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[媒體名稱] TTG Asia [新聞日期]2019/7/18 [網址]http://bit.ly/2Z1sWes Garuda倫敦航線將增停棉蘭(DPS-KNO-LHR) 搖搖欲墜的Garuda 倫敦航線,再次調整,增加中停點. (這條航線大概每6個月就會來個調整,停飛,改出發點,增中停點,...一切都有可能) 原本: DPS-----LHR 現在: DPS-KNO-LHR GA86: 0910/DPS-1140/KNO; 1240/KNO-2000/LHR ; by 77W GA87: 2145/LHR-1725/KNO; 1755/KNO-2220/DPS ; by 77W Garuda 近日另一奇聞則是商務艙提供手寫menu,及後續引發的風波, 那又是另外一件奇聞了 華航有考慮復航棉蘭? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Garuda Indonesia adds Medan stop to Bali-London service By TTG Asia/ Posted on 18 July, 2019 11:23 Garuda Indonesia yesterday began thrice-weekly-services between Medan and London, an extension of its existing Denpasar-London service. The Denpasar-Medan-London route will utilise an Airbus A330-200, with a capacity of 222 passengers in two classes. Garuda Indonesia’s London service has been modified to add a Medan stop The London-bound service GA086 leaves Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport at 08.10 and lands at Kualanamu International Airport in Medan at 11.10. The flight then departs Medan at 12.40 and arrives in London at 20.00. For the return leg, GA087 will take off from London Heathrow at 21.45 to arrive in Medan at 16.25. It leaves Medan at 17.55 and arrives in Denpasar at 22.20. Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah, executive vice president commercial of Garuda Indonesia, said the service provides direct connectivity between two major air hubs in Indonesia with London Heathrow, while supporting the government’ s tourism programmes at the same time. “The connectivity between Medan and London is expected to increase the awareness (of international travellers) of Medan and its surrounding areas including Lake Toba,” he elaborated. -- Sent from my Nokia 3310 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1563804652.A.4C5.html
silversteven: 在這根本不會有幾個人上機 奇怪為何之前聽新加坡現 07/22 22:56
silversteven: 在要改停一個更差的 07/22 22:56
ttnakafzcm: GA最近的爭議應該是禁止攝影這件事吧? 07/22 23:16
確實如此.就youtuber 在商務艙看到菜單menu 竟然是手寫,於是影片貼上網...
chenyei: 英文報導裡寫的機型是A332 07/22 23:29
skyteam55535: 長期住過印尼 覺得停棉蘭並沒有很意外 棉蘭的有錢 07/23 01:15
skyteam55535: 華人人口非常多 除了旅遊還有留學交通的需求 但是他 07/23 01:15
skyteam55535: 們會不會轉而支持GA又是另外一回事了 07/23 01:15
s911150: GA不是五星級航空公司嗎XD 07/23 01:33
coolfish1103: 所以 77W 改成 332?或許 GA 應該用小飛機來營運, 07/23 03:03
7月中前是A332, 7月中以後改77W.
coolfish1103: 長程航線應該考慮放掉了,怎麼安排都載不滿的樣子。 07/23 03:03
cal629195: GA是五星級? 07/23 09:20
cal629195: 航空公司有這樣分法? 07/23 09:20
cal629195: GA素行不良,長期被禁飛美國,不是政治歧視,是美國政 07/23 09:20
cal629195: 府對印尼的空安不相信 07/23 09:21
※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 07/23/2019 20:36:10