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[媒體名稱]FlightGlobel [新聞日期]2019/11/8 [網址]http://bit.ly/2WSAzDI https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/starlux-switches-part-of-a350-1000-order-to-smaller-462093/ [內文] 星宇航空調整A350購機訂單(A359*9+A35K*8) 簡單說 原本購機版本 A359*5 A35K*12 現在購機版本 A359*9 A35K*8 看了一下空巴最新公告訂單,的確如此. 11/10 補一下 根據 Airbus latest order book China Airlines : A321neo *11 (其他訂單就是用租的;PW engine) Tigerair Taiwan: A320neo * 7 (其他訂單就是用租的;應該也是PW engine ) 國泰/港龍(CATHAY PACIFIC AIRCRAFT SERVICES Ltd.): A321neo * 32 國泰已表明此訂單將改成 港龍*16 + 香港快運*16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starlux switches part of A350-1000 order to smaller -900 08 NOVEMBER, 2019 SOURCE: FLIGHTGLOBAL.COM BY: DAVID KAMINSKI-MORROW Taiwanese start-up carrier Starlux has converted four of its Airbus A350-1000s to the smaller A350-900. The airline had placed orders for 17 A350s in March this year, part of a fleet agreement which also includes a batch of leased Airbus A321neos. But Starlux has partially retreated from the A350-1000 having originally committed to 12 of the variant, cutting its order to eight. It will instead take four more A350-900s, bringing its total of the smaller model up from five to nine, according to Airbus's latest backlog revision. Starlux has been planning to put the A350s into service on routes from Taipei to European and North American destinations. The changes mean Airbus has accumulated orders for 176 A350-1000s – of which 32 have been delivered – plus 737 A350-900s. Starlux received its first aircraft, an A321neo, towards the end of October. It plans to commence operations in January, operating the single-aisle type on Asian routes. [心得] 廣體客機除了北美外,還可飛那個洲際航點? 想一想,好像還有倫敦含金量還不錯. -- Sent from my Nokia 3310 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1573232489.A.906.html
z520314: 這樣交機時程會縮短多久 11/09 02:02
ganlinlowmo: 我以為17架都是35k 11/09 06:06
xavier1221: 倫敦也要有他的時間帶跟有他的配額 11/09 08:16
xavier1221: 星宇一個離島航線都沒有還有什麼資格跟兩大去搶航權 11/09 08:16
長榮/華航的倫敦線飛的好好的, 星宇要如何搶別人航權,我也很納悶
marunouchi: 直飛布拉格 11/09 09:06
coolfish1103: 有關係就沒關係 XD 11/09 10:20
large7787: 政府已經幫星宇開了很多先例再開也不奇怪 11/09 10:22
aiyowaya: 是為了省錢嗎 11/09 11:18
assanges: 可能是有調整航線吧 記得上次有位大大回答板友就很寫得 11/09 12:19
assanges: 很詳細 11/09 12:19
odkmse: 走向務實而已,給個掌聲,之前規劃好高騖遠,F艙看會不會拿掉 11/09 12:36
同意. 大概就鎖定SFO/LAX 會以A35K, 其他基本上都是A359.
coolfish1103: 放 F 也沒差,擺 3-4 個座位然後定價不要想太多... 11/09 19:01
wedffcss0020: 好奇為啥砍1000換900的目的是啥? 11/09 19:34
kbs18625: 載更多利潤不一定好,載滿利潤一定比載更多但載不滿好 11/09 20:06
astushi: 需求是固定的不會增加,新公司要跟既有的對手搶客源還是 11/09 21:57
astushi: 要務實點 11/09 21:57
js52666: 先做起來再來實踐理想 11/09 23:20
taxlaw1991: 一開始就養一堆A35K不一定是好事 如果裝不滿359營運 11/09 23:39
taxlaw1991: 成本更低 11/09 23:39
danish: 我猜A359應該更便宜 11/10 09:32
星宇預計2022/Q1開航北美前,說不定越航及越竹就先跳進來飛台北-美西 航線. 先猜越航會於2020年Q3~Q4開航. 越竹大概再晚個半年至一年 (越竹連申請飛美的程序都還沒開始). 11/10 補一下 根據 Airbus latest order book China Airlines : A321neo *11 (其他訂單就是用租的;PW engine) Tigerair Taiwan: A320neo * 7 (其他訂單就是用租的;應該也是PW engine ) 國泰/港龍(CATHAY PACIFIC AIRCRAFT SERVICES Ltd.): A321neo * 32 國泰已表明此訂單將改成 港龍*16 + 香港快運*16 ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 11/10/2019 13:10:38
Kazamatsuri: 私心希望多開歐洲 台籍歐洲線的數量不太多..... 11/11 01:02
rocky9137: 希望多一些日本航點 沒錢去歐洲 也沒有假 11/11 14:01
xylophone135: 歐洲+1 11/12 18:40
laechan: 我猜是被店員洗單(誤 11/19 11:13