看板 Arsenal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://news.arseblog.com/2018/08/ast-its-a-dreadful-day-for-arsenal/ 轉自Arseblog (手機排版, 可能會造成閱讀困難 敬請見諒) 以下選重要的略翻 AST: It’s a dreadful day for Arsenal 2 hours ago The Arsenal Supporters’ Trust has long lamented the possibility of a full takeover of Arsenal by majority shareholder Stan Kroenke. Now that the much-feared scenario is about to play out – it was today confirmed that the American has offered £550 million to buy Alisher Usmanov’s 30% stake – the organisation has been unsurprisingly withering in its response. As they are clear to point out, one of the worst aspects of this deal is the fact that all Arsenal shareholders – no matter how small their holding and how long they’ve had it in their possession – will be forced to sell to Kroenke. Plurality of ownership is dead. AST statement This news marks a dreadful day for Arsenal Football Club. Stan Kroenke taking the Club private will see the end of supporters owning shares in Arsenal and their role upholding custodianship values. By taking the Club private Stan Kroenke will be able to implement the following detrimental actions: 甲賽克全面持股之後可以做的事 Pay management fees and dividends without any check or balance 可以帳面下直接拿管理費&分紅 No Annual General Meeting to hold the Board to account 取消年度會議,不用再對誰交代 Remove the Independent Directors 除去獨立監事 Place debt onto Arsenal to support his other business interests 利用阿森納舉債,來資助自己其他事業 The AST is also extremely concerned to note that this purchase is being funded by a loan. AST強烈擔憂甲賽克收購烏胖股份的錢 是借來的! The most dreadful part of this announcement is the news that Kroenke plans to forcibly purchase the shares held by Arsenal fans. 更重要的是, 甲賽克現在可以強行收購 球迷所持有的零星股份 Many of these fans are AST members and hold their shares not for value but as custodians who care for the future of the club. Kroenke’s actions will neuter their voice and involvement. It is in effect legalised theft to remove shareholder scrutiny on how Arsenal is managed. The AST is wholly against this takeover. Arsenal remains too important to be owned by any one person. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1533650222.A.7C1.html
briankch: 槍手重奪英超日, 家祭毋忘告乃翁 08/07 22:24
celeris: 可以聽今天的emergency arsecast,覺得講得還蠻完整的, 08/07 23:00
celeris: 其實不用太panic 08/07 23:00
trilvie: 其實我不太知道全面恥骨後和現在有什麼區別 都一樣沒額外 08/08 02:04
trilvie: 投入 好像變天也無感 08/08 02:04
lkpapaya: 那得要看鎖骨的情況了 ( ^_^ ) 08/08 02:15
ladyluck: 至少還有脊椎骨? 08/08 03:57
ladyluck: 現在至少要跟其他股東報告以後都不用了 08/08 03:58
ladyluck: 然後像這篇說的會不會拿球隊資產去抵押貸款投資自己的 08/08 03:59
ladyluck: 事業? 08/08 03:59
teller526: 一般來說 商人買球隊都是為了虛榮心 只有克倫克是為了 08/08 12:20
teller526: 擴大自己的資產 了不起! 08/08 12:20
tliu223: 恐慌倒不恐慌啦,畢竟反正都這樣了XD 08/08 12:55
chair209: 佛系球迷早已無感,還真的不恐慌呢 08/08 15:01
noodlecool: 昨夜作噩夢: BBC快訊我廠舉債賣272到土超, 再被轉租 08/08 15:32
noodlecool: 到利鳥.. 驚醒! 08/08 15:32
ScotDaBig: 是說,好幾年前鬼鬼的美國老闆也是這樣幹,不過鬼依然 08/08 17:47
ScotDaBig: 是鬼,我槍被甲賽克這樣一搞,不知會落到甚麼地步.... 08/08 17:48
cycling: 最爛就糖糖那種不上不下的鳥樣吧 08/08 21:38