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[媒體名稱]Channel NewsAsia [新聞日期]2018/9/17 [網址] https://goo.gl/KrCqdv 新航機師酒測未過導致墨爾本-威靈頓班機取消 簡單說,9/15 新航SQ947 Singapore-Melbourne-Wellington(WLG) 在墨爾本停留後, 準備要飛往WLG 之前,在澳洲民航安全局(CASA)的隨機抽檢下, 機長的酒測未過 (確切數據不知),機長馬上被CASA 禁止繼續執勤,等待進一步調查(應該是抽血吧). 另一篇報導提到說新航發言人說, Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) had conducted a random drug and alcohol test on all crew members before the flight, and the pilot "did not pass the test due to having higher than suitable blood alcohol limit", said an SIA spokesperson in response to Channel NewsAsia's queries. https://goo.gl/CK3sot 總之這導致了SQ247/248 後續的MEL-WLG-MEL 被迫取消. 機長好像已被叫回新加坡準備接受詳盡的調查. 根據媒體的報導,各國對機師執勤前禁止飲酒的時間各有不同規定. 美國/澳洲: 8 小時前 新加坡: 10 小時前 印度/日本: 12 小時前 新加坡航空稱: 機組員平時並無酒精或藥物的隨機抽檢. 然而根據新加坡法律, offenders 將會面臨最高5年監牢 and/or 10萬新幣罰款 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Singapore Airlines pilots not allowed to consume alcohol within 10 hours of flight 17 Sep 2018 08:58PM (Updated: 17 Sep 2018 09:00PM) SINGAPORE: Pilots with Singapore Airlines (SIA) are not allowed to consume alcohol within 10 hours from their flight duty, and there are stiff penalties set out in the Air Navigation Act if they are found to be under the influence of any psychoactive substances. “Our flight crew are prohibited from consuming alcohol within 10 hours from their flight duty,” said an SIA spokesperson on Monday (Sep 17) in response to Channel NewsAsia’s queries. “As the safety of our customers and crew is of utmost importance, substance or alcohol abuse will not be tolerated.” The issue of alcohol consumption surfaced after an SIA pilot was suspended on Saturday for failing a random alcohol test conducted by Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority. This resulted in the cancellation of flight SQ247 from Melbourne to Wellington. READ: Singapore Airlines flight from Melbourne cancelled after pilot failed alcohol test On its part, SIA said it does not conduct random alcohol or substance tests. “While no random alcohol or substance tests are conducted by Singapore Airlines, our flight crew are required to undergo any drug and alcohol tests by the relevant authorities,” said the spokesperson. “In addition, our pilots also undergo a stringent medical check annually to ensure that they are fit to operate an aircraft.” Singapore’s Air Navigation Order states that pilots shall not fly if they are under the influence of any psychoactive substance – including alcohol, opioids and sedatives – which may render them unable to perform their duties in a safe and proper manner. Offenders face a jail term of up to five years, a maximum fine of S$100,000 or both, if convicted. There is no international standard as to how long pilots should avoid alcohol before they fly as it varies by territories and airlines. While SIA’s rule is 10 hours, the “bottle to throttle” regulation is eight hours for the US Federal Aviation Administration as well as Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority. In India, pilots are not allowed to drink within 12 hours of a flight, as with pilots from Japan Airlines. -- Sent from my Nokia 3310 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1537198837.A.2AE.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu (, 09/17/2018 23:47:08
TsukimiyaAyu: 來台灣加入機師工會八 09/17 23:50
dallendallen: 就叫你不要吃荔枝吧 09/17 23:51
rmp4jo6: 一樓發言前可以多了解事實,而不是任意抹黑 09/17 23:55
cuttleufish: 新航管理也要散了嗎? 09/18 00:09
blackwind910: 抱歉,單純噓一樓 09/18 00:16
allen80714: 噓一樓 09/18 00:18
strathclyde: 澳洲真有guts 不像某東亞國家 遇到外籍航空直接免測 09/18 00:37
chocopie: 噓一樓 09/18 00:38
chihchuan: 一樓。雖然不意外 09/18 00:39
lesbunifas: 因管理不善而...疑? 09/18 02:05
matt78986: 所以新航平常機師上機前不用酒測的意思嗎??? 09/18 02:37
meloxxl: 取消航班損失頗大 09/18 03:10
shapowder: 一樓 09/18 04:13
VisaInfinite: SQ要從神壇上面跌落了嗎? 09/18 07:01
za755188: 前天剛好坐9/16 wlg-sin的班機回來 好險 09/18 07:55
fatfree: 8小時....要是前晚喝很兇 應該會不夠 09/18 09:07
hacker0708: 早在TPE就已經跌落神壇 09/18 09:08
Maxxiswow: 讚一樓 09/18 09:41
JilSander: 吃荔枝吃太多 儀器不準確啦 09/18 10:21
Maxxiswow: 來台灣吧 09/18 10:29
TllDA: 落後國家還在用儀器測 09/18 11:23
furio: 台灣這樣有刑事責任嗎? 09/18 11:30
furio: 民航法現在酒駕(還不是企圖)只有罰緩及註銷飛行許可證 09/18 11:35
furio: 本來就比新加坡寬鬆很多了,噓一樓不知道在噓什麼 09/18 11:36
lc3b: 請問max大一樓讚在哪 09/18 11:39
Yijhen0525: 民航局罰,公司自己也會處分好嗎? 09/18 13:17
Yijhen0525: 大家都知道酒後駕車的危險,航空公司不知道? 09/18 13:18
Yijhen0525: 酗酒慣犯早就叫他走路了,還輕輕放下勒 09/18 13:19
deens: 讚一樓 09/18 13:43
furio: 工會訴求:起飛前一小時驗血值小於10mg/dl即視同零, 09/18 14:08
furio: 噓的人知道現在汽車酒駕標準? 09/18 14:09
JilSander: 酒駕不放寬 怎麼好在外站約姐喝酒呢? 09/18 15:43
Maxxiswow: 外站喝酒是福利之一嗎 09/18 16:59
bigfish0330: 笑死一樓中肯 09/18 18:41
Maxxiswow: 板上有從業人員可以分享看看外站福利嗎 09/18 19:04
kongyeah: 我覺得是吃荔枝 09/18 22:27
VeronicaMars: 有卦嗎?為什麼會是一樓讚? 說一樓讚的人是要影射台 09/19 01:47
VeronicaMars: 灣機師全部都是酒後駕駛嗎? 09/19 01:47
ptarmigan: 一樓只夠格加入模擬機師工會也敢嘴喔? 09/19 03:46
ptarmigan: 人家在外站約妹你是羨慕還是嫉妒?你也可以自己飛個一 09/19 03:49
ptarmigan: 班模擬飛行到雪梨然後看SOD想像啊…… 09/19 03:49
ptarmigan: 就算分享福利給你聽有意義嗎?你夠資格跟人家一樣有機 09/19 03:52
ptarmigan: 會享受嗎? 09/19 03:52
spirit119: 噓一樓 幫原Po補血 09/19 06:02
Maxxiswow: 感謝從業人員分享心得 09/19 06:32