看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文來自arseblog http://goo.gl/7wXmqZ Arsenal captain Mikel Arteta has said an emotional farewell to Arsenal in his programme notes for today’s game against Aston Villa. 隊長在今天對AV的比賽日手冊上留下充滿洋蔥的告別感言 The Lego-haired Spaniard will be hoping for a final run-out today before calling time on on his career in North London. 髮型總是如樂高人般完美平整的隊長 期待能在退休前的最後一場比賽上場亮亮相 “Planning these notes was quite emotional for me, because this is the last time I address you as an Arsenal player,” he said. 阿特說 準備這些感言就像是切洋蔥一樣令人情緒激動 畢竟這將是我最後一次用槍手的身分跟各位說話 “My next step is to decide what I want to do. I have a few options open and I have a very clear idea of what I want to do, but I won’t get into that now. What I will say is that I am excited by the future. I love the game and I cannot live without football.” "接下來我將決定我想做甚麼" "我有一些選擇,我也清楚我想做甚麼,但現在還不到那個告訴大家的時間點" "總之,我對未來很期待。我愛足球,我也離不開足球。" Arteta joined from Everton in 2011, and spoke about his time at the club in glowing terms. 阿特在2011年從埃佛頓加入槍手,他接著談到在槍手的時光 “For me it was a dream to come here because I always admired this club,” he wrote. “My Arsenal debut was something special. “I was so happy and privileged to be part of this club. When you have a chance to get up on those steps at Wembley and lift a trophy, it’s unbelievable. "來到這裡真的是美夢成真,因為我一直很喜歡槍手" "能夠成為這支球隊的一份子我很開心也很感恩" "能夠有機會在溫布利大球場登上那個台階並且舉起獎杯,真的是令人難以置信" “Arsenal was my favourite club in England since I was a kid. To become the captain and share in the nice moments we’ve been through has been a spectacular experience for me. I hope whoever follows me as captain tries to maintain the values of this club, because that it what sustains us in the long term.” "從小,槍手是我在英格蘭最喜歡的球隊" "能成為這支球隊的隊長並且經歷了那些美好的戰役,這是個特別的經驗" "無論接下來誰當隊長,都希望他能繼續維持那個總是驅使這我們的球隊核心價值" He pays tribute to Arsene Wenger, hinting at some ups and downs with the manager, but speaking of the Frenchman with huge respect. He also speaks about Tomas Rosicky and Mathieu Flamini, also heading into their final playing day with the club, before his final goodbye. 阿特在感言也向溫格致敬,提到了那些球隊的起伏 但言談之間,他總是對溫格保有很高的敬意 另外阿特也提到將跟他一同離開的Rozza跟費總裁 “I would just like to thank you all so much for the way you have supported during my time here. It’s been a huge honour, a privilege, and I can only promise that I have done my best. "對於大家的支持覺得很感謝,榮幸與受寵若驚" "我只能說我已經付出了我的全部" “I’ll always be proud that I was able to help give the fans some trophies, which they had been waiting a long time for. Winning two FA Cups in a row was special, but for me it’s not enough for a club like this. It shouldn’t be the ambition. “Hopefully the new generation will take this club on and become fantastic leaders and heroes here.” "我很驕傲能夠幫助球隊拿到球迷期盼已久的獎杯" "足總杯二連霸是非常特別的,雖然我認為阿森納這樣的球隊不該就此滿足" "希望新的世代能夠繼續茁壯,成為領袖、英雄來帶領這支球隊繼續邁進" Top man, and good luck to him wherever he goes after today. -------------------------------------- Farewell Captain!!! Farewell Rozza!!! Farewell to who came here free and leave a billionaire XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1463319544.A.C86.html
naieeliao: 意思是CEO掛靴了? 05/15 21:43
naieeliao: 還是只是他變很有錢 @@ 05/15 21:43
holyduck: 特師父 今天能不能再攻他中路啊啊啊啊(已淚) 05/15 21:44
ganlinlausu: Respect 05/15 21:59
ganlinlausu: 當初好像是一次冬轉來五個的樣子 05/15 22:01
angryhwc: 阿特T_T 05/15 22:11
bigmowang: 阿特~~~~~ 05/15 22:45
COCOSEL: 感謝阿特的付出,最棒的隊長! 05/15 22:51
ScotDaBig: 那個梗該算雙關語嗎?沒有錢的來,走的時候卻變億萬富翁 05/15 22:56
Saviolatoh: 浪子米妮 05/15 22:58
ScotDaBig: free= 免費轉會 = 沒錢 05/15 23:01
jack78514: 感謝阿特塔在球隊最困難的時候加入,幫助球隊QAQQQQ 05/15 23:57
Braginski: 沒記錯的話是夏轉最後幾天來的 價格10M 05/15 23:58
revlaes: 謝謝A8 永遠記得那球絕殺曼城的超帥遠射 05/15 23:58
too2000000: 愛上球隊就是A8那記逆轉球 Q_Q 05/15 23:59
loveroger: 謝謝你阿特QQ 05/16 00:00
warshiplee: 感謝塔隊!你是我心中永遠的隊長QQ 05/16 00:05
holyduck: 朝聖那場剛好看到特師父絕殺城城 感謝您! 特師父! 05/16 00:10
sing4520: 謝謝你 特師父!!! 05/16 00:19
yinyang102: 感謝阿特隊長QAQ 我們能夠擁有您是Arsenal的榮耀! 05/16 00:22
naieeliao: 我只記得A8遠射那場 V5被RVP幹譙 XD 05/16 00:23
Saviolatoh: 謝謝阿特 希望他不要去曼城 =.= 05/16 00:30
yanagawa: 他是去城當助教~~ 05/16 00:31
Saviolatoh: 我知~ 但還是不希望他加入英超對手陣中 05/16 00:32
r11claudio: 謝謝 A8, 永遠記得他有曾是全歐洲傳球效率最好的人 05/16 00:36
james155716: 如果可以跟球員一樣租出去練功時就確定會回來就好了 05/16 00:46
ScotDaBig: 覺得跟著瓜瓜旁邊練武功也不錯,假以時日再回來我們家 05/16 00:58
Arteta: 和各位 say goodbye 05/16 01:00
kevinsyc: 不要走~~~~~~~ 05/16 01:11
ScotDaBig: 不要走~~~~~ 05/16 01:13
holyduck: 刺刺輸 爬上第二 吉魯戴帽 阿特進球 司機告別 真是個溫 05/16 01:17
holyduck: 馨的夜晚 (好像少了誰....) 05/16 01:17
nfsnfs: Arteta 感謝你了!!! 05/16 01:18
winterelf: 費總裁在你後面 他非常火 05/16 01:22
holyduck: 總裁: 拎盃自己砸錢在球場外面辦握手見面告別式(?) 05/16 01:23
noodlecool: 髮模阿特隊長 度過財政緊縮慢慢開朗的這五年 farewell 05/16 01:23
ScotDaBig: 唉,我們要是多贏個幾場,今晚就更加美好了 05/16 01:35
trilvie: 原來隊長也是從小槍迷 無怨無悔陪伴我們的隊長 想看比賽 05/16 01:47
trilvie: 手冊原文啊 >< 05/16 01:47
trilvie: 啊啊啊哪裡可以弄到原文 這篇只有摘錄大哭 05/16 01:48
C4esc: 阿特在愛撫頓時期就是他們的cesc,客場對上蠻陰的還拿過紅 05/16 04:38
C4esc: 牌,不過踢鬼鬼一直踢的很好所以蠻欣賞他。82慘案後跟bfg三 05/16 04:38
C4esc: 多事貝納永一起報到,跟bfg的經驗恨快的穩住球隊的中軸線, 05/16 04:39
C4esc: 非常感謝...司機瀟灑球風從0607至今已無法說更多,米妮比 05/16 04:39
C4esc: 較無感,當初他跟13哥的離開實在另人耿耿於懷,讓本人孤軍 05/16 04:40
C4esc: 奮戰也沒有金援最後黯然想家離隊 05/16 04:40
jamesvm: 謝謝鐵塔這幾年的付出!!!祝福他啦!! 05/16 09:55
holyduck: 雖然這是個令人失望的賽季 但是昨天比賽心裡暖暖的 真好 05/16 12:42
holyduck: 另外也是我們長久以來首次的老將告別儀式 終於脫離賣老 05/16 12:44
holyduck: 將賣隊長的時代了 不知道再來誰會在槍手待到退休呢 (在 05/16 12:44
holyduck: 現今足壇也很稀有) 05/16 12:44
overall: 可能是教授,希望教授帶領我們重返輝煌再離開 05/16 12:55
overall: 不只是拿一兩個冠軍,而且是留下一支有實力的隊伍 05/16 12:56
boon: A8 這隊長 幫我們終結的無冠 賣隊長 聯賽第二 05/16 13:35
sam731215: 以前有辦過老將告別式阿,不敗賽季唯一的一個—冰王子 05/16 14:10
GigiBuffon: 又過了一個時代了嗎QQ 05/16 14:49
trilvie: 賣隊長是很久以前的事啦 A8真的是帶我們走過最艱難的時期 05/16 15:02
boon: A8是這麼多年來 "唯一"沒被賣的啊 ... 賣相不太好... 05/16 15:19
trilvie: 不是賣相的問題啦 明星球員如374 272也都沒賣呀 05/16 15:51
sularay: 前面幾個隊長,真的都沒什麼感傷的告別秀 05/16 15:56
sularay: ,不是偷偷摸摸的走,就是不歡而散的走, 05/16 15:56
sularay: 所以昨天看著Arteta的掉淚更是加倍感動啊 05/16 15:56
OleUnited: 路人粉的我雖然不算很認識他 可是覺得他播球很好笑 也 05/16 16:03
OleUnited: 覺得他是很討喜的球員 看到他哭我也哭了QQ 05/16 16:03
OleUnited: https://youtu.be/nflJjwdrs8c 05/16 16:03
OleUnited: 現在看這個好感傷喔 05/16 16:03
trilvie: 明明是搞笑影片 下面留言也感傷起來了! 05/16 16:08
Saviolatoh: 總裁有272就夠了 難道M手勢是向Mathieu致敬這種小事也 05/16 16:35
Saviolatoh: 要272拿來說嘴嗎 (誤)? 05/16 16:35
C4esc: http://tinyurl.com/zr32m4n 05/16 18:08
ScotDaBig: 隊長真的是有情有義的性情中人。(淚) 05/16 20:08