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http://atcmemes.com/boeing-727-crashes-takeoff-december-20-2016/ Boeing 727 Crashes on Takeoff December 20, 2016 An Aerosucre Colombia Boeing 727-200, registration HK-4544 conducting a freight flight from Puerto Carreno to Bogota, Colombia with 5 crew failed an attempted takeoff on Puerto Carrena’s runway 25 at about 17:10L and broke through the airport perimeter fences, became airborne, lost height again, impacted ground about 5 miles from the airport and burst into flames. Two persons were rescued alive, three persons died on scene, one of the initial survivors succumbed to the injuries in hospital. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1482290991.A.D7C.html
Odakyu: R.I.P 12/21 11:33
timtim1218: R.I.P. 12/21 11:34
chewie: RIP 727應該都改貨機居多了吧? 12/21 11:36
scaredreal: 只有五個組員,沒提到乘客,應該是貨機 12/21 12:03
tarjan33167: freight flight <<< 12/21 12:11
wiabc: 最近crash的有點多... 12/21 12:33
RD: 看影片flap有放但升力不足,這種情況來得及放棄起飛嗎? 12/21 13:21
Retsell: 超過V1只能繼續了... 12/21 13:26
eason79126: 哥倫比亞飛安好嗎?感覺最近很衰一直出事 12/21 13:37
snownow: 影片那個真危險,感覺好像有人差一點就被飛機撞到了... 12/21 14:20
davidhhm: CG太前面造成升力不足? 12/21 15:00
simply: CG太前面頭會拉不起來 12/21 15:16
jetttptt: R.I.P 最年輕的727機齡也30幾年了吧 12/21 15:26
huangjyuan: 超重?機齡? 12/21 15:52
huangjyuan: 這架首航是1975/8/22 12/21 15:53
hicker: 40年的飛機....只怕保養不確實了.... 12/21 16:38