看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[媒體名稱] DW(EN) [新聞日期] JAN 11 /2019 [網址] https://www.dw.com/en/frankfurt-airport-braces-for-massive-strike-havoc/ a-47052852 Frankfurt Airport braces for 'massive' strike havoc With security staff at Frankfurt Airport set to go on strike, Germany's biggest air traffic hub has urged the passengers to stay away during the disruption. The move follows smaller strikes at other German airports. Passengers flying to and from Frankfurt Airport will face a major disruption next Tuesday due to a warning strike, the airport officials said on Friday. Travelers "will not be able to reach flights during the strike period" which is scheduled to start at 2 a.m. and end at 8 p.m. local time (0100 – 1900 GMT) on January 15, they added. Germany's largest trade union, Verdi, called its members among the airports' security staff to stage an 18-hour walkout at Germany's largest airport, after smaller-scale strikes were staged in Berlin, Cologne-Bonn, Düsseldorf, and Stuttgart airports earlier this week. Following the announcement, Frankfurt Airport urged passengers not to come to the hub during the walkout, and to check with their airlines for more information. The scope of the strike was not immediately clear but a spokesman warned it would have "a massive impact on tens of thousands of travelers." Germany's flagship airline Lufthansa offered its passengers the possibility to rebook their flights out of Frankfurt for any other date between the January 11-20. The company also said it would publish a list of the canceled flights by Sunday afternoon. Pushing for more money This week's strikes in Berlin and other German cities canceled over 1,000 flights and affected an estimated 110,000 travelers. The disruptions were prompted by a wage dispute between the Verdi union and the airport security companies represented by the BDLS association. Currently, the airport security workers in Germany make between €11.30 and € 17.16 ($13.06 and $19.67), depending on their responsibility and the region of the country. Read more: Heavy snowfall cancels flights at Munich Airport However, Verdi is demanding an across the board minimum wage of €20 per hour. On Friday, the union said that BDLS failed to provide a "negotiable offer" after the previous strikes. "We would absolutely not exclude that more airports will be affected by the strike" on Tuesday, they added. Wage talks are set to continue on January 23. dj/sms (Reuters, AFP, dpa) 航空版應該不用翻譯^^",這邊簡略資訊如下: 法蘭克福機場安檢人員再 1 月 15 日 02:00 - 20:00 (GMT) 進行罷工(提高薪資) 下一次薪資談判是 1 月 23 日(師爺翻譯:不排除再罷工) 漢莎航空提供自 FRA 出發地於 1 月 11 - 20 日間重新訂票 德國航班與其它歐陸航班最近就是被大雪與罷工影響,請注意航班資訊 順便附上華航官方提醒(發布日期 2019/01/13): https://www.china-airlines.com/tw/zh/discover/news/travel-advisory? travelAlert=29721 華航提醒旅客,由於德國法蘭克福機場安檢人員將於1月15日進行罷工,本公司往返法蘭 克福(FRA)航班異動如下: 1月14日 台北-法蘭克福 CI061 航班正常;行李將僅掛至法蘭克福,無法直掛至其他目的 地。 華航提醒所有旅客須於法蘭克福入境及提領行李,無法辦理轉機事宜,後段轉機至德國內 陸之旅客,可免費改票轉搭合作夥伴德鐵(DB)。 1月15日 法蘭克福-台北 CI062 航班取消。 旅客可於華航官網查詢航班動態、下載華航APP,及登錄行動簡訊通知,掌握最新航班動 態。感謝您的理解與配合。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1547474063.A.716.html
coldspoon: 華航有情有義還載全程!因航直接取消班機XD01/14 22:11
kiwisunny: 真的佛01/14 22:35
nyrnu: 所以1/16可能2班CI62飛回台北?(假如明晚CI61也正常)01/14 23:12
baldeagle: 德國勞工爛草莓死要錢01/14 23:24
Jimmy2010: 對阿 某東南亞島國奴性堅強 強到領低薪還會幫老闆講話 01/14 23:26
a26513323: 就不能專心拼經濟嗎01/14 23:30
cyclohexane: 台灣人多學學好嗎 奴性有夠重01/15 01:17
都沒有人玩再&在的梗,好難過 :| ※ 編輯: tudaer (, 01/15/2019 02:15:26
Brooklyn99: QQ剛好買到15回TPE 01/15 04:21
vintsai: 在啦幹 01/16 02:30
itjlc: 請問如果要飛的航班遇到罷工而沒飛,航空公司會退款嗎? 01/16 14:49