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Attempted rape forces Japan Airlines flight to turn back 日航因機上企圖性侵事件被迫返航 A man has been arraigned in a Hawaiian court for the aggravated sexual assault of a passenger on a Japanese airlines flight. The plane had to turn back due to the gravity of the situation. 一名男子因在日籍航班上企圖性侵一名乘客而在夏威夷法庭出庭。 該航班因此被迫返航。 The incident involving Hawaiian Michael Tanouye, 29, took place on Saturday during a flight from Honolulu to Kansai, Japan. Tanouye, according to an affidavit released by an FBI spokesman, allegedly forced himself into a lavatory on the plane just moments after a Japanese female had entered. He then proceeded to forcefully undress the woman and “also began to take down his pants and underwear, exposing his penis,” according to the document, as cited by AP. 29歲的Michael Tanouye在上周六由檀香山至日本關西的航班上,在日籍被害人 進入廁所後,強行進入廁所並開始寬衣解帶。 The victim pushed back at the man and was able to press the emergency button inside the lavatory. 被害人推開男子並按下了廁所裡的緊急按鈕。 The victim’s mother had seen Tanouye enter the lavatory and advised flight attendants of the situation. The mother, a flight attendant and other passengers tried to force the door open, but were only able to gain entry by removing the screws from the hinges, and then subdued Tanonuye. A passenger was injured in the process of subduing the accused. 被害者母親看到了Tanouye進入廁所並通知空服員。而後該名母親、一名空服員及 其他乘客雖試圖將廁所門打開,但最終仍必須將螺絲卸下才得以進入。 過程中一名乘客受了傷。 Shortly before the incident Tanonuye had stood up to walk around, appearing at first calm, then telling flight attendants he was off to visit his grandmother. 在這之前Tanouye曾向空服員表示只是要去看他的阿嬤。 Apparently, he was then heard shouting something that witnesses could not make out, prior to allegedly forcing his way into the lavatory. His mother earlier told flight attendants the young man was on medication for depression. A decision was made not to serve him alcohol. 嫌犯的母親早先曾向空服員表示Tanouye正在接受憂鬱症治療,不能飲酒。 Once the accused was subdued, his mother gave him a dose of his medication, which made him fall asleep, according to the affidavit. 嫌犯被捕後,因服用其母餵的憂鬱症藥物而入眠。 Because of the incident the flight was forced to return to Hawaii, where the FBI took Tanouye into custody. He was held in a federal detention center in Honolulu and charged on Tuesday with interfering with a flight crew and aggravated sexual assault aboard an aircraft. 該航班被迫返回夏威夷並由FBI逮捕了嫌犯。 Tanouye遭控與一名空服員發生衝突及企圖性侵。 The FBI says the statutory maximum penalty for interfering with a flight crew is 20 years in federal prison, and the statutory maximum for the other charge is a life sentence. 美國法定與空服員發生衝突最高得判刑20年;性侵則最高可被判無期徒刑。 新聞來源:http://on.rt.com/rj7qtx -- 機上廁所門似乎很難強行由外打開呀... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1413359987.A.C03.html ※ 編輯: zorkers (, 10/15/2014 16:07:07
JCC: 為什麼不是到日本後由日本警方逮補? 10/15 16:13
chihchuan: 他是夏威夷人。不過不是很清楚相關法令,要是已經飛一 10/15 16:19
chihchuan: 半了 10/15 16:19
chihchuan: 還要再回出發地嗎? 10/15 16:19
hunchisin: 公海 10/15 16:21
moonlee: 因為門是向裡面推的你從裡面頂住就開不了啊XDD 10/15 16:24
alaskah104: 事嗎??廁所門應該是由內往外推的吧 10/15 21:51
hanwu85: 廁所門很多種的, 有向內也有向外的 10/15 23:15