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新聞來源: 路透社 http://goo.gl/Oeh6Jx 新聞大意: 1. 在今年可能提供免費的機上娛樂系統跟Wifi給旅客 2. 幾年前曾經嘗試出租機上娛樂系統給旅客, 不過成效不佳, 今年夏天 打算再次嚐試, 直接streaming到手機/平板上面, 然後透過影片中的廣告營利. 3. Wifi只會在商務客多的航線上提供, 免費的plan大概只能收收email之類的, 要更快的速度應該會收費. 新聞原文: Ryanair plans to trial inflight entertainment and possibly wifi on some of its flights this year in its latest attempt to attract business travelers and families who were turned off in the past by its bare basics offerings. Since a pledge last year by Chief Executive Michael O'Leary to stop "unnecessarily pissing people off", Ryanair has slashed penalty charges, overhauled its web site, tripled its marketing budget and launched business class fares. While Ryanair has long been synonymous with levying extra charges for services offered free on more established airlines, it says it may offer both of the new services for free, Chief Technology Officer John Hurley told journalists on Tuesday. Improvements to its much maligned customer service has helped the airline boost ticket fares and increase passenger numbers by 10 percent this year and sent its share price to an all-time high last week. Ryanair, which made a failed attempt to rent out inflight entertainment devices a decade ago, will try again with a system that streams films and television shows to customers smartphones and laptops on flights to holiday destinations this summer. The service, launched by several U.S. airlines recently, may be offered free of charge, subsidized by advertisements for companies operating in the destination city, Hurley said. Wifi will likely be trialed later this year on routes frequented by business travelers, a key focus for the airline which launched a flexible business ticket last year. Pricing has not yet been decided, but light use for emails may be free, while heavier usage would be more expensive, he said. The service is unlikely to be offered on all planes. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1421173826.A.467.html
chewie: Ryanair的字典裡出現了新詞?! XD 01/14 09:47
AlainDion: 居然出現除了翻菜單以外的免費項目?! 01/14 10:58
dinex: 從去年開始ryanair形象大改 聽說營收也上升不少 01/14 12:51
yoshilin: 上網是基本人權 01/14 18:32