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https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2019-07-09/270210 私人飛機洩商機?科技公司追蹤路線 成功預測投資動向 新頭殼newtalk | 鄧天心 綜合報導 發布 2019.07.09 | 12:47 想要知道最新的投資決策,現在在商業市場上不少公司,類似對沖基 金等企業開始追蹤私人飛機的行蹤。 研調公司Gordon Haskett Research Advisors四月時寫了一份報告, 預測了巴菲特的控股公司波克夏海瑟薇(Berkshire Hathaway)將投 資西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum Corp)根據Quandl提供的 數據,西方石油談合作投資的私人飛機飛往波克夏海瑟薇的據點,第 二天,波克夏海瑟薇就向西方國家石油投注100億美元現金。 在2018年時,牛津大學和瑞士聯邦科學與科技部門(Switzerland’s federal Science and Technology department)就聯手一份調查, 追蹤三十多家上市公司的飛機,後來確定了7起併購活動。 航班跟蹤公司FlightAware針對商業企業追蹤上千家私人飛機,這些 資訊都是公開且並不違法,另外許多飛機也裝有廣播式自動監控技術 (ADS-B,Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast)也可以 取得飛機的位置、呼叫等資訊。 企業巨頭也因此開始減少使用私人飛機以免暴露行蹤,能想見,類似 的預測商業變動資訊也將變得越來越有價值。 https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/30/a-corporate-jet-revealed-buffett-energy-deal-days-before-announcement.html A corporate jet suggested Buffett's energy deal was in works days before it was announced PUBLISHED TUE, APR 30 2019 10:51 AM EDTUPDATED TUE, APR 30 2019 3:29 PM EDT Eric Rosenbaum @ERPROSE Warren Buffett took the market by surprise on Tuesday with the announcement that Berkshire Hathaway would take a $10 billion preferred share stake in Occidental Petroleum, contingent on its acquisition of Anadarko Petroleum succeeding. But investors didn't need to be surprised — they could have made an educated guess the deal was coming since this past weekend, when a corporate jet tracker spotted an Occidental plane landing in Omaha. Reports began surfacing in recent days that the Occidental Gulfstream plane was a sign Buffett might be preparing a bid in the hostile war between Chevron and Occidental over Anadarko, a Permian Basin driller seen as a key prize in an era of shale consolidation. Analyst Don Bilson of independent research firm Gordon Haskett Research Advisors sent a note to his clients on Monday citing information from Quandl, which tracks corporate jet activity and other alternative sources of data important to the markets. Bloomberg cited information on Monday from FlightAirMap showing the Gulfstream jet was in Omaha on Sunday. Haskett's Monday note, titled, “What was Occidental doing in Omaha?” came as Occidental was formalizing its counter-bid to Chevron's deal. It stated, “Here is where it gets a little more interesting. Warren Buffett does not show up as a holder of OXY or APC or CVX. And a quick search of OXY's 10-K for ‘Nebraska' turns up nothing. Yet for some reason, an OXY jet was seen in Omaha yesterday. That strikes us as an odd trip for OXY to make, especially on a Sunday and while it is engaged in a high-stakes M&A battle. While we can't say what OXY might have been doing in Omaha yesterday, it has occurred to us that it might be trying to bring Buffett into this deal and help with the cash portion of its offer. We have assumed that OXY could go higher than $76 and if it really has paid Buffett a visit, we suspect it is gearing up to top CVX's inevitable bump. This mention comes with the standard caveat that Corporate Jet information can be noisy and difficult to read.” On Tuesday, Gordon Haskett analyst Bilson wrote to clients, “It pays to keep track of those tail numbers!” Alternative sources of information have been used for years by hedge funds to stay ahead of the competition. Drones have flown over mall parking lots to track retail traffic, as well as operations at battleground stocks like Tesla to keep a tabs on production and deliveries. Tracking corporate planes as an M&A indicator was popular in the 1990s, but companies began masking planes as a result. An FAA decision in 2011 to open up records on private plane flights led to renewed interest in the tactic. In 2017, hedge funds made winning bets using Johnson & Johnson corporate jet flight information before it acquired Actelion. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1562684135.A.37D.html
Derek110206: 帥 07/09 23:33
DiMammaMia: 搭一般航空也是有風險啊 我朋友有次搭飛機洗腦某個公 07/09 23:35
DiMammaMia: 司接班人 讓他退出某行業 07/09 23:35
kainolife: 所以你朋友的陀螺到底有沒有倒? 07/09 23:43
mirima1224: 樓上拍電影膩 07/09 23:43
nvidiam: I bought the airline. 07/10 00:03
Huoyichung: 以前找分點 現在找航線 07/10 00:22
jorgesoler: Billions就有演過啊 而且下飛機會租車 大量租走好車 07/10 00:54
jorgesoler: 去某個gps位置 可以推測是哪家公司 07/10 00:54
fujioqq: 樓上那個我看劇的時候覺得超神奇 這樣也可以預測到 07/10 08:08