1 對 1 壓迫拜仁,迫使他們一直 傳出長傳球』 Xhaka is also a professional and very ambitious, he’s not scared to say if things aren’t up to the standards or how he feels about. After a 5-0 defeat to Leverkusen Xhaka said "The performance today was a disaster. The first half was nothing, and the second even less".This highlights how seriously he’s taking the captain’s role and how well it will serve him going forward, in general being able to take responsibility not only for himself but also his teammates. Xhaka 很有職業素養與野心,他不害怕說出真心話,在這季 5-0 輸給 Leverkusen 的比賽 後,Xhaka 說:『今天的表現簡直是災難,上半場我們什麼都不是,下半場我們更糟』, 這顯示出他非常重視隊長這個角色,也是這樣的企圖心,能幫助他與隊友走得更遠。 This in particular is something we’ve been missing at Arsenal and I think Granit Xhaka would be a perfect signing for that and a number of other reasons. A controlling presence from deep, be that with the ball or without, is something we’ve been crying out for – long before but especially after injuries to Coquelin and Cazorla turned our season to dust. 這個特質正是我廠欠缺的,此外,他在中後場所展現出的控制力,也是我們自從 Cazorla - Coq連線受傷後,所極度欠缺的,因此對我廠來說,這會是筆非常棒的 買人。 With the level of his completion in midfield however Xhaka isn’t bound to a particular system or partner and can bring back what we've missed in Mikel Arteta's absence. You would struggle to find a midfielder that he couldn't play with - he can be your Mikel Arteta to your Ramsey and your Coquelin to your Santi. This season he's been deployed in a number of different roles and systems making the transition seamlessly. From offering protection and purely sitting in front of the back in a 3-5-2 to playing higher up the pitch and being a metronome and keeping the team ticking in a 4-5-1. Xhaka knits it all together perfectly and his versatility is something we haven't seen in our midfield for a long, long time. Xhaka 在中場的角色,並不受限於特定的系統或者中場搭擋,這樣的角色在 Arteta 缺陣後,已在我廠消失許久。你很難找得到 Xhaka 無法踢什麼陣型或者他無 法跟誰搭擋:他可以是 Arteta,可以是 Ramsey,可以是 Coquelin 也可以是 Cazorla。這季他在門興踢了許多不同的角色與陣型,無論是 3-5-2 在後衛前方的 後腰,或者 4-5-1 位置向前一點的節拍器,Xhaka 都表現良好,這種中場萬金油 屬性,已經很久沒在我廠的中場球員看過了。 譯註 ----- 後面的段落就不詳細翻了,作者主要敘述 Xhaka 目前的狀態,Xhaka 多次出面澄 清轉會傳言,但也不否認他對英超有熱烈的興趣,他在去年 2 月與門興續約,合 約載有€30m的買斷條款 (2017年夏天生效),猜測大約£30m-£35m 就可能讓門興 放人。 目前的消息是: http://goo.gl/ftCIFB 德國媒體 RP Online 報導我們出價 €43m + 浮動 https://goo.gl/uT9BBv https://goo.gl/2CXYLN 對於門興的消息很可靠的德國記者 Raphael Honigstein 則說,在上一次報價被拒後 我廠重新報價 €50m (包含浮動),門興希望在 Xhaka 離開前,簽下他的替代者。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1462981783.A.C0E.html ※ 編輯: jehannn (, 05/11/2016 23:51:11
ScotDaBig: 推!!!替代者就是費總裁啦!! 05/11 23:53
※ 編輯: jehannn (, 05/11/2016 23:54:41 ※ 編輯: jehannn (, 05/11/2016 23:57:41
jehannn: 溫格早前被問到Xhaka時,露出的招牌微笑: 05/12 00:03
jehannn: https://vine.co/v/iI327vI5xhp 05/12 00:03
MarcoReus: 推推 這篇好棒 05/12 00:53
trilvie: 看到招牌微笑我就信了 05/12 02:14
punk86862001: 感謝翻譯!!教授的微笑好讚 05/12 02:18
frafoa: Xhaka絕對是頂級後腰,踢球者評價與Vidal同級低 05/12 03:19
r11claudio: 升級版A8也太棒了! 05/12 04:39
ganlinlausu: 5000萬歐差不多4000萬鎊,有點豪洨的價錢 05/12 05:45
ganlinlausu: 這樣子的話,坎特相對便宜,且已有英超經驗。 05/12 05:50
trilvie: 一年一球星 還好啦 05/12 05:51
holyduck: 教授身為一名儒帥 為什麼可以出現這麼破格的賊笑啦XDD 05/12 05:53
ganlinlausu: 疑惑的是,如果已經有買斷價,為什麼還一直被抬價? 05/12 05:56
overall: 明年買斷條款才啟動,要先入手只好多出點囉 05/12 06:49
ganlinlausu: 4000萬英鎊差不多大眼的價格,感覺這筆交易要鳥掉了 05/12 07:32
ganlinlausu: 。 05/12 07:32
ganlinlausu: 也許他真的有實力,但乳摸到4000萬鎊up,讓整筆交易 05/12 07:36
ganlinlausu: 可信度大降~ 05/12 07:36
ganlinlausu: 比374還貴...... 05/12 07:41
overall: 可能是附加條款總計40m,不過首付30m也很貴了 05/12 07:41
ganlinlausu: 說不定最後被城車鬼牽走,又拿我廠來抬價,老套路~ 05/12 07:43
chivalry1987: 這麼貴...CP温 會買單嗎? 反正我遊戲裡是先買了 05/12 08:02
COCOSEL: 反正我是信他有這個價了xD 05/12 08:15
overall: 至少這隻不會隔天被拜仁宣布簽下 05/12 08:26
yanagawa: 簽這隻,埃及人就功成身退了 05/12 08:46
trilvie: 應該是雙後腰 白帥出球 黑帥髒活 完美 05/12 09:06
overall: 我認為扎卡是拿來當DM用,教授習慣一個拖後防守搭配一個b 05/12 09:12
overall: 2b。如果防守中場具備出球組織能力,像A8或阿龍索,可以 05/12 09:12
overall: 解放cm參與進攻。尤其是拉神爆發的那年就是中場有272,A8, 05/12 09:12
overall: 三弟控球讓拉神盡情前插。比起馬克來來式中場,教授更著 05/12 09:12
overall: 迷於全能性球員 05/12 09:12
ganlinlausu: 黑白帥啥鬼啦XDD 05/12 09:23
ganlinlausu: 埃及人應該是這幾年第一次簽的防中 05/12 09:34
overall: 可以的話還是希望扎卡跟砍特都簽下,這個組合可能是10幾 05/12 10:19
overall: 年來最硬的腰。10跟16號安心當替補就好。 05/12 10:19
Eriri: 阿特塔跟弗拉米尼都要走了 卡左拉傷後回來狀況未知 簽札卡 05/12 11:04
Eriri: 不會跟埃及人有甚麼衝突 05/12 11:05
Eriri: 只是實在是需要一個前鋒 但今年轉會市場大概也沒頂級前鋒可 05/12 11:06
Eriri: 搶(硬砸奧巴梅揚不知道有沒有戲) 就看看有沒有潛力球員可找 05/12 11:07
chair209: 很多時候嫌貴了,之後就是看他在別隊發光然後怨嘆怎沒買 05/12 11:10
Eriri: 我看這幾天一堆消息傳出 這個是絕對有戲 會不會成未知 真正 05/12 11:13
Eriri: 的好後腰再貴都值得 05/12 11:13
Habai: 幹 地震好大 05/12 11:20
holyduck: Morata不錯 雖然進球不算多 但是很會進關鍵球 05/12 12:21
holyduck: 而且持球技術不錯 有潛力往全能型中鋒發展 05/12 12:22
ganlinlausu: 好貴不是惋嘆,而是溫格會不會買這摩貴 05/12 12:29
andybinla: 阿巴梅楊不可能吧 他想去西甲 05/12 12:31
ganlinlausu: 像272切赫這種名氣打出來,或374這種有實力且在巴薩 05/12 12:33
ganlinlausu: 隊的,豪砸機率高 05/12 12:33
ganlinlausu: 這些抬價消息很可能是母球會在試探 05/12 12:36
ganlinlausu: 估計會在2500鎊附近,超過3000應該...... 05/12 12:39
Eriri: 現在財政好轉 溫格真正看上的也不一定就會因為這轉價錢不買 05/12 12:43
Eriri: 主要說真正有戲 還是因為爆出來的都是可信消息源 算是符合 05/12 12:44
Eriri: 過去幾年成真的轉會 05/12 12:44
holyduck: 看虎撲說軟骨比韌帶更難恢復 九個月是保守估計...哭了 05/12 12:49
andybinla: 札卡是不是左腳慣用腳呀 帥 05/12 12:54
ganlinlausu: 札卡本人接受採訪說想要34號,並說與克奎林聊過,對 05/12 12:56
ganlinlausu: 方願意換號碼 05/12 12:56
ganlinlausu: XDD 05/12 12:56
andybinla: 他如果來,跟三弟 272配,球轉移應該很順暢 05/12 13:03
yinyang102: 推翻譯 還有教授的笑容XDDD 05/12 13:28
yanagawa: 等官宣才實在~~不知道被體檢傳送門騙過幾次 05/12 13:53
yanagawa: 後防在補個大將吧~~拜托!! 今年一比零領先下場都不太好 05/12 13:53
celeris: 現在英超資金那麽多,價錢都狂飆了,今年這價錢不買,估 05/12 14:04
celeris: 計明年任何一個位置同等級的球員又會漲個1.5倍,早買反 05/12 14:04
celeris: 而省錢XD 05/12 14:04
alextrax: 只求買中衛把G5換了 無法再陪他練等 05/12 14:06
jehannn: 閒聊一下,ptt 要貼英文好麻煩,還要自己想辦法換行 05/12 14:30
jehannn: 有人有比較快的解決方式嗎? 05/12 14:31
jehannn: 每次貼翻譯 搞最久的都是英文的換行 Orz 05/12 14:31
※ 編輯: jehannn (, 05/12/2016 14:33:38
Gbpogqa: 先用其他文件排版再複製過來? 05/12 14:42
jamesvm: 真的需要CB,K6也過而立了!狀態能維持幾年不知道 05/12 17:20
jehannn: 目前也是先用其他文件排版,但是排好了貼上來還是會遇到 05/12 18:03
jehannn: 換行有問題,因為ptt的字型顯示滿特別的 05/12 18:03
jehannn: 西班牙機密報指出,Cazorla被Bosque選到這次歐洲盃的名 05/12 19:37
jehannn: 單中 05/12 19:37
trilvie: 左腳球員?可信度又更高了 05/12 20:25
holyduck: 不錯啊 三弟去國家隊找找狀態 05/12 21:25
jehannn: Xhaka的長傳精華片段:https://goo.gl/93Rp9N 05/12 21:30
※ 編輯: jehannn (, 05/12/2016 21:32:34
GigiBuffon: 中衛有風聲嗎 還是比較希望補強後防 05/12 21:33
jehannn: 目前暫時沒聽到關於中衛的可靠消息 05/12 21:35
holyduck: 要是真萌去打中衛不知道會不會被虐爆 05/12 22:15
ScotDaBig: 他的狀態,不就是客串中衛時被虐爆才起來的嗎XDDD 05/12 22:50
chivalry1987: 感覺G5練不起來看他先發大概場均有兩球吧...顏值又 05/12 23:04
chivalry1987: 拉低那麼多...慘慘慘 還不如機會給錢寶練 德布西代 05/12 23:04
chivalry1987: 班中衛也踢的不錯啊 05/12 23:04
ganlinlausu: G5沒M4穩 05/12 23:33
COCOSEL: 顏值跟球技無關啦 再給大天使一點時間,很多球員都要一年 05/13 00:51
COCOSEL: 時間來適應英超 05/13 00:51
COCOSEL: 錢寶我覺得超抖,贏在年輕而已 05/13 00:52
COCOSEL: 資質普普...大天使不知道是否卡在語言,覺得場上經常誤會 05/13 00:54
COCOSEL: 隊友的意識 05/13 00:54
C4esc: G5觀察時間太短了啦 K6剛來也是很掙扎 這位置還真不一定會 05/13 01:50
C4esc: 補 雖然聽說拜仁要清Benatia 另外Honigstein說 門興打算先 05/13 01:54
C4esc: 補到人手才會宣布Xhaka離隊 價格近€50m 含一些附加條款.. 05/13 01:55
ScotDaBig: 富比士剛公布了最有價值球隊排行榜,溫格的阿森那排名 05/13 07:37
ScotDaBig: 次於馬薩鬼仁,排第五名(這個要保四有難度XDD)。報導指 05/13 07:39
ScotDaBig: 出槍手的淨值高達20億美金 http://goo.gl/3Qxn7d 05/13 07:41
ganlinlausu: 馬薩鬼仁槍,去年還前年也是這排名 05/13 07:41
ScotDaBig: 然後緊接著,媒體就開始有消息說美國老闆龍心大悅,所 05/13 07:42
ScotDaBig: 以打算再跟溫格續約 http://goo.gl/gfFEOL 05/13 07:43
ganlinlausu: 溫格給母親過世的國外槍迷寫哀悼信,滿滿洋蔥~~ 05/13 07:46
ScotDaBig: 聽說去年淨值榜我們第六,忘了在哪看到 05/13 07:46
holyduck: 鏡報有一篇文章 分析師說我們的財務結構在不賣人的情況 05/14 00:20
holyduck: 下 只有54M可以買人 05/14 00:20
holyduck: http://tinyurl.com/zkyq43r 05/14 00:20
holyduck: 因為不是很懂 留給板上高手們辨認真假啦 05/14 00:21
jehannn: Xhaka 在 IG 上面 follow 槍手帳號,又讓槍迷一陣瘋狂 05/14 01:33
ganlinlausu: 分析屍說的話,我從來都呵呵^^ 05/14 05:45
trilvie: 左腳顏值小國年輕潛力新星姓氏難發音 穩了啦!(誤 05/14 06:39
arsenalguner: 溫格說黑貝受傷鋒線火力不足,隱形虎下季留隊 05/14 13:27
arsenalguner: 幹 05/14 13:27
ganlinlausu: ㄍㄢ 05/14 13:53
ScotDaBig: eo4! 05/14 14:46
overall: 其實還好,前提是不影響買新前鋒 05/14 15:47
Saviolatoh: 教授:看來只好把Sanogo召回 05/14 16:11
C4esc: 教授說前鋒有目標 希望辦的到...皇馬準備把Morata回購再賣 05/14 16:51
COCOSEL: morata超強,但他似乎比較適合442... 05/14 17:27
starjim: 西瓜因似乎要加入藍車 05/14 18:06
arsenalguner: 鋒線缺人不是應該買人嗎?怎麼會是讓廢物留隊...... 05/14 18:27
starjim: 醫務室總要有人蹲啊,不然要讓有貢獻度的被抓交替嗎 05/14 18:40
arsenalguner: 原來是這樣啊XD 難怪太子出來黑貝就進去惹QQ 05/14 20:35
jerry881214: 我覺得說球員是垃圾太超過了…狀態失常連梅羅都有過 05/14 21:21
jerry881214: 何況他還是我們的球員 05/14 21:21
ScotDaBig: http://goo.gl/TSNmpl 女子組總杯,我槍1:0暫時領先車車 05/14 22:39
ScotDaBig: 恭喜我槍奪得足總杯冠軍!!!! 女足的 05/14 22:55
ganlinlausu: 讚~~ 05/14 22:59
chivalry1987: 女隊9號 那球根本是374的進球方式 盤帶屌打哇靠一 05/14 23:32
chivalry1987: 條街 05/14 23:32
cf: 槍手青訓隊長 有紀律不佳與時常受傷的屬性XD 05/15 11:57
holyduck: 教授說 小老虎的跑位是他看過最出色的 05/15 13:32
holyduck: 但是只有中場控制住球權才有發揮的空間 05/15 13:33
holyduck: 他並不是那種可以拿住球再轉移給隊友的類型 05/15 13:45
holyduck: 可是教授 跑位100分 停球跟finish也是100分阿(加起來..) 05/15 13:46
ganlinlausu: 跑位+停球+finish=100 05/15 14:19
ganlinlausu: 英超速度快沒用,不會變向、內切,對方後衛撞一下就 05/15 14:20
ganlinlausu: 飛了 05/15 14:20
ganlinlausu: 阿渣特剛來很風騷,就是因為他的盤扭很猛,山神前一 05/15 14:21
ganlinlausu: 季也是 05/15 14:21
C4esc: Ljungberg: 05/15 14:22
Verola: 停球對前鋒真的很重要 Griezmann有一招跑動中停球 應該說 05/15 14:41
Verola: 他是直接跑動中可以接來球變成帶球 這招很頂級的前鋒才有 05/15 14:42
Verola: 像伊布昨天也有秀..格子絕對速度不快但實際上反擊超快又準 05/15 14:43
Verola: https://youtu.be/--yvtdTdcdc 西班牙長大的他停球非常優 05/15 14:49
C4esc: 在皇社的時候就想買 只是他比較想留西班牙好像 05/15 15:05
Verola: 萌妮也是看出他全面的前鋒天賦 把他從邊鋒拉到影鋒 大爆發 05/15 15:10
Verola: 另一個特點是格子就算全速帶球還是貼腳小碎步斷他容易犯規 05/15 15:13
ganlinlausu: 說穿了就是要有技術 05/15 15:17
ganlinlausu: 空有速度是不行 05/15 15:17
ganlinlausu: 題外話,札卡在Fifa遊戲裡面速度也太慢了 05/15 15:27
COCOSEL: 哈哈樓上已經幫槍手自動轉會札卡惹(開機...) 05/15 16:01
naieeliao: 想問FB官方粉絲團對AV的精彩剪輯,1:00那是什麼狀況? 05/15 18:23
naieeliao: 很少見到這種indirect free kick 05/15 18:24
naieeliao: GK用手接隊友傳球? 05/15 18:25
trilvie: 腰的話不必太要求速度? 05/16 01:29
jehannn: Xhaka這種類型的球員,速度不是重點 05/16 01:42
jehannn: Ozil整季Key Pass 集錦:https://vimeo.com/166756906 05/17 11:14
jehannn: 除了看Ozil的跑位還有視野,也看我們糟糕的finish如何 05/17 11:30
jehannn: 讓我們這季失去奪冠良機... 05/17 11:30
chair209: 272來了以後,定位球角球的進攻比起以往真的強了幾百倍 05/17 11:40
Verola: 影片好棒! 272傳球真是美極了! 05/18 03:41
shudo: 真的需要頂鋒,好多必進的球,看完不知該開心還是生氣~ 05/18 21:47
shudo: 假如272有萊曼大叔的脾氣,全隊的衣領應該都會被他抓起來過 05/18 21:50
fourinrainie: Sanchez真的浪費太多機會了!!!左腳拜託也練一下 05/19 00:32
fourinrainie: 。 05/19 00:32
holyduck: 看完影片真是莫名憤怒 各種吐餅浪費啊! 05/19 00:49
ladyluck: 看完影片真的希望夏天找來個不會浪費機會的..... 05/19 04:09
weiih: 影片看完快氣瘋了....... 05/25 12:44