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好早XD Mirza/Hingis成為第一隊入圍年終賽女雙的組合。 兩人今年合作打了9個比賽,摘下溫網、印地安泉、邁阿密和家庭生活圈四個冠軍。 Mirza是年終賽女雙衛冕冠軍,她去年和Cara Black合作奪冠; 至於Hingis則曾經在1999和2000年年終賽和庫娃合作奪冠。 http://www.wtafinals.com/article/hingis--mirza-qualify-for-singapore/4862820 Hingis & Mirza Qualify For Singapore Wimbledon champions Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza are the first team to qualify for the doubles event at the BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore presented by SC Global. SINGAPORE - After winning their first Grand Slam doubles title together at Wimbledon, Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza have become the first team to qualify for the doubles event at the season-ending BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore presented by SC Global, which will be held at the Singapore Sports Hub in October. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Asiantennis/M.1436874975.A.69A.html